Wigan Vs City Post Match Discussion thread

southaustralianblue said:
Pigeonho said:
ethan23 said:
bollocks to this imaginary card, we're not here to be liked were here to win trophies. I couldnt care less what people think about us, most hate us anyway. Great result but we need to step it up next week
If Taggart did it as much as Mancini has done it lately, there would be threads and threads on it on here. It's a daft thing to do and lacks class. He made up for that class in the interview but it's not something I like to see him do to be honest.

Agree pige. it's so unnecessary. Its not like it influences the officials, and only makes bobby look like he is under pressure. It looks pretty poor, but this idea that it is breaking some moral code is ridiculous. But I wonder whether it is actually having the opposite effect where refs don't want to be seen to cave in to pressure and so those 50-50 decisions are going against us
I'm pretty sure Bob was doing his card-waving trick AFTER the ref had already shown the yellow. He wasn't trying to influence the ref's original decision; he was quite rightly asking why the fuck that wasn't a red card.
Pigeonho said:
ethan23 said:
bollocks to this imaginary card, we're not here to be liked were here to win trophies. I couldnt care less what people think about us, most hate us anyway. Great result but we need to step it up next week
If Taggart did it as much as Mancini has done it lately, there would be threads and threads on it on here. It's a daft thing to do and lacks class. He made up for that class in the interview but it's not something I like to see him do to be honest.
Mancini isn't even in the game when it comes to the shit that Taggart has tried year in and year out.
And if Mancini did what he did then good.
danebanksheik said:
Bongo Joe said:
ethan23 said:
bollocks to this imaginary card, we're not here to be liked were here to win trophies. I couldnt care less what people think about us, most hate us anyway. Great result but we need to step it up next week
I agree completely. Nobody cares at the end of the season.

I actually don't care if anyone waves a card. It's win at all costs and I'd want someone from the opposition sent off if I was a manager/player, it's natural to want it.
Agreed here too. It plays in to the press' hands but he has done it twice and for me he is right both times. Every other manager would moan like fuck and in the emotion of it all I cannot imagine his English would be clear enough to get his point across.
Fuck em Bobby
Forza Mancini.

It's a sign the pressure is on, all this card waving shite.
arsenalrob said:
Anyway at least Mancini is not as bad as Guardiola and Mourinho.

Why do you keep ignoring all the responses about your whinging shitbag of a Manager, Arsene 'I did not see it' Wenger?

You keep talking about 'class.'

Do you agree that Wenger has less class than Mancini?

Let's see if you reply.
southaustralianblue said:
Pigeonho said:
ethan23 said:
bollocks to this imaginary card, we're not here to be liked were here to win trophies. I couldnt care less what people think about us, most hate us anyway. Great result but we need to step it up next week
If Taggart did it as much as Mancini has done it lately, there would be threads and threads on it on here. It's a daft thing to do and lacks class. He made up for that class in the interview but it's not something I like to see him do to be honest.

Agree pige. it's so unnecessary. Its not like it influences the officials, and only makes bobby look like he is under pressure. It looks pretty poor, but this idea that it is breaking some moral code is ridiculous. But I wonder whether it is actually having the opposite effect where refs don't want to be seen to cave in to pressure and so those 50-50 decisions are going against us

Well I like the fact he shows emotion and passion. As previously mentioned, players can affect a ref's decision mid game, not someone on the touchline, there lies the difference. No doubt the press will make a meal of it again and the masses will form their opinion on what they are told to think. I know one thing, I'll be supporting Mancini.
adrianr said:
This post probably isn't worth the flaming it will get but fuck it, maybe some of you can have a reasonable discussion about it rather than getting on the ultra defensive and calling me a rag :p

Don't care about that crap about winning the league ugly, I wanted to see something that would give me some confidence going into the Spurs game off the back of what has been our worst part of the season. I didn't see it. I saw another useless Nasri, a still tired Silva (though it was a superb set piece and still managed a through ball for Aguero that he arguably should have done more with), some good chances created and not finished. One set piece goal separated the top of the league with the bottom. When we played them earlier in the season we created some lovely chances that Aguero finished with clinical precision. Tonight we needed a wonder header from Dzeko (superb to see him back on the score sheet again) to clinch it. Needed Hart to keep us in it AGAIN! How many good chances are we going to give teams?

Let no-one ever question how important Yaya is to us. Milner, god love him, was dead on his feet. We really needed that composure Yaya brings to the middle. And god damn even if Lescott did start the season better than Kompany, I'm now completely convinced it was only due to some weird effect of Kompany having to do more work than one man should. You could crash Bluemoon waxing lyrical about how important that man is to our team. Thankfully as people have said it's one more game without him and a vital 3 points.

Pluses: Savic looked a lot better. Far less rash. Still a bit iffy with some of his positioning but far more confident. Could probably make more of those bursting runs out to release the ball because unless Yaya is there it seems difficult to move it forward. Dzeko looked well up for it, made a much better outlet and some good turns showing lots of strength to hold people off. Great partner for Aguero, and crucial to get him in the goals again at this stage of the season. Hart once again (almost doesn't need mentioning now, the guy is just, well, insane). And despite the scoreline we did actually make a few good chances. We're still umming and arring about finishing them but it's better to see no chances created at all. Oh and that Aguero dribble, was wishing that one to go in just so you could watch it on the highlight reel over and over and over again, but sometimes that boy just needs to use his ion cannon foot and fucking hoof it. It basically won us the Liverpool game.

We really need to tighten it up. Still hoofing forward too much, still too many headed clearances to opposing players, still getting caught up field and giving away chances.

People will think I'm just moaning, but if you can't spot the deficiencies when you're winning you'll have no idea what to do when the results suddenly don't go your way. I wish I could be more upbeat about it, but we're still lacking all the possession and crispness of passing that was decimating teams at the beginning of the season. We had some awesome awesome interchanges at the beginning of the match that didn't come to anything but you could look past it being the start of the match. We needed 3 points tonight, but we also needed confidence going into playing Tottenham on Saturday. If anyone can honestly say they feel better about it after that I'l be amazed. How do we still have so many tired legs? I know even the best teams don't play at 100% for the entire season and we have some crucial people missing, but it was Wigan FFS. Sometimes you just need to go out and give someone a good whipping to get everyone back on track.

Unfortunately its the time of year, bad weather, night fixtures and shite pitches, this will not help our speed and creativity. Especially when we play away as when we play at home we prepare our surface to the best.
So we need to win ugly in ugly environments.
Come end of Feb we will fly like the start of the season......weather permitting of course.
Sigster100 said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
Pigeonho said:
If Taggart did it as much as Mancini has done it lately, there would be threads and threads on it on here. It's a daft thing to do and lacks class. He made up for that class in the interview but it's not something I like to see him do to be honest.

I don't understand why you defend everyone else but your own.

Why defend something that is wrong? Yes it was a blatant red and yet another very poor refereeing decision not in our favour but the imaginary card should be left to people with less class than we've got.
It's the Bluemoon way, you have to wear blue goggles at all times. If you don't, people try and have a pop.
stony said:
PaleBlue said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
Fair play to dzeko for he was pretty good tonight but we wont beat liverpool or spurs playing like that and we need some players in.

Agreed, terrible performance and a lucky win against a pub team. Spuds will hammer us Sunday if we play like that.

Are you being sarcastic or do you honestly think Wigan were the better team and we were lucky ?

Yep, they were the better team for the first 20 minutes at least of the second half. They could have been back into it and anyone who tells me we were superb and dominating the game is either a liar or a drunk. Worse than the Sunderland and West Brom games when we at least had a real go. Come on Stony, that was poor, but I'm happy with three points, just worried that Spurs will do us Sunday on our recent form.

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