Why The Hell Would Anyone Want Mancini Sacked ?

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Mario,Nasri,Kolarov,Garcia,Sinclair and Dzeko suggest otherwise,while whinging he needed another 100m.....

Bob,i thought you could have done better than 'Its not his fault' - a bit too 'obvious'.
inchy14 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
inchy14 said:
What's he done at Everton?
We'll be saying Pardew next if Newcastle have a top 6 finish next year.
He got Everton into the Champions league and lost in the qualifying round, he's had numerous attempts at getting into semi finals and finals of the FA cup and failing, his teams don't start playing till October, imagine if that was us?
As my season ticket holding friend says, they only raise it against us so much because he's still seething over the Lescott affair, nothing more.
And where has all this linked to Chelsea or the rags come from?
Everton have no money for transfers and pay poor wages. To compare their achievements to ours is of course ridiculous. And to suggest he works harder to win a game against city because of £25 million lescott than a cup semi final is just as ridiculous. Silly fan talk.

Maybe, however i'm sure they don't pay poor wages, somebody posted on here some time ago that they pay quite handsomely.
You could also lay the blame on transfer funds down to him for not qualifying in europe more when the opportunity has arisen.

I'll thank him for last years 4-4 though..
Haha. Fair point. His 4-4 kicked open the door for us to win the title.
moomba said:
BobKowalski said:
sjk2008 said:
Of course it wont go down well on here. I imagine it wouldn't go down well with the fans of Chelsea or United either.

I'm not saying he should be in the running for the City job. Merely that we should look at what he's done with Everton and rank it as a bloody good job.

This "Scottish Alan Curbishley", as BK likes to call him, has his Everton side closer to City than Mancini has his side to United.

And so what? Does he win a cup for getting closer to City then we are to ManU? I mean if the league did hand out consolation prizes for "...getting close but not actually winning anything" then the Everton Trophy cabinet would be brimming with awards.

Moyes is the master of consolation prizes

Glad its not only me wondering what the point of that particular gem was.

The only point of that "gem" was that for all the riducule Moyes is getting from some folk in here, I find it quite interesting to see that an "average" manager in Moyes has kept his team closer in the league to your very own Manchester City, than what the "World Class" Mancini has got you, to a Manchester United side that, on paper, is not as good.

Nothing else to it really. The same people who are saying Mancini hasn't done too bad a job this season are also saying Moyes isn't.
FantasyIreland said:
Mario,Nasri,Kolarov,Garcia,Sinclair and Dzeko suggest otherwise,while whinging he needed another 100m.....

Bob,i thought you could have done better than 'Its not his fault' - a bit too 'obvious'.

Its a collective fault. It almost always is a collective fault. At City during Mancini's tenure it has been a collective responsibility and the success or failure is down to that collective but then I didn't bring up the 'limited and unbalanced squad' as evidence of Mancini perceived failings.

Like it or not Mancini is exceptional at building a team from scratch and getting it to win things at a club where winning is a forgotten art. Mancini has an exceptional record when it comes to winning trophies be they at clubs with money or without but always with teams that have not won anything in years. In my opinion its his particular skill set.

You can legitimately argue that Mancini's skill set and character has a shelf life of around 3 years just as Jose's skill set has a 3 year cycle. What cannot be argued (much as people try) is the evidence at City and Inter and elsewhere in the form of league trophies and cup wins that Mancini's way works.

So we are back to your original question as to why no Mancini links to Real Madrid or to put another way would Mancini's methods work in an established club where winning is the norm?

Probably not in my opinion.
BobKowalski said:
FantasyIreland said:
Mario,Nasri,Kolarov,Garcia,Sinclair and Dzeko suggest otherwise,while whinging he needed another 100m.....

Bob,i thought you could have done better than 'Its not his fault' - a bit too 'obvious'.

Its a collective fault. It almost always is a collective fault. At City during Mancini's tenure it has been a collective responsibility and the success or failure is down to that collective but then I didn't bring up the 'limited and unbalanced squad' as evidence of Mancini perceived failings.

Like it or not Mancini is exceptional at building a team from scratch and getting it to win things at a club where winning is a forgotten art. Mancini has an exceptional record when it comes to winning trophies be they at clubs with money or without but always with teams that have not won anything in years. In my opinion its his particular skill set.

You can legitimately argue that Mancini's skill set and character has a shelf life of around 3 years just as Jose's skill set has a 3 year cycle. What cannot be argued (much as people try) is the evidence at City and Inter and elsewhere in the form of league trophies and cup wins that Mancini's way works.

So we are back to your original question as to why no Mancini links to Real Madrid or to put another way would Mancini's methods work in an established club where winning is the norm?

Probably not in my opinion.

Do you believe Mancini to be a manager who Madrid, Barca, Chelsea or Bayern would look to, should the situation ever arise where they are looking for a manager at the same time Mancini is out of a job, bearing in mind these 4 clubs, who all have handsome transfer budgets, will no doubt have serious CL aspirations?
sjk2008 said:
moomba said:
BobKowalski said:
And so what? Does he win a cup for getting closer to City then we are to ManU? I mean if the league did hand out consolation prizes for "...getting close but not actually winning anything" then the Everton Trophy cabinet would be brimming with awards.

Moyes is the master of consolation prizes

Glad its not only me wondering what the point of that particular gem was.

The only point of that "gem" was that for all the riducule Moyes is getting from some folk in here, I find it quite interesting to see that an "average" manager in Moyes has kept his team closer in the league to your very own Manchester City, than what the "World Class" Mancini has got you, to a Manchester United side that, on paper, is not as good.

Nothing else to it really. The same people who are saying Mancini hasn't done too bad a job this season are also saying Moyes isn't.

It isn't. Interesting that is. There are no prizes for keeping one team closer to the other. Moyes has reached one FA Cup final in 10 years and lost. Laudrup at Swansea won the League Cup in his first year and on a smaller wage bill and budget than Everton.

That Moyes has not won a single trophy in his 10 years is the reason for the 'ridicule'. Everton and Moyes have a comfort level and once outside it they shit themselves.
sjk2008 said:
BobKowalski said:
FantasyIreland said:
Mario,Nasri,Kolarov,Garcia,Sinclair and Dzeko suggest otherwise,while whinging he needed another 100m.....

Bob,i thought you could have done better than 'Its not his fault' - a bit too 'obvious'.

Its a collective fault. It almost always is a collective fault. At City during Mancini's tenure it has been a collective responsibility and the success or failure is down to that collective but then I didn't bring up the 'limited and unbalanced squad' as evidence of Mancini perceived failings.

Like it or not Mancini is exceptional at building a team from scratch and getting it to win things at a club where winning is a forgotten art. Mancini has an exceptional record when it comes to winning trophies be they at clubs with money or without but always with teams that have not won anything in years. In my opinion its his particular skill set.

You can legitimately argue that Mancini's skill set and character has a shelf life of around 3 years just as Jose's skill set has a 3 year cycle. What cannot be argued (much as people try) is the evidence at City and Inter and elsewhere in the form of league trophies and cup wins that Mancini's way works.

So we are back to your original question as to why no Mancini links to Real Madrid or to put another way would Mancini's methods work in an established club where winning is the norm?

Probably not in my opinion.

Do you believe Mancini to be a manager who Madrid, Barca, Chelsea or Bayern would look to, should the situation ever arise where they are looking for a manager at the same time Mancini is out of a job, bearing in mind these 4 clubs, who all have handsome transfer budgets, will no doubt have serious CL aspirations?

They may consider Mancini but I don't believe he is as suited as say an Ancelotti. Mancini is too confrontational and in an established club with an established squad used to winning things his methods and attitude will not go down too well.

If they ever find themselves deep in the shit where change is needed then yes.

Roma for example could be ideal for Mancini in my opinion.
BobKowalski said:
sjk2008 said:
moomba said:
Glad its not only me wondering what the point of that particular gem was.

The only point of that "gem" was that for all the riducule Moyes is getting from some folk in here, I find it quite interesting to see that an "average" manager in Moyes has kept his team closer in the league to your very own Manchester City, than what the "World Class" Mancini has got you, to a Manchester United side that, on paper, is not as good.

Nothing else to it really. The same people who are saying Mancini hasn't done too bad a job this season are also saying Moyes isn't.

It isn't. Interesting that is. There are no prizes for keeping one team closer to the other. Moyes has reached one FA Cup final in 10 years and lost. Laudrup at Swansea won the League Cup in his first year and on a smaller wage bill and budget than Everton.

That Moyes has not won a single trophy in his 10 years is the reason for the 'ridicule'. Everton and Moyes have a comfort level and once outside it they shit themselves.

I'd have Laudrup over Moyes any day anyway so no arguments from me on that one.

I agree that Moyes has shown limitations in the cups over the years, in the same way Mancini has shown his limitations in Europe.

How much, if at all, do you think Mancini has failed to deliver in the league alone this season?

How much, if at all, do you think Moyes has failed to deliver in the league alone this season?
sjk2008 said:
BobKowalski said:
sjk2008 said:
The only point of that "gem" was that for all the riducule Moyes is getting from some folk in here, I find it quite interesting to see that an "average" manager in Moyes has kept his team closer in the league to your very own Manchester City, than what the "World Class" Mancini has got you, to a Manchester United side that, on paper, is not as good.

Nothing else to it really. The same people who are saying Mancini hasn't done too bad a job this season are also saying Moyes isn't.

It isn't. Interesting that is. There are no prizes for keeping one team closer to the other. Moyes has reached one FA Cup final in 10 years and lost. Laudrup at Swansea won the League Cup in his first year and on a smaller wage bill and budget than Everton.

That Moyes has not won a single trophy in his 10 years is the reason for the 'ridicule'. Everton and Moyes have a comfort level and once outside it they shit themselves.

I'd have Laudrup over Moyes any day anyway so no arguments from me on that one.

I agree that Moyes has shown limitations in the cups over the years, in the same way Mancini has shown his limitations in Europe.

How much, if at all, do you think Mancini has failed to deliver in the league alone this season?

How much, if at all, do you think Moyes has failed to deliver in the league alone this season?


Well if the objective test is 'defence of the PL title' then by coming second Mancini has failed in that test.

Everton if they finish 5th and get a Europa League spot then Moyes has been successful as this would have been a target at the start of the season.

So based on League form only then Moyes would be judged a success based on 5th place and Mancini to have failed for coming 2nd.
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