William and Kate [Merged]

Re: Bill and Kate.

Lucky Toma said:
urmston said:
I want nurses at work when they are paid with my money, not at home having a day off just because someone famous happens to be getting married.

Any nurse unhappy with the terms and conditions of the job can resign.

A working year is approx 230 days. One day is approx 0.4 % of that. If we can manage with 99.6% of public staff in 2011 just because Prince William is getting maried then we can do it every year. we could sack another 0.4% of them, about 20,000 people.

Your logic is so skewed as to be almost impressive in its idiocy.

Why not just introduce another 70 public holidays a year and sack all public sector workers?
Think of the savings.
People may well die,but there is no war without casualties.
And who needs libraries?
Reading is vastly overrated anyway.
Leave the fires to burn - think of the savings on winter heating bills.
And if bins don't get emptied,the rats will eat the rubbish anyway,so we don't need binmen.
Then we could make the unemployed work as ratcatchers.
Oh,hang on - that would make them public sector workers,wouldn't it?
Not sure i've thought this through properly...
Re: Bill and Kate.

oh, dear

As the majority of posters on this forum are blokes the repercussions of this announcement will have whoooooooooooshed right over your heads.

WOMEN absolutely adore fairytale princess dream royal weddings, and any single guy who has been stringing along some poor cow for years with "next year honey, defo next year" time has finally run out.

your 'engagement' will suddenly become real rather than a token gold band and she will be like a dog with a bone. she will be reading on a daily basis about this wedding of the year, all about the church and the palaces and by feck.........the wedding dress!!! SHE WILL WANT HER DREAM DAY TOO!

so, kiss your cozy lifestyle goodbye, because you is gonna get married as well!!
so glad im already wed, i can even have a bit of a snigger about it!!
Re: Bill and Kate.

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
David Cameron has just said that the country should all come together for the happy couple.
I can't see how a collective,synchronised wank is going to clear the budget defecit personally.

it isnt, but come on, cheer up, go and dust off your old prince charles and lady Di teapot and have a nice cup of tea!!!

thats better isnt it?
Re: Bill and Kate.

I can't fucking wait! Deffo gonna be the most exciting day since my release from psychiatric hospital. Wonder if I'll get an invite?
Re: Bill and Kate.

Pigeonho said:
mcmanus said:
Knowing that for centuries the royalies have liked to put their dicks in all sorts of things and is not uncomman/usually to have mistresses. I just wonder how many posh tarts Wills has bummed over the years?
I always love how they continue to deny Harry is anyones other than Chaz's!!! If you put Harry next to Major James Hewitt, its as big of a father/son comparison you'll ever see!!! Surprised they've not put massive ears on him in some kind of sick plastic surgery fuelled operation, just to make it look like he may at least look lightly like Charles!

I was just wondering if Wills would invite his dad to the wedding!?
Re: Bill and Kate.

Keep hearing shite like on TV and radio "it will bring the country together" WTF does that mean?

Since it's been announced, just on this thread there has been a split between the 'Who cares' and 'ooohhhh Gawd bless the royals' factions. They actually polarize opinion.

Apparently it won't be as lavish as past weddings because of the miserable financial state of the country. Right then down the Registry Office, a buffet at the local Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club, and a big kick off between Kate's uncle knobhead and local hardnut Prince Edward.
Queen Kate


Has billy boy got her up the duff?
More Important...is she a city Fan.
Re: Queen Kate

I don't give a fuck. I think all the royal family and their horrid relations should be put on a ship, taken out to the north sea and sunk. Leeching bastards. How much taxpayers money will be spent on 'royal engagement'? What about the royal wedding? Fuck them all.

No offence bluemoonrising for the news, just my view on it.
Re: Queen Kate

glen quagmire said:
I don't give a fuck. I think all the royal family and their horrid relations should be put on a ship, taken out to the north sea and sunk. Leeching bastards. How much taxpayers money will be spent on 'royal engagement'? What about the royal wedding? Fuck them all.

No offence bluemoonrising for the news, just my view on it.

Same here, biggest bunch of leaches in england, but I'd like to do anus horibilis things to her :)

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