With guardialo joining Munich,Now Mancini should be backed

Not read all 15 pages but I believe this is good news for City and I'll tell you why. Firstly, Pep going to Bayern puts him out of the reaches of any other Premier League clubs which is great for us.

Secondly, his going to Bayern doesn't mean he will stop there for all eternity. Indeed he may well end up not going there at all, who knows.

Anyway, it means that until the rest of the season, Mancini can relax and if we win bugger all by the end of the season, with no distractions and the board decide to sack him then who knows how much Peps pre contract with Bayern is worth? If RM wins the league or a cup and then starts badly next season, who's to say that he won't go and Pep comes in at a later stage?

In my opinion the timing is bad at the moment, as there is really no reason to sack Mancini unless you count Europe but bollocks to that in my opinion. I'm happy for us to grow into that competition and win domestic honours in the meantime. Maybe this time next year, if we're not at the races then Mancini might be under pressure and by the end of that season, it will be time for a change.
burning blue soul said:
careful now, theres still a portuguese man'o'war in the water somewhere lurking!!!!!

This i don't understand this thread even remotely.

If you're going to make a back mancini thread because there's no-one else then thst would be after mourinho made his new plans what's happend now hasn't changed anything AT ALL.

Shit thread.
GRAHAM mcfc said:
andy1971 said:
Manchini has made some significant errors of judgement tactically and in terms of players. Must win the league and then get to at least champs league semis or should go. Some real misplaced loyalty towards him

First and last sentence spot on for me. It's not a question of removing Mancini depending on where we finish in the league, it's about whether there is anyone better than him available and willing to come; if there isn't stick with him, if not then change and improve. Like many I thought Guardiola might be seen as a better fit for us than Mourinho, and deep down think JM would prefer another job round here, but I'd still be pleased to see him take over in the summer
The late afternoon sun drizzles over Manchester, as the carpet like pitch now embodies the marks of studs and what could have been. The blue colours are vivid. The thousands in attendance generate a solemn cheer and show ovation to the players. The smiles plastered on with a false sense of reality, as sadness engenders within everyone. Although the scoreboard beams 4-0, it is a futile effort. The players show their appreciation with a lap of honour.

No silverware, yet, No one has left their seat.

Bobby adjusts his scarf, straightens his blazer and strides out toward the centre circle. His hands raise and applaud. Thank you, he murmurs…

This is May 19th. This is the final Sunday. Sadly, this is Mancini’s last day…

I portrayed the above story for you all, because I want everyone to grasp the reality of how our season could pan out. As much as I want Mancini to stay (and I believe he should), I just can’t see it happening.

I cannot understand for the life of me why we are even in consultation (if any) with any manager.

Mancini has delivered. Let’s not kid ourselves, 3 titles in 2 seasons and he has bought some sublime footballing talent and style to the Etihad.

Let’s say Mourinho did come in, would he play the same? Would our current system be demolished? Typically, Mourinho plays with a solid defense who aims to break quickly. I seriously feel that our club would move backwards a season or two.

Do we want to be like Chelsea? An obscene and hostile environment for any manager who fails to win a trophy? Our owners want sustainability, they want our club to be able to spend millions without having to deplete their personal bank accounts.

Keeping Mancini will fit with the model of sustainability.

Now that Pep has signed elsewhere, let’s cut the bulls*it conspiracy theories.

Maybe we should implement a poll and give that to the club heirachy?

Sorry for the long post. Thought I should share.
When we won the league in 68 was Joe Mercer widely regarded as the best manager in the world? No.

Was there a clamour amongst City fans to get in Shankly, Nicholson, Sexton, Revie, Stein because they were better?

No Joe was given respect for what he had achieved and allowed to get on with it.
Didsbury Dave said:
This is getting pretty funny. If you think the non-availability of guardiola changes the expectations of Mancini this season you're deluded. He failed in Europe yet again. He has to succeed in the league again. Nothing's changed in the slightest.

Except for one crucial thing: Mourinho is now the red hot favourite to take over from him should he be sacked.

*adopts evil grin* He might even have already agreed to take over, hence pep's decision...

Regardless, today's news suits me right down to the ground. We win the title or Jose takes over. A perfect win-win ;-)

nah think Pep gone to Munich cos he thinks its easier option, easier to win title with Munich than come to City and compete with United, 2 maybe 3 titles in Germany in 3 years all hail the great Pep, fergie off Pep in
Mancini's a stayer, handles all kinds of shit that's thrown at him, Pep would crumble, Mourinho would walk, only Mancio has inner strength for this club and this league.
Didsbury Dave said:
This is getting pretty funny. If you think the non-availability of guardiola changes the expectations of Mancini this season you're deluded. He failed in Europe yet again. He has to succeed in the league again. Nothing's changed in the slightest.

Except for one crucial thing: Mourinho is now the red hot favourite to take over from him should he be sacked.

*adopts evil grin* He might even have already agreed to take over, hence pep's decision...

Regardless, today's news suits me right down to the ground. We win the title or Jose takes over. A perfect win-win ;-)

And what would you do if the title wasnt won and Mourinho doesnt take over? Will you stage a protest outside ADUG?
Sorry people. Didn't mean to light a fire then walk away

I know we will go seasons without winning things, I know are owners are not like Abramovich.
I also know that if we fail to win the league or the FA cup we would of gone backwards as a team. We were appalling in Europe and didn't get in to gear in the league until the rags turned us over.
I also dont honestly know if there is a decent coach to replace Mancini if they did sack him.

Lots of things happen and change during a season yet we won the league and the club failed to back him properly after giving him a 5yr contract. Do they question his transfers and wanted to wait until Txiki came in and have Mancini discuss moves with. Have the club sacrificed a season to get the club in order after the whirlwind 11/12 season
bluemc1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
This is getting pretty funny. If you think the non-availability of guardiola changes the expectations of Mancini this season you're deluded. He failed in Europe yet again. He has to succeed in the league again. Nothing's changed in the slightest.

Except for one crucial thing: Mourinho is now the red hot favourite to take over from him should he be sacked.

*adopts evil grin* He might even have already agreed to take over, hence pep's decision...

Regardless, today's news suits me right down to the ground. We win the title or Jose takes over. A perfect win-win ;-)
Except I don't believe that to be the case at all.

I wouldn't have thought that our owners are as classless as to sack a manager any year we didn't win the league.

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