Worst Managerial Decision Ever By a City Manager

Gary James said:
levets said:
from Stockport who's name escapes me
Stuart Lee or Bill Williams?

Must be Williams. The story was that he was a part-timer at County and had a successful decorating (I think) business. He came to City and realised that his business would go down the pan because he would now be a full time footballer. It was also reported that he'd earn less money at City than he would doing his decorating, so he was returned to County.

It was also reported that he'd earn less money at City than he would doing his decorating
How times have changed eh Gary?
There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the worst managerial decision occurred when Alan Ball signed on the dotted line....................................
The rest, as they say,speaks for itself and is now (thank f*ck) history.
The well has truly been sucked dry with bad managerial decisions so i'll go for a time in our history when we were a completly fuckin joke club and swales decides to put Phil Neal ( Stan Laurel lookalike) in charge
Keegan for letting Anelka go on practically the last day before transfer window shut (cant remember how much we got for him but it wasnt enough) and not having time to replace him. Also the Bekovich saga still makes me mad!!<br /><br />-- Wed May 19, 2010 2:17 pm --<br /><br />Keegan for letting Anelka go on practically the last day before transfer window shut (cant remember how much we got for him but it wasnt enough) and not having time to replace him. Also the Bekovich saga still makes me mad!!
Gary James said:
A contender... Kendall for going back to Everton. No one gained from that - not Kendall, Everton or City. City would have developed under him. That's why it hurt.
It's amazing when you think how quickly he fell, I think I'm right in saying that he was up for the England job that summer(I guess when it went to Taylor)before he took the Everton Job. Yet only 4 or 5 years later he was managing Notts C in the lower leagues, you're right on that one, no one won on that whole deal, least of all Notts C!
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Gary James said:
A contender... Kendall for going back to Everton. No one gained from that - not Kendall, Everton or City. City would have developed under him. That's why it hurt.
It's amazing when you think how quickly he fell, I think I'm right in saying that he was up for the England job that summer(I guess when it went to Taylor)before he took the Everton Job. Yet only 4 or 5 years later he was managing Notts C in the lower leagues, you're right on that one, no one won on that whole deal, least of all Notts C!

Howard Kendall - total piss pot. Morning noon and night.....glug glug glug
levets said:
Gary James said:
Must be Williams. The story was that he was a part-timer at County and had a successful decorating (I think) business. He came to City and realised that his business would go down the pan because he would now be a full time footballer. It was also reported that he'd earn less money at City than he would doing his decorating, so he was returned to County.

It was also reported that he'd earn less money at City than he would doing his decorating
How times have changed eh Gary?

Stuart Lee...the mention of that name sends a shiver down my spine. Wtf was that all about?

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