Will we win the league? (continued)

No way that Chelsea will not beat Norwich, in my opinion. Norwich are a dead man walking. Now Palace. That´s another matter. The pressure on Liverpool is huge. They've got to win just to still be around. They could just fold. A draw, even a loss, can certainly be envisaged. In any case, all of this is irrelevant. It is firmly in our hands.
Now that was a huge win yesterday, when you think of our record there, but I hope I won't be pissing anyone off If I state my honest opinion that we were not far short of shit for the last twenty five minutes. That game should have been dead and buried at 3-1. Instead, we handed the initiative right back to them. I couldn't understand it. They smelt the fear, and they poured forward. No comparison with the Palace game, which we just quietly bossed. But it's true, how long is it since we've played a full ninety minutes with Sergio, Yaya, Vinny and David Silva all on the pitch? I'd just love to see what would happen. I've virtually forgotten what it's like.
Patrick Vieira says something interesting in the documentary about his rivalry with Keane, The Best of Enemies (incidentally, even if you loathe Keane as a human being, which I do, that'a fascinating doumentary to watch - it' s on U Tube). He says that United in their best years knew how to play badly and win, and that Arsenal didn't. Perhaps, just perhaps, we're learning how to do that. A useful skill to acquire, no doubt about it.
I don't think Liverpool can handle the pressure, can see them lose or draw today and completely crumble. Would be awesome to win the League against Aston Villa with a game left. Can you imagine the party at the Etihad against West Ham then?

i just hope typical City is gone and we don't drop points against Villa and West Ham...the West Ham game in particular makes me nervous... I hate playing against Fat Sam's teams
Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
Lovebitesandeveryfing said:
Just wondering whether anyone else wants us to break the hundred goal barrier in our last two games (winning them, obviously) so that it puts paid to this myth in the media about Liverpol having played the best football to watch for the neutral this season? We're only four goals off it, definitely doable.

I Don't give a stuff about the 100 goal thing myself, I just want us to win the next two games.

Jeez, it's going to be a nervy two games, but we'll get there.

As for Liverpool, I'll laugh my socks off when they finish 3rd. Stevie G 'the greatest English player ever', Brendan Rogers 'the greatest manager since Bill Shankley' and all the shit that accompanies the love in between that club and the media.

They have played some nice football, as we have too, but fuck me, the way the press have fawned themselves over that club has been nauseating.

I'll settle for two wins and 99 goals,

This i honestly think we could have won this league already had we scored 10 goals less

Just win dont give a fuck how
Hope we get 4 goals over the next 2 games, 100 goals scored for the season would some achievement for us. It would also put to bed this amazing so called strike-force Liverpool supposedly have when we not only beat them on goal difference but total goals scored as well. Can't see them scoring that many over the next couple of games, they were shite against Chelsea and hopefully Pulis will have something up his sleeve to keep them out.
If we had drawn at Liverpool we would be playing Villa for the title!

Had we beaten Liverpool we would need a draw from two games.

Just shows how fine the margins are.

Would have taken this everyday of the week a few weeks ago though and surely and even better chance than last time.

Two teams with minds on holidays and World Cup places is all we could ever wish for!
inbetween said:
Hope we get 4 goals over the next 2 games, 100 goals scored for the season would some achievement for us. It would also put to bed this amazing so called strike-force Liverpool supposedly have when we not only beat them on goal difference but total goals scored as well. Can't see them scoring that many over the next couple of games, they were shite against Chelsea and hopefully Pulis will have something up his sleeve to keep them out.

We have to score 4 at least not many city fans will survive a couple of nervy 1-0's after yesterday

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