Worst pain you've experienced

In answer to Mosssideblue, sorry I don't know how to reply to a PM. But the gall bladder op you were asking about was nearly 30 years ago, before keyhole surgery - I was off work for weeks, but had no problems at all afterwards, though I still have the quite long scar.
Digestive problems may be something else, I suppose.
Hope this answers your question.
My lad spent most of last year in RMCH after his pancreas decided to digest itself that looked pretty painful, the over 200 gall stones that developed whilst he was in there didn't look a picnic either. Ketamine / Morphine IV and he was still climbing the walls ala exorcist. I did not leave the hospital with a very good opinion of the pain team.
Constipation is bad, trying to pass a breeze block through your sheriffs badge
Is worse.
Happened Friday, strangulated intestines. What happens when you allow a hernia repair to wait too long. Had surgery yesterday and laying in my hospital bed right now typing this. Doctor said that I had more intestines outside the abdominal wall than inside.

Yikes. Get well soon chap.
Sprained wrist as a kid hurt a lot.

Gallstones. I thought I was having a heart attack it was that bad.

When a dentist touched a nerve whilst doing some work on my teeth. Nearly hit the roof.
Kidney stone. Dont know what was worse, the pain when it was making its way from my kidney, or the constant feeling of bursting for a piss when it finaly arrived in my bladder. Think the later was worse. Finaly pissed it out at work urinal. Bliss.
Seriously ... gout !!
I used to laugh about people suffering from this ailment but twice it came back to haunt me.
It was the middle of winter and honestly I could not bear to wear socks and even worse I had to sleep with my bare feet out of the bedding as even that was bloody painful.
Never again have I laughed at those unfortunates who suffer from this shit.
Mine reappeared with a vengeance yesterday, been on the phone since eight this morning trying to get someone to sort medication out, that's a pain in itself. Just decided to kick my heel with my inflamed big toe , goodness knows why. Hope to get some sleep tonight.

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