Worst Goalkeeper

I remember going to a end of season game against Everton (early-mid nineties, I think) We lost 5-2, and he was in goal. By fuck, he was shite!

He was so shit on crosses that day in particular that for large parts of the game Everton were just playing for corners so Andy Hinchcliffe could swing them in and cause absolute havoc in the area. Eventually he was subbed for Andy Dibble so with Neville Southall in the Everton goal it was apparently the only time in the Premier League (and very likely the League in general) that 3 Welsh goalkeepers played in the same game.
Did anyone see Steve Fleet play? I never did as he only played 5 matches for City between 1957 and 1963 as he was kept out of the team by Bert Trautmann and Harry Dowd.
I saw him play a couple of times, he was a decent keeper but had no chance of getting an extended run.

I rated Alan Ogley too, once saw him perform a wonderful acrobatic save diving backwards tipping the ball over the bar, never forgotten it.

Worst? Perry suckling for me.
Not sure pre 90s, but as far as I could remember we hardly get a squeaky bum keeper other than Immel and Mergetson. We had our fair share of above average keepers who pulled their weight during promotion seasons, and keepers who earned their legendary badges from other clubs. but one thing that was to me an enigma was David James. One day he pulls out the best form of his life, then the next game he fumbles and flaps. then the game after, stunning form. Still a good keeper I guess. wasn't there a video of him a la CityTV saving kicks blindfolded?
Indisputable Margaret Margetson - shocking on a good day, Paddy Roche standards on a bad one - previously mentioned games vs Everton & QPR especially spring to mind. "Coming" a close second David final pay day Seaman 3rd - Barry Siddall, he's allowed some give in this as he must of been around 70 when he signed for us, looked it anyway)
He was so shit on crosses that day in particular that for large parts of the game Everton were just playing for corners so Andy Hinchcliffe could swing them in and cause absolute havoc in the area. Eventually he was subbed for Andy Dibble so with Neville Southall in the Everton goal it was apparently the only time in the Premier League (and very likely the League in general) that 3 Welsh goalkeepers played in the same game.

I remember that game - is this another City myth though (Margo subbed cos too shite to continue)? It seems that was like the only game we ever had a goalie on the bench (prior to increase in number of subs) - so possibly it was planned before the game (last game of season, meaningless etc), even if Margaux's performance merited it irrespective.
Eric Nixon was the first goalkeeper I ever saw, roll the ball out of his area, to get more distance when kicking it out and my dad was particularly scathing when he saw him do it. He also had the worst game I think I've seen, from a keeper at Maine Road v Crystal Palace, when Bright and Wright tortured us.
They used to say that Eric went after crosses as if in fear of his shorts falling down round his ankles - I thought he was alright tho
I remember that game - is this another City myth though (Margo subbed cos too shite to continue)? It seems that was like the only game we ever had a goalie on the bench (prior to increase in number of subs) - so possibly it was planned before the game (last game of season, meaningless etc), even if Margaux's performance merited it irrespective.
Just checked the line ups of that season and you are correct, it was the only time we had a keeper on the bench all season (2 subs) which does seem strange.

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