Worst pain you've experienced

An alleged Chiropodist cutting into the sole of my foot with a scalpel. Only experienced the pain for a short time before passing out. Character-building at best.
The worst pain I've had was when my appendix burst
I’ve got to admit it was horrible when my appendix burst it turned into peritonitis 3 hours away from dying I was only 7 at the time Harry Godwin was a mate of my uncles,my uncle said some city players are coming to see you joe corrigan Dave Watson Asa and Dennis turned up,i was in booth hall for 6 week
I’ve dislocated knuckles, cracked a carpal, broken a metatarsal when a ladder dropped on my foot when I had no shoes on, broken two fingers, nearly chopped my thumb off when cutting into a butternut squash, snapped ligaments in my ankle... but my top 3 are:

3. Tooth ache, back bottom molar, ended up having the tooth out. I kept going for a few months through the pain thinking it would go away but it just got worse. One night it was so bad I tied a belt around my face to put a bit of pressure on it and was swigging rum straight from the bottle and I cried!

2. Ear infection caught in Cyprus, so bad I had to go on a drip in hospital! They gave me morphine. I cried with the pain of that n’all haha

1. GOUT! The pain was so intense I was shouting and whaling while driving to the hospital... what a pain... WHAT A PAIN! Too painful to cry!
Had a mate jump off the back of a 4 tonner on an escape and evasion ex his SLR went up that bit bit between his backside and ball bag (perineum) vitually upto the bayonet boss. The rest of us felt his pain and still do. He was casevaced and missed the exercise.
Childbirth labour pains. 30 hours of continuous, intense, mind blowing painful nerve ending shrieking agony.
Some other women manage to do it like shelling peas. No idea how.
Anyway, apart from that.....gall bladder pain.
Nice gentleman from the Spanish riot police decided I needed my jaw rearranged during the World Cup in 1982 - few weeks later when jaw had set and they removed wire from mouth (with set of glorified pliers and no anaesthetic) they needed nurse and orderly to hold me down - absolute agony, I take it things have changed nowadays - worst pain ever, up until last year when I got....................... Kidney stones!
Sounds like a right bastard mate..
Not as bad as the Tibial Plateau fracture but close was a bone marrow biopsy taken from the pelvic bone with local anesthetic. The needle was 3mm in diameter and serrated on the outside. I was screaming in pain, bite the pillow time. When the needle finally got through the bone there was an awful feeling of nausea that I'd never felt before. I've had a few sine then but have always been sedated. No pain at all. Anyone having one should insist on sedation.
Childbirth labour pains. 30 hours of continuous, intense, mind blowing painful nerve ending shrieking agony.
Some other women manage to do it like shelling peas. No idea how.
Anyway, apart from that.....gall bladder pain.
Gout is MUCH worse.. !
Gout is MUCH worse.. !
You know what I'm going to say now, don't you.....;-)
Childbirth pain is something nature deals with in a very insidious way. The memory of that pain lessens, naturally. Because, if it didn't, NO WOMAN IN HER RIGHT MIND WOULD EVER GO THROUGH IT AGAIN.
Glad that's sorted ;-) xx
Remember the advert where the ladder slips and the guy kisses the floor at about 100mph.
Well,it happened to me......my own fault...was replacing a tile on the roof,and I put the ladders on the decking,so no grip whatsoever(I know,I know).
Gets about 10 foot short of the roof and they went.
Instinct told me to grab onto summat and I wrapped my arms round the aluminium ladders.
Was looking down and I actually said to myself..."this is gonna fuckin hurt"......anyway,hit the deck and fuck me.......snapped both my arms,dislocated my left leg,cracked a wrist,broke 4 ribs and a couple of toes......couldn't move obviously and it was about 10am so everyone was at work.
Had to lie there for about 4 hours till the window cleaner found me.
Won't do that again in a hurry.
Horrific. Glad you recovered.

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