With guardialo joining Munich,Now Mancini should be backed

Danielmanc said:
SWP's back said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Do people think Mancini will be here if we win nothing this year. Long way to go so im not saying we wont win anything but it would be ignorant to think that his head wont be on the chopping board if he wins nothing
Why ignorant?

Do you really think that from this day forth we will change manager in any year where we don't win a pot?

I would say that was pathetic from our club if so and that is the reasoning.

There will be seasons that we win nothing in the future, for sure - don't think we'll change manager each time.

Mancini won't be sacked if we win nothing this season but would be on thin ice the season after. Start poorly and repeat the CL exploits of the previous two and he would be gone by Christmas.
Mancini won't be sacked for not winning anything, as said many times it won't be done each year. But not winning anything + having miserable CL campaign is something that won't give him much of credit.

It can certainly lead to sacking but in same time it maybe won't. In either case it's no bullet proof thing as much as both sides would want it to be.

My personal view is that if he doesn't win it, followed by failure in 2 successive CL campaigns, I'd replace him with either Mourinho or Klopp if it could be done. Can't see any other manager, specially not ones that would be available, to be an improvement over him so there would be no point to change anything if those two are not available.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Do people think Mancini will be here if we win nothing this year. Long way to go so im not saying we wont win anything but it would be ignorant to think that his head wont be on the chopping board if he wins nothing
I do believe that Mancini will be here if we win nowt. There will be numerous seasons over the coming decades where we win nowt (everyone needs to get fucking used to it) and we shouldn't be sacking the manager each time it happens because its a very childish and poor way of running business.
Didsbury Dave said:
Ric said:
Didsbury Dave said:
This is getting pretty funny. If you think the non-availability of guardiola changes the expectations of Mancini this season you're deluded. He failed in Europe yet again. He has to succeed in the league again. Nothing's changed in the slightest.

Except for one crucial thing: Mourinho is now the red hot favourite to take over from him should he be sacked.

*adopts evil grin* He might even have already agreed to take over, hence pep's decision...

Regardless, today's news suits me right down to the ground. We win the title or Jose takes over. A perfect win-win ;-)

What happens if we fail to win the league and Mourinho ends up at either PSG, Chelsea or United?
Get the next best available manager. Simple ;-)

Dave has played his....
We all know rumors about Mancini leaving will resurface if the team starts performing badly (Fairly so), especially since Mourinho is now the most sought after coach in the sport.

However, even though I dislike Mancini as of today he is still the City manager and for that he should receive the support. No matter how much you might dislike someone you cannot root against the success of ones club. It tarnishes the game and it tarnishes the fan base.

Football is more then having a favorite player or coach. It's about uniting against one banner that is sky blue and kicking out the diarrhea-red.

Seriously, Bobby Manc deserves at least another year(regardless of winning a cup this season)

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