Wigan Vs City Post Match Discussion thread

Dzeko's goal coming back just before Spuds. Class. ;)
That is the only thing giving me a reason for optimism for Sunday. After a performance like that, to say I'm dreading this weekend would be an understatement. They've caught us at the worst time possible. Poetic justice for the 5-1 earlier in the season? :/
Hamann Pineapple said:
Pigeonho said:
ethan23 said:
bollocks to this imaginary card, we're not here to be liked were here to win trophies. I couldnt care less what people think about us, most hate us anyway. Great result but we need to step it up next week
If Taggart did it as much as Mancini has done it lately, there would be threads and threads on it on here. It's a daft thing to do and lacks class. He made up for that class in the interview but it's not something I like to see him do to be honest.

I don't understand why you defend everyone else but your own.
Because I don't agree with what Mancini is doing with his imaginary card. If I didn't believe in it but said 'well done', that would be a lie wouldn't it?
I know my posts aren't popular, but at least they're honest. It's very easy to fall into the category of post things what people want to see, but i'd rather post what I feel to be honest. It's hardly slating Mancini anyway is it? It's just me not agreeing with his waving of an imaginary card like I wouldn't agree if it was any other manager, the difference being those saying 'so what' to Mancini doing it wouldn't agree with anyone else doing it.
arsenalrob said:
lee-mcfc said:
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
What difference does it make whether he waves an imaginary card or says "That has got to be a Red Card!!!!"

Especially in light of the shitty end of the refereeing decisions stick we've been on the receiving end of
Alot! i hate when players do it and i hate when managers do it, but because it's mancini it's alright? Right...

It makes Mancini a hypocrite as well.

He was moaning that Rooney got Kompany sent off, yet he was saying that player should be red carded.
was it a red card or not ?
Neville is spot on. We have to win the title in these next 6 games. Rags and Spurs have predominantly tough games, we have predominantly favourable games. Balls it up and it will ultimately slip away during the run-in.
arsenalrob said:
It makes Mancini a hypocrite as well.

Better than being a bare faced fucking liar like Arsewipe Wenger. "I did not see it" Oh yes you did you lying **** and everybody knows it.
Pigeonho said:
ethan23 said:
bollocks to this imaginary card, we're not here to be liked were here to win trophies. I couldnt care less what people think about us, most hate us anyway. Great result but we need to step it up next week
If Taggart did it as much as Mancini has done it lately, there would be threads and threads on it on here. It's a daft thing to do and lacks class. He made up for that class in the interview but it's not something I like to see him do to be honest.

Spot on re. the card waving - Mancini has more class than that and needs to display it.

On the game generally - not sure what people expect.....multi-goal wins playing total football for 38 games. Tonight was an important game to win and we ground out a victory when several players were missing and several others were below their best form. It's a great three points in a fixture that could potentially have been a banana skin.

Confident we'll beat Spurs with a bit to spare - Mancini's teamtalk is already written for him by Harry .........just pin the mercenaries story on the back of the door and let the good times roll.

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