With guardialo joining Munich,Now Mancini should be backed

Why any negativity regarding Mancini, hes done us proud and we have not enjoyed success like this for many a year!! Lets not get like Chelski... Lets back our man all the way..
Some of you obviously dont remember some of the clueless prats that have managed our club in the past.... Mancini is a winner and gets my vote 100%
Pep wouldnt have adjusted to the Premier League quickly like mancini has so forget about him and Mourhino who has been slagging our club.. "Manchester City have no history"........ Remember??
Blue Til Death said:
Why any negativity regarding Mancini, hes done us proud and we have not enjoyed success like this for many a year!! Lets not get like Chelski... Lets back our man all the way..
Some of you obviously dont remember some of the clueless prats that have managed our club in the past.... Mancini is a winner and gets my vote 100%
Pep wouldnt have adjusted to the Premier League quickly like mancini has so forget about him and Mourhino who has been slagging our club.. "Manchester City have no history"........ Remember??
There isn't a great deal of negativity towards Mancini. There are about a dozen or so posters on bluemoon that don't like him and/or don't rate him.

It is not a great deal in comparison with the size of our support.
lets not be like rags with this divine right to win stuff attitude already amongst some fans

the rags have spent money to stay at the top for decades and even with slur greatest manager in the world (tm) they have seasons without winning stuff

we'll win some we'll lose some

but then we'll win some more again

SWP's back said:
bluemc1 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
This is getting pretty funny. If you think the non-availability of guardiola changes the expectations of Mancini this season you're deluded. He failed in Europe yet again. He has to succeed in the league again. Nothing's changed in the slightest.

Except for one crucial thing: Mourinho is now the red hot favourite to take over from him should he be sacked.

*adopts evil grin* He might even have already agreed to take over, hence pep's decision...

Regardless, today's news suits me right down to the ground. We win the title or Jose takes over. A perfect win-win ;-)
Except I don't believe that to be the case at all.

I wouldn't have thought that our owners are as classless as to sack a manager any year we didn't win the league.

You don't, I do.

And neither of us know.

Simple as that, really.

"Classless" means nothing and doesn't come into it. Can't stand the term "class" when it comes to football clubs.
The didn't fail to back him last summer - we are moving in a different direction which means signing 2 or 3 World Class players in a transfer window is no longer viable.

Bobby wanted a list of players last summer that in our clubs eyes were being over valued by there then clubs.

This season is a transitional one for me, and we will see the difference come this summer when Bobby & Txiki target certain players that WILL be acquired, not on astronomincal transfer fee's and wages.

Yes we will probably get that 1 major transfer secured (Falcao hopefully). The squad will be trimmed of the dead wood which will leave a squad for Bobby to go for silverware on all fronts.
People saying don't sack Mancini because we will become like Chelsea, what sort of a stupid comment is that.

Bobby has been here 3 years and if we were to get rid of him it would hardly be a typical Abrhamovic would it. We didn't poach Bobby from another club and we have given him time to build the squad.

I am also quite sure that if the club did get rid of Bobby it would not be knee jerk in the slightest. And there would be in the boards opinion a better manager to replace him with.

Now Guardiola has gone to Bayern I think Bobby should be given another season at least with us. We should back him in the summer but also make it clear that if he fails to get out of the group stage for a third consecutive year then his job will be on the line.
He was talking about the owners not the club, and he is right. In my humble opinion of course.

Didsbury Dave said:
SWP's back said:
Except I don't believe that to be the case at all.

I wouldn't have thought that our owners are as classless as to sack a manager any year we didn't win the league.

You don't, I do.

And neither of us know.

Simple as that, really.

"Classless" means nothing and doesn't come into it. Can't stand the term "class" when it comes to football clubs.
Didsbury Dave said:
SWP's back said:
Except I don't believe that to be the case at all.

I wouldn't have thought that our owners are as classless as to sack a manager any year we didn't win the league.

You don't, I do.

And neither of us know.

Simple as that, really.

"Classless" means nothing and doesn't come into it. Can't stand the term "class" when it comes to football clubs.
Ah yes, but I don't write in a style that makes it seem as I do know.

Classless, reactionary, wreckless, Abramovich-like... call it what you will, but I don't think that is their MO.

If they really want Jose, they should go with him whether Mancini wins the double or not (fabricating a "Mancini wants to go back to Italy in glory" story and accompanying pay off). But no manager works well under the threat that not winning the league means they will get the sack.
city91 said:
People saying don't sack Mancini because we will become like Chelsea, what sort of a stupid comment is that.

Bobby has been here 3 years and if we were to get rid of him it would hardly be a typical Abrhamovic would it. We didn't poach Bobby from another club and we have given him time to build the squad.

I am also quite sure that if the club did get rid of Bobby it would not be knee jerk in the slightest. And there would be in the boards opinion a better manager to replace him with.

Now Guardiola has gone to Bayern I think Bobby should be given another season at least with us. We should back him in the summer but also make it clear that if he fails to get out of the group stage for a third consecutive year then his job will be on the line.
A very not stupid like comment. If we were to sack him the first time he didn't in a pot in a full season, it would be very Chelsea like.

Notice Pep sidestepped Chelsea for the reason of its managerial merry go round

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