Why The Hell Would Anyone Want Mancini Sacked ?

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BobKowalski said:
FantasyIreland said:
moomba said:
Because he wouldn't leave his current job for PSG. I haven't heard Ferguson or even Wenger linked to too many jobs over the last decade either.

Leslie Hughes on the other hand.

I'm talking about Real and Mancini,no one else.

I'm sure I answered this last time but Mancini would not last 5 minutes at Real without twatting half the squad. Real would be in meltdown with Mancini at the helm. Ancelotti is a politician who can manage the dressing room being in charge and handle the board making all the decisions.

Give Jose his due he tried to change the culture and ultimately failed which is no reflection on Jose but Mancini and his uber confrontational style and telling the players they were shite every other week? No chance.

Mancini is a fantastic team builder from scratch. If a club or team has won jackshit for donkey's years and you have a pot of money then Mancini is the man to build you a team that will win things.
He'll piss everyone off doing it and the point will come when the joy of actually winning something will no longer be enough to compensate everyone having the arseache with him but until then just fucking enjoy the ride

I agree with this completely.

That's why I reckon Monaco is nailed on in a years time.
sjk2008 said:
moomba said:
Is he getting linked with the likes if United and Chelsea? Seriously linked?

I don't think so.

Record in Europe isn't great either, that wouldn't go down well
on here.

Of course it wont go down well on here. I imagine it wouldn't go down well with the fans of Chelsea or United either.

I'm not saying he should be in the running for the City job. Merely that we should look at what he's done with Everton and rank it as a bloody good job.

This "Scottish Alan Curbishley", as BK likes to call him, has his Everton side closer to City than Mancini has his side to United.

And so what? Does he win a cup for getting closer to City then we are to ManU? I mean if the league did hand out consolation prizes for "...getting close but not actually winning anything" then the Everton Trophy cabinet would be brimming with awards.

Moyes is the master of consolation prizes
Prestwich_Blue said:
sjk2008 said:
moomba said:
Is he getting linked with the likes if United and Chelsea? Seriously linked?

I don't think so.

Record in Europe isn't great either, that wouldn't go down well
on here.

Of course it wont go down well on here. I imagine it wouldn't go down well with the fans of Chelsea or United either.

I'm not saying he should be in the running for the City job. Merely that we should look at what he's done with Everton and rank it as a bloody good job.

This "Scottish Alan Curbishley", as BK likes to call him, has his Everton side closer to City than Mancini has his side to United.
I can really see Moyes going to the rags next season. He's very much in the mould of Baconface as a person and would probably be quite happy having him in the background for a couple of years to provide him with some advice and guidance, particularly about playing in Europe.
Can't see it myself pb, for the same reasons I wouldn't want him at city. No experience handling the biggest names and egos, and no European experience to speak of

Stranger things have happened though
BobKowalski said:
Mancini is a fantastic team builder from scratch. If a club or team has won jackshit for donkey's years and you have a pot of money then Mancini is the man to build you a team that will win things.

I don't agree with 'fantastic',certainly not on the evidence here.

He has bought star individuals and attempted to 'force' a team.

While that was succesful domestically last year,the unbalanced and limited squad he assembled has struggled in Europe and,this year,in the league when our first eleven wasn't available.

I dont believe he has bought anywhere near as well as he could have.
inchy14 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
inchy14 said:
Go ask our resident Evertonian what he thinks about him, he's fucking bottled it everytime like Bob has said, one of my best mates is a season ticket holder at Goodison and he like lots of others think he's holding them back almost as much as Kenwright.
I'm not really bothered what a biased fan on a football forum thinks. As bob above illustrated nicely, most of them talk utter nonsense.

I don't want moyes at city because he has no experience attracting and managing the biggest names. But I respect what he's done at Everton. He might not be the best manager in the world but he's created good, competitive teams with no budget for years now.

What's he done at Everton?
We'll be saying Pardew next if Newcastle have a top 6 finish next year.
He got Everton into the Champions league and lost in the qualifying round, he's had numerous attempts at getting into semi finals and finals of the FA cup and failing, his teams don't start playing till October, imagine if that was us?
As my season ticket holding friend says, they only raise it against us so much because he's still seething over the Lescott affair, nothing more.
And where has all this linked to Chelsea or the rags come from?
Everton have no money for transfers and pay poor wages. To compare their achievements to ours is of course ridiculous. And to suggest he works harder to win a game against city because of £25 million lescott than a cup semi final is just as ridiculous. Silly fan talk.
Didsbury Dave said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
sjk2008 said:
Of course it wont go down well on here. I imagine it wouldn't go down well with the fans of Chelsea or United either.

I'm not saying he should be in the running for the City job. Merely that we should look at what he's done with Everton and rank it as a bloody good job.

This "Scottish Alan Curbishley", as BK likes to call him, has his Everton side closer to City than Mancini has his side to United.
I can really see Moyes going to the rags next season. He's very much in the mould of Baconface as a person and would probably be quite happy having him in the background for a couple of years to provide him with some advice and guidance, particularly about playing in Europe.
Can't see it myself pb, for the same reasons I wouldn't want him at city. No experience handling the biggest names and egos, and no European experience to speak of

Stranger things have happened though
But we can be pretty sure that Baconface will remain around for some time so he'll be able to mentor him on that side of things, like Don Corleone. When Busby retired they recruited managers who didn't want to work in his shadow but had to. When Baconface goes, they'll pick someone who isn't quite the finished article and needs some support.
BobKowalski said:
sjk2008 said:
moomba said:
Is he getting linked with the likes if United and Chelsea? Seriously linked?

I don't think so.

Record in Europe isn't great either, that wouldn't go down well
on here.

Of course it wont go down well on here. I imagine it wouldn't go down well with the fans of Chelsea or United either.

I'm not saying he should be in the running for the City job. Merely that we should look at what he's done with Everton and rank it as a bloody good job.

This "Scottish Alan Curbishley", as BK likes to call him, has his Everton side closer to City than Mancini has his side to United.

And so what? Does he win a cup for getting closer to City then we are to ManU? I mean if the league did hand out consolation prizes for "...getting close but not actually winning anything" then the Everton Trophy cabinet would be brimming with awards.

Moyes is the master of consolation prizes

Glad its not only me wondering what the point of that particular gem was.
FantasyIreland said:
BobKowalski said:
Mancini is a fantastic team builder from scratch. If a club or team has won jackshit for donkey's years and you have a pot of money then Mancini is the man to build you a team that will win things.

I don't agree with 'fantastic',certainly not on the evidence here.

He has bought star individuals and attempted to 'force' a team.

While that was succesful domestically last year,the unbalanced and limited squad he assembled has struggled in Europe and,this year,in the league when our first eleven wasn't available.

I dont believe he has bought anywhere near as well as he could have.

Well leaving aside that the transfer targets and acquisitions are not solely down the Mancini. He has actually bought this up now and then or did you miss the part where he has moaned like every fucking day for the last year that the club fucked up the summer transfers - I don't know maybe you were out shopping or train spotting or something.

Ah what the hell...if you can't see the bleeding obvious it ain't my problem.
Didsbury Dave said:
inchy14 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm not really bothered what a biased fan on a football forum thinks. As bob above illustrated nicely, most of them talk utter nonsense.

I don't want moyes at city because he has no experience attracting and managing the biggest names. But I respect what he's done at Everton. He might not be the best manager in the world but he's created good, competitive teams with no budget for years now.

What's he done at Everton?
We'll be saying Pardew next if Newcastle have a top 6 finish next year.
He got Everton into the Champions league and lost in the qualifying round, he's had numerous attempts at getting into semi finals and finals of the FA cup and failing, his teams don't start playing till October, imagine if that was us?
As my season ticket holding friend says, they only raise it against us so much because he's still seething over the Lescott affair, nothing more.
And where has all this linked to Chelsea or the rags come from?
Everton have no money for transfers and pay poor wages. To compare their achievements to ours is of course ridiculous. And to suggest he works harder to win a game against city because of £25 million lescott than a cup semi final is just as ridiculous. Silly fan talk.

Maybe, however i'm sure they don't pay poor wages, somebody posted on here some time ago that they pay quite handsomely.
You could also lay the blame on transfer funds down to him for not qualifying in europe more when the opportunity has arisen.

I'll thank him for last years 4-4 though..
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