Why The Hell Would Anyone Want Mancini Sacked ?

dancity19 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Dethred said:
Nice bullshit there. I never wanted Hughes in, and wanted him out the whole time. I was a Erikkson inner, and yes the irony is not lost on me.

I'm the same. I wanted Sven to stay and wanted Hughes out for his last 12 months.

Me too. I always thought that was a reason Hughes was never really backed (apart from the obvious links)- the fact that he took over from a guy, who I believed was reasonably popular.

I guess there could be parallels if Mancini does go.

Something I've thought about a bit is what could have been if Thaksin hadnt fallen out with Sven?

Sven's career has gone down the toilet since of course, but given an oppotunity with all that money could he have built a good side? Not sure. We'll never know.
Wrong, I was a Hughes Outer. Mancini has matched and beaten demento tactically and in the mind games department has he? Ah well, I guess the ragarses will have to console themselves with the Premiership title.

Yes they will, but the general opinion is we threw it away and are a far better team, we battered them even when they got a result at our place.
Roberto had the silly red noses c*nt dancing about on the touchline and wipes the floor with him in press interviews every time he tries his old tricks of demeaning the opposition.

As for tactics, demento tried playing us at open football and got six shoved up them, he tried kicking us off the pitch and we went through to the FA cup final, and he tried parking the bus both at our place and their shithole and lost both times.

We are the better team, and getting better ;0)
Didsbury Dave said:
dancity19 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm the same. I wanted Sven to stay and wanted Hughes out for his last 12 months.

Me too. I always thought that was a reason Hughes was never really backed (apart from the obvious links)- the fact that he took over from a guy, who I believed was reasonably popular.

I guess there could be parallels if Mancini does go.

Something I've thought about a bit is what could have been if Thaksin hadnt fallen out with Sven?

Sven's career has gone down the toilet since of course, but given an oppotunity with all that money could he have built a good side? Not sure. We'll never know.
No. He was a tinkerer like Mancini. No matter the squad he always wants to tinker. We would be having this same inane, circular "debate" with him here.
blueonblue said:
Wrong, I was a Hughes Outer. Mancini has matched and beaten demento tactically and in the mind games department has he? Ah well, I guess the ragarses will have to console themselves with the Premiership title.

Yes they will, but the general opinion is we threw it away and are a far better team, we battered them even when they got a result at our place.
Roberto had the silly red noses c*nt dancing about on the touchline and wipes the floor with him in press interviews every time he tries his old tricks of demeaning the opposition.

As for tactics, demento tried playing us at open football and got six shoved up them, he tried kicking us off the pitch and we went through to the FA cup final, and he tried parking the bus both at our place and their shithole and lost both times.

We are the better team, and getting better ;0)

No comment on the main thrust of your post which was that the Mancini Outers are mainly people who wanted Hughes to stay? Bearing in mind that lots of us have come on the thread and commented how we wanted him out?

No. Thought not.
Didsbury Dave said:
Something I've thought about a bit is what could have been if Thaksin hadnt fallen out with Sven?

Sven's career has gone down the toilet since of course, but given an oppotunity with all that money could he have built a good side? Not sure. We'll never know.

I have no doubt that Sven would have done a better job than Hughes. Whether he would have been more successful than his protege is hard to say but I think he would have won silverware with ADUG's backing.

One thing that I absolutely know is that the players, pretty much to a man, did not want Sven sacked; even the ones who weren't getting a regular game.
Didsbury Dave said:
Something I've thought about a bit is what could have been if Thaksin hadnt fallen out with Sven?
Sven's career has gone down the toilet since of course, but given an oppotunity with all that money could he have built a good side? Not sure. We'll never know.
'Course we know Dave, miles better than Mancini has - Reification Rules! :-)
OB1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Something I've thought about a bit is what could have been if Thaksin hadnt fallen out with Sven?

Sven's career has gone down the toilet since of course, but given an oppotunity with all that money could he have built a good side? Not sure. We'll never know.

I have no doubt that Sven would have done a better job than Hughes. Whether he would have been more successful than his protege is hard to say but I think he would have won silverware with ADUG's backing.

One thing that I absolutely know is that the players, pretty much to a man, did not want Sven sacked; even the ones who weren't getting a regular game.

Sven always seemed popular with the players wherever he managed. Might have been a bit too nice at times. Sven and Roberto seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum as far as popularity with players is concerned. Roberto too abrasive, Sven too pally.
Please don't talk out of context, see it for what it is. An update of all thing Mancini and possibly going from City.

Jose has made some comments in his press conference of interest to us. I paraphrase what I have read but this is the nitty gritty.

'Rumours are everywhere. Look at City, you can see Mancini leaving. At Chelsea, you see Benitez leaving. Me or possibly someone else'.

Now if City were planning to keep Mancini then they'd have told Mendes in which Jose would then be made aware of surely? In which case he'd see Mancini staying rather than bundling him in with Rafa as a manager leaving the club.
The cookie monster said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
The cookie monster said:
They have already gone on record as saying they want him gone no matter what
Refuse to acknowledge his name,they won't clap towards him,join in with the other 40'000 in singing his name,they have a dislike for the bloke

So if or when he holds the trophy above his head I expect them to keep true to form and stay silent
They will still cheer the team just not mancini.

More fallacy presented as fact. You don't work for the Daily Mail do you?! Whatever, just to clarify that even as an 'outer', I have no problem singing Mancini's name, and indeed do so every single week. And I suspect 95% of the rest of the 'outers' do too, because, and here's a notion that I know you're going to struggle with, they're all City fans and they want us to succeed! Is that smoke coming out of your ears? Does not compute, does not compute! Stand well back everyone, he's gonna blow!
Are you a bit fucking dim or something?
Some of the outers not all
Nip has gone on record as have a few more who refuse to acknowledge mancini anymore at the ground

Each to their own i guess,bit pathectic if you ask me.

You like to shoot from the hip don't you? It helps of course to check through what you've actually said before gobbing off, so if you can show me where you've specified you mean "some of the outers, not all", in your original post above, then yeh, I'm a bit fucking dim. As you won't be able to, cos it ain't fucking there, then alas I fear it might be you......
I wouldn't put stock in it. Mourinho loves to stir the pot. Probably just setting up next season's mind games.

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