Will they fire Mancini?

jay_mcfc said:
JMW I have been pretty clear on my personal team selection for some time, despite getting abuse for it. Nasri should not start again and Aguero/Balotelli and Milner should start in every match.

I still don't think it's any coincidence that since Nasri has tried to be fitted in we haven't been anywhere near as good away from home. Cue the abuse.

I'll be honest and say I thought Nasri was our best attacking player yesterday. There you go, I said it. I also don't think he's been half as bad as people make out, he certainly hasn't done much wrong he just hasn't "blown the mind" like Silva CAN do, but hasn't been doing anyway.

Nasri gets hard stick because he plays that control game, but if we had a plan b and we had those 2 wingers like United/Madrid/Barca/Bayern the list of top teams who have quick guys who can pull a good ball in is just that, you know, it's what gets results because it's the only real thing bar genius skill that scares the shit out of defenders, and it's working for United.

Problem is like Dzeko, Milner played well for a spell, got dropped and they proceeded to be shit in games like Villa away, and Mancini won't drop Barry for him, which I think he should do, and play Milner where he belongs in the centre, but he plays him on the wing, where he becomes worse than anybody at holding up the play.

I think De Jong's fine, but you can't expect him to just turn into Yaya or Sneijder when we have the ball, and it's up to our attacking players to make it happen.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
jay_mcfc said:
JMW I have been pretty clear on my personal team selection for some time, despite getting abuse for it. Nasri should not start again and Aguero/Balotelli and Milner should start in every match.

I still don't think it's any coincidence that since Nasri has tried to be fitted in we haven't been anywhere near as good away from home. Cue the abuse.

I'll be honest and say I thought Nasri was our best attacking player yesterday. There you go, I said it. I also don't think he's been half as bad as people make out, he certainly hasn't done much wrong he just hasn't "blown the mind" like Silva CAN do, but hasn't been doing anyway.

Nasri gets hard stick because he plays that control game, but if we had a plan b and we had those 2 wingers like United/Madrid/Barca/Bayern the list of top teams who have quick guys who can pull a good ball in is just that, you know, it's what gets results because it's the only real thing bar genius skill that scares the shit out of defenders, and it's working for United.

Problem is like Dzeko, Milner played well for a spell, got dropped and they proceeded to be shit in games like Villa away, and Mancini won't drop Barry for him, which I think he should do, and play Milner where he belongs in the centre, but he plays him on the wing, where he becomes worse than anybody at holding up the play.

I think De Jong's fine, but you can't expect him to just turn into Yaya or Sneijder when we have the ball, and it's up to our attacking players to make it happen.

Again, people misunderstanding why I don't want Nasri in the team. You're the stat man, why don't you look at the away games Nasri has/hasn't started and see how the look? Until about November he wasn't starting much and then when he did come in, our form faltered. Maybe I've imagined it, but I don't think I have. The balance of our team is just better without him.
SWP's back said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
For me, outside of his general likeability, I am always left with the impending feeling that Bobby is all too quick to find excuses rather than finding solutions.

I am currently asking the question how much further must/can he improve upon, should we miss out on title, to a United team who their own fans will tell you have been crap and riddled with injuries?

United will represent a greater challenge next time around, because Ferguson will ensure it.

I have my doubts Bobby would have it in him to pick us up to the extent we would require to avoid a repeat disappointment.

This club is still all about impetus and momentum at this stage in the project.
But your doubts about Mancini are long standing Tolm. They were there even before this season and continued during our amazing start. I have a feeling you simply don't like the guy.

-- Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:03 pm --

Soulboy said:
Even at home, I'm struggling to think of a convincing performance this side of New Year.
Spurs 3-2
Liverpool 3-0
Fulham 3-0
Porto 4-0
Blackburn 3-0
Bolton 2-0

You may say we were not "awesome" but I would say we were convincing in each of those games, would you not?

It would be wrong to label me as anti-Mancini, mate, certainly someone who has always had it in for him.

As I stated, his likeability is the one thing which puts the reign on me. He is a classy guy.

I simply have more reservations than answers during his tenure, most notably for me, city are a unique one-off in football history.

I do believe many results are in spite of him, not because of him.

We have an extraordinary group of players who can flick the switch on and off when the mood takes.

I still hold doubts the switch remains off too often.

Which is a scary prospect for our rivals!
It would be absolutely ridiculous to sack RM if we failed to win anything....we cannt go down the chelski route and we have to look at the long term project and that includes retaining the manager.

Only one team can win the league......but there wont be 19 other clubs sacking their managers

We must keep RM to carry on the progress ew are making...sacking him will only be a backwards step. It takes yrs to build a successful team and he must be given time even if we dont win a thing this season. We have still prgressed this year from where we were last year and have been top for the majority of the season.

Bringing in a new manager would only stall our progress and realistically who else is out there that is any beter?
I love Bobby and i think he has done amazing things for us over the past 2 years. This season though for me has been amazing and painfully frustrating at the same time. August to December we were brilliant, and unplayable for that period. We were slick, a class act and wonderfull to watch. However, since the turn of the year things have changed. We no longer play the same style we did in the first half of the season, and added to this other teams know how to play against us unlike in the first half. What worries me, is we don't seem to have a plan B when the going gets tough. Also when things are not going our way it takes the manager far to long to make the change, yesterday apart with the Barry sub.

I made a prediction several weeks ago, and as usual in true Bluemoon fashion, i got slated and called a rag etc. After the Everton game i said that United will win the league, because they can do something that we cant do - grind out a result when it really matters. Its ok beating teams 4-1, 5-1, 6-1 etc, but those results won't win us the league on their own. We need to win when we are not playing well. Take a look at United. Ask any true United fan and they will openly admit they have not played well for several games so far - yet they still win and grind out something when its tough. This is what we must start to do, and pretty sharpish.

You know what, im going to make another prediction now, and like last time i will get hammered for it. By the time we play United at home, I think the league will be over and the derby will be pointless. The best situation we can hope for is that we would have to win the game and hope for United slip up's in their last 2 games after it - but that wouldnt happen.

Lets hope im wrong, and hope that Mancini can turn this average spell around and start to grind out results , just like Fergie has done at United. If he doesn't win the league this year, i think he could be in trouble. Another thing is we won't have it this easy again. Next season Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool will be much stronger and competing with us more. Tin hat is on and ready for the abuse. Over and out.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
SWP's back said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
For me, outside of his general likeability, I am always left with the impending feeling that Bobby is all too quick to find excuses rather than finding solutions.

I am currently asking the question how much further must/can he improve upon, should we miss out on title, to a United team who their own fans will tell you have been crap and riddled with injuries?

United will represent a greater challenge next time around, because Ferguson will ensure it.

I have my doubts Bobby would have it in him to pick us up to the extent we would require to avoid a repeat disappointment.

This club is still all about impetus and momentum at this stage in the project.
But your doubts about Mancini are long standing Tolm. They were there even before this season and continued during our amazing start. I have a feeling you simply don't like the guy.

-- Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:03 pm --

Soulboy said:
Even at home, I'm struggling to think of a convincing performance this side of New Year.
Spurs 3-2
Liverpool 3-0
Fulham 3-0
Porto 4-0
Blackburn 3-0
Bolton 2-0

You may say we were not "awesome" but I would say we were convincing in each of those games, would you not?

It would be wrong to label me as anti-Mancini, mate, certainly someone who has always had it in for him.

As I stated, his likeability is the one thing which puts the reign on me. He is a classy guy.

I simply have more reservations than answers during his tenure, most notably for me, city are a unique one-off in football history.

I do believe many results are in spite of him, not because of him.

We have an extraordinary group of players who can flick the switch on and off when the mood takes.

I still hold doubts the switch remains off too often.

Which is a scary prospect for our rivals!

You cannot seriously say you are not anti Mancini then in the same post say you believe many results are in spite of him and not because of him. Doesnt make sense.
Stillsy said:
If we fail to win the league this season?

Mancini has changed my mind on him and I love the bloke now where as I had my doubts before. I know we wasn't really expecting to win the title this season but having been in such a strong position for so long we have now thrown it away and I can only think that if we fail to win the league then he is a goner.

With Mourinho lurking and presumably seeking a move back to England then maybe the owners will make it happen?

One thing is guarenteed if we sign mourinho... We will win league titles... However long he stays is another matter but we will have lots and lots of silverware.
If we don't give him a chance to make improvements and rectify mistakes after just one (yes, that's ONE!) title challenge only, then I'll be furious at the owner. We will take steps backwards if we employ ANYONE else. Nothing good comes of sacking managers frequently, nothing!

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