With guardialo joining Munich,Now Mancini should be backed

This season will be looked upon as a transition, after the summer.

The club have learnt massive lessons including Bobby after the debacle that occurred with the potential targets missed.
BillyShears said:
NipHolmes said:
Selling before we buy, we still have Balo to sell along with Kolarov and maybe one of Tevez or Dzeko.

I think we aimed for RVP and Hazard, RVP was dependant on outgoings and Hazard was very expensive at 38m (32+6) and 170k pw for an untried player outside of France. De Rossi was a prick tease hence the late dash for Garcia.

We cut wages as Johnsons wages alone cover Sinclair and Rodwell and Garcia is on less than De Jong.

A lot of players are out of contract in the summer, add to that a few outgoing players and the summer will spice up, hopefully anyway.

Yeah ... i can see that being the case. We certainly have enough in the squad to win the league again of that there's no question. I just think Sincair's move hasn't worked out so that's one less option. The good thing is that Milner's form means it's not that big a deal.

Sinclair was a poor appointment and so too Maicon. I worried about both when we were linked, a few happy clappers said Maicon was a great signing but any fucker with eyes who's watched Italian football can see he was on the wane. Injury prone and declining, I'd have sooner gone for Perrera who I rate and was about the same cost.

The good thing about Sinclair is he is sellable at the price we paid, Charles N'zogbia is bang average yet Villa paid more than we paid for Sinclair. Jarvis cost the same too didn't he? That English tax and his age will get us out of jail I feel. Come on QPR!!!

I can't help but feel that the last week in this window we will see some movement out.

I dunno about you guys but if Kolarov goes I hope we go for Cole on a free, absolute no brainer that imo.
NipHolmes said:
IMO we are 3 players short of being level with Real, Barca, Bayern etc. Hopefully the exodus of fringe players and out of contracts allows us to go for such players, we have the new tv cash also.

Would love to see Fellaini, Falcao/Cavani and Isco come in.

Now there's an interesting discussion, and one I had with my Dad recently.

I'd say Christiano Ronaldo would be the missing link and propel us to Barca/Real/CL winners level. Maybe a world class centre half too.
NipHolmes said:
BillyShears said:
NipHolmes said:
Selling before we buy, we still have Balo to sell along with Kolarov and maybe one of Tevez or Dzeko.

I think we aimed for RVP and Hazard, RVP was dependant on outgoings and Hazard was very expensive at 38m (32+6) and 170k pw for an untried player outside of France. De Rossi was a prick tease hence the late dash for Garcia.

We cut wages as Johnsons wages alone cover Sinclair and Rodwell and Garcia is on less than De Jong.

A lot of players are out of contract in the summer, add to that a few outgoing players and the summer will spice up, hopefully anyway.

Yeah ... i can see that being the case. We certainly have enough in the squad to win the league again of that there's no question. I just think Sincair's move hasn't worked out so that's one less option. The good thing is that Milner's form means it's not that big a deal.

Sinclair was a poor appointment and so too Maicon. I worried about both when we were linked, a few happy clappers said Maicon was a great signing but any fucker with eyes who's watched Italian football can see he was on the wane. Injury prone and declining, I'd have sooner gone for Perrera who I rate and was about the same cost.

The good thing about Sinclair is he is sellable at the price we paid, Charles N'zogbia is bang average yet Villa paid more than we paid for Sinclair. Jarvis cost the same too didn't he? That English tax and his age will get us out of jail I feel. Come on QPR!!!

I can't help but feel that the last week in this window we will see some movement out.

I dunno about you guys but if Kolarov goes I hope we go for Cole on a free, absolute no brainer that imo.

We will not be buying cole, at his age and the wage costs it would defeat what we are trying to achieve.
Didsbury Dave said:
NipHolmes said:
IMO we are 3 players short of being level with Real, Barca, Bayern etc. Hopefully the exodus of fringe players and out of contracts allows us to go for such players, we have the new tv cash also.

Would love to see Fellaini, Falcao/Cavani and Isco come in.

Now there's an interesting discussion, and one I had with my Dad recently.

I'd say Christiano Ronaldo would be the missing link and propel us to Barca/Real/CL winners level. Maybe a world class centre half too.

Hummels is the CB we need, he'd be awesome for us and him and Vinny together would be as good a pairing as any seen on our shores imho. Nasty looks a player so I'm not majorly concerned, if we do part with Lescott in the summer and also lose Kolo then it's worth doing.

Ronaldo would complete us I agree, he's a match winner and takes us up a level. I worry we will lose Aguero going for him though, Real will certainly want him if they lose out. I am absolutely sure of that. Personally I can't see it happening and I fancy Chelsea to be his home should he return here. The United ties and also the lack of money there, Chelsea offer a great alternative?

-- Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:57 am --

BlueMoonz1977 said:
NipHolmes said:
BillyShears said:
Yeah ... i can see that being the case. We certainly have enough in the squad to win the league again of that there's no question. I just think Sincair's move hasn't worked out so that's one less option. The good thing is that Milner's form means it's not that big a deal.

Sinclair was a poor appointment and so too Maicon. I worried about both when we were linked, a few happy clappers said Maicon was a great signing but any fucker with eyes who's watched Italian football can see he was on the wane. Injury prone and declining, I'd have sooner gone for Perrera who I rate and was about the same cost.

The good thing about Sinclair is he is sellable at the price we paid, Charles N'zogbia is bang average yet Villa paid more than we paid for Sinclair. Jarvis cost the same too didn't he? That English tax and his age will get us out of jail I feel. Come on QPR!!!

I can't help but feel that the last week in this window we will see some movement out.

I dunno about you guys but if Kolarov goes I hope we go for Cole on a free, absolute no brainer that imo.

We will not be buying cole, at his age and the wage costs it would defeat what we are trying to achieve.

We wont need to buy Cole, he will be a free. Name me a single player who has his quality and is available on a free? To break that logic I merely point at Maicon, we paid for him and offered the same wages what Chelsea reportedly pay Cole already. Cole is still an awesome LB, he's on a free, prem suited and English and sorts us out for another 2-3 years whilst we look for a great LB prospect to bring through. He and Clichy on the left, Zab and Micah on the right, you really cannot get better than that.

Honestly fella, the guy may be a grade a bell-end but he's one hell of a LB. How many good games have you seen Ronaldo or Messi have against him?
BlueMoonz1977 said:
This season will be looked upon as a transition, after the summer.

The club have learnt massive lessons including Bobby after the debacle that occurred with the potential targets missed.

See the summer as the same as the housing market.

We simply were in a chain and needed to sell before we buy, it was not worth selling the house at a loss (negative equity aka Kolarov and Dzeko not easy to recoup fees on with wages being high).

That new house may not be the same as the ones we looked at but they'll still be the mansions in Cheshire. I have no doubts about that.
All this news does is show the numpty jouno's and press who know f##k all about football for what they really are.

CIty were NEVER interseted in Pep and Pep wasn't interested in City. So neither have lost out.

We have a manager who is contracted for another 5 years who has taken us to our first league championship in decades and an FA cup win. We are second in the league at the moment, still in the FA cup. WHY oh WHY would our owners want to replace him?

You may argue we have been poor in Europe but come on. Theres one trophy with 32 "Best teams in Europe" trying to win it. So thats like having a league where you are playing united and chelsea every week home and away.
We had a group of league winners, not runners up or third best, but THEE best teams in Europe. It was our second year in the compitition. We could of played a bit better, but you have to look at it "was we allowed to play better". Pep only won the comp twice in four years with the "Best team in the world", so its no disgrace.

Pep was not interested in clubs that had maagers with contracts that ran further than this summer, so that ruled us and the scum out straight away.

That left Bayern and Chelsea. Whoud you work for Roman after seeing what he does to his managers?

It was a no brainer he went to Bayern. Good luck to him.

Lets all laugh at CHelsea and the press who got all so wrong


Graceyboy said:
All this news does is show the numpty jouno's and press who know f##k all about football for what they really are.

CIty were NEVER interseted in Pep and Pep wasn't interested in City. So neither have lost out.
We have a manager who is contracted for another 5 years who has taken us to our first league championship in decades and an FA cup win. We are second in the league at the moment, still in the FA cup. WHY oh WHY would our owners want to replace him?

You may argue we have been poor in Europe but come on. Theres one trophy with 32 "Best teams in Europe" trying to win it. So thats like having a league where you are playing united and chelsea every week home and away.
We had a group of league winners, not runners up or third best, but THEE best teams in Europe. It was our second year in the compitition. We could of played a bit better, but you have to look at it "was we allowed to play better". Pep only won the comp twice in four years with the "Best team in the world", so its no disgrace.

Pep was not interested in clubs that had maagers with contracts that ran further than this summer, so that ruled us and the scum out straight away.

That left Bayern and Chelsea. Whoud you work for Roman after seeing what he does to his managers?

It was a no brainer he went to Bayern. Good luck to him.

Lets all laugh at CHelsea and the press who got all so wrong



You have a direct line to the board? ;)

Nobody can say anything as fact, for or against. I'd be inclined to say it was spoken about and I'd be inclined to say Mancini did have it in his thoughts as he does Jose. I am happy for Mancini that he keeps his job but only if he delivers somnething this season and gets out of group next year in CL.

Chelsea must have felt the hugest kick in the balls known to man. They bought players to play in that Barca way, they sacked a successful manager and replaced him with an interim whilst they waited and the target went elsewhere. I gotta admit I howled yesterday when I thought fo how wrong Roman got it. RDM should've been in place even now and they should've reatined his services until they had an agreement with Pep.

This was as big a gaff as Terry missing that penalty v United.
Do people think Mancini will be here if we win nothing this year. Long way to go so im not saying we wont win anything but it would be ignorant to think that his head wont be on the chopping board if he wins nothing
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Do people think Mancini will be here if we win nothing this year. Long way to go so im not saying we wont win anything but it would be ignorant to think that his head wont be on the chopping board if he wins nothing

I think he will be ... my guess is if the club didn't move for Guardiola, then they won't move for anyone else this summer.

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