Willy Caballero - 2016/17 performances

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People wanting Willy in net instead of Bravo is not the same as people wanting Willy in net. My perception of Willy hasn't changed in the slightest, he wasn't good enough then and he isn't good enough now but his competition is completely different. He was never good enough to be considered capable of displacing Hart and nobody ever thought we would be in a situation where he would ever be deemed good enough to displace Bravo. Bravo's poor form has changed perception, not Willy.
Maybe not you, but you can't tell me you don't remember a time in the last year when folks would prefer Gunn, who'd they'd never seen in a senior game to Caballero. You should read the Pelegrini threads, the hatred for Pellars and Caballero just before the final was palpable. Some of those with the worst comments on those threads are here now arguing for Willy.

My point is that Willy wasn't what they claimed then. Neither is Bravo. Has been uninspiring, sure. But has also been unlucky.
How did the big man do tonight guys?

Didn't have much to do but did everyone asked of him. His passing out was no worse than Bravo. I for one felt safer with him in net but I guess it's easy to say that when the game was a compete stroll.
That back four just seem less nervous when he's in net. His last 3 games we have won 4-0 3-0 5-0
6 months and I'd say his distribution is just as good as Bravo's... So calm on the ball tonight, like he'd been playing that way all his career.

He will have been. It was said in the summer that croaches in Spain have their keeper involved in all outfield drills & then do keeping drills.
Interestingly no comments about him dropping the ball from a simple cross & almost costing us a silly goal, wonder if that would have been ignored if Bravo had done so?

He's no different from when he arrived, a solid keeper who got far too much hate for silly things originally (similar to someone else now?), and is now the messiah because his name isn't Bravo. I like him & think he's more than capable of doing the job being asked, but find the inconsistency & bias in peoples opinions strange.

Will say his distribution today seemed far better than at the start of the season (i.e. pre-season) where he couldn't find a player in blue to save his life - seems obvious he's worked on it, and good for him to get his chance.
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