Worst Managerial Decision Ever By a City Manager

on a lighter note which manager was it that played martyn margetson outfield for ten minutes ?
that surely wasnt neccessary ?
frank clarke i think ?
jacko8684 said:
any takers????
Agreed. Not the worst but one of them and annoyed the hell out of me at the time. Shocking decision, insult to the fans, the subs and any outfield player. I don't really care that much about the likes of Macken but to be a striker sat on the bench that day and see that happen was a disgrace.

How would Pearce have liked it when he was playing if he'd been left out while they put a keeper on at left back. And would James have like it if they'd taken him off and put Macken in goal. Only good thing was that it allowed Weaver on for his first game in ages.
Les McDowall letting Bobby Johnstone go back to Hibernian has bothered me the last 51 years.
In no paticular order, letting Tony Towers go as part of the Dave Watson deal,signing Micky Horswill,Tony Book.
Playing Steve Kinsey up front on his own and raiding Scottish regect shops at every opportunity,Billy McNiell.
Ruining the club for the next thirty years,Malcolm Allison.Like a drunken shopaholic,buying any old tat and throwing out some of the best players to have ever worn the shirt.
Peter Reid, his outrageous refusal to play Clive Allen, when the other options were Wayne Clark and Adrian Heath.
Howard Kendall,for giving us a bit of hope and then doing one.
Alan Ball,Frank Clark and Joe Royle for not realising this was about as good as it would get for you non entity's and failing miserably.
Mel Machin,not playing Moulden enough and with a decent strike partner and signing David Oldfield.
Keegan,Ericsson and Pearce impressive cv's,feet of clay. Hughes,rsc enough said.
ifiwasarichfan said:
How far did we get into the thread before Malcolm's purchase of Steve Daley got a mention ? - especially as 84 Cap Ray Wilkins went to our rivals for less money?

It will take me all Night at work to think of something suitable to post as we are all spoilt for choice. Tomorrow we may have a " Sister" thread;

" Best Managerial decision ever by a City Manager" I think we all know which thread will get the most pages.

I have been thinking all Night and it's so difficult to choose. Malcolm buying Rodney was not quite as bad as Malcolm dismantling a Team that may have been just one player short of taking the Title from Liverpool.

I dont want to mention Frank Clark or Alan Ball - I will just get upset.
ANY manager leaving ANY player out for non football reasons,
i.e. eyal berkovich,elano etc, fall out all week but you play your best 11 on a matchday ffs.
Pretty Much every signing Pearce made apart from signing Michael Ball and Emile Mpenza, both shit but did ok

Pearce not giving Sylvain Distin a new contract

Pearce not signing Walcott for 2m when he had the chance

Joe Royle signing Dunne

Keegan signing Robbie Fowler and Steve McManaman

Pearce telling Richards he could play centre back and Sven continuing this notion

Hughes giving Ireland a 5 year contract after one good season

Tal Ben Haim, enough said

Not playing Glauber Berti more often [;)]
This is the best thread on here for weeks!!!!What memories we all have of all those dire decisions by our wonderful managers.....my turn......

.....selling Neil Young a great goalscoring winger

......selling Francis Lee

.....and hopefully not...selling Steven Ireland!!!!!!!!!!!
There's certainly some harsh criticism for some hardworking ex-managers on here! Joe Royle did what he had to do. He took us from the 3nd tier of English football back to the Premiership. I loved Gio as much as the next fan but if Royle didn't think it was right to use him then it was probably the right decision just like playing Dickov ahead of Weah was. If we're going to blame anybody for those year blame Ball or the Board. Furthermore, Pearce did his job, granted it was dire to watch and depressing at times but he kept us up with next to no money and he kept most of the academy graduates together.

"Worst decision by a City Chairman?" - now your talking!
itsnevereasy said:
Selling David White.
Yeah I read about that on my paper-round. I just dumped my paper bag in the OAPs home I was delivering in at the time and went home devastated. We got Rocastle very shortly after and then sold him about 6 months later. I was devastated we sold him too.

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