Worst pain you've experienced

Snap, Four times with these over the years and the last two ive had a stay in Stepping Hill for 3 Nights. I can honestly say even the Morphine only took the edge off the pain.
Bloody hell!
How do you get Kidney Stones?.....is it a lack of or too much of something in your body?
I’ve heard its worse than giving birth! I hope i never ever get it
Gout and kidney stones edge joint first place above an abscess.
Been stabbed in the leg and shoulder and surprisingly neither hurt anywhere near as much as the other 3.
Worst was having four steroid injections each in 2 finger nails. Turns out the diagnosis was wrong and I didn’t need them. To add to the irony, the doctor’s name who performed this - Dr Yell.
Thought I was a bit thick as well to be fair.
Wasn't in the right frame of mind to be doing summat like that.
Had the worst 8 month of my life when that happened.
Got made redundant,divorced,lost my Mum,Dad and youngest sister,then the fall.....all in 8 month...Mum died the day before the fall.
Was just trying to keep busy to keep my mind off things.

bloody hell you had it bad didn't you, think I'd have been throwing myself off rather than falling :/

Anyone can have an accident on a ladder, it was the fact the daft bugger had stuck his on a roof and STILL not secured it that made me think he deserved all he got
Remember the advert where the ladder slips and the guy kisses the floor at about 100mph.
Well,it happened to me......my own fault...was replacing a tile on the roof,and I put the ladders on the decking,so no grip whatsoever(I know,I know).
Gets about 10 foot short of the roof and they went.
Instinct told me to grab onto summat and I wrapped my arms round the aluminium ladders.
Was looking down and I actually said to myself..."this is gonna fuckin hurt"......anyway,hit the deck and fuck me.......snapped both my arms,dislocated my left leg,cracked a wrist,broke 4 ribs and a couple of toes......couldn't move obviously and it was about 10am so everyone was at work.
Had to lie there for about 4 hours till the window cleaner found me.
Won't do that again in a hurry.
Did he ask if he could have the ladders as they were better than his and you wouldn't be needing them?
Years ago, I had a bad football injury with a lot of bleeding on the muscle which meant I had to have ultrasound therapy on it. It didn't "hurt" as such but honestly I dreaded it. It was like being tickled inside and was unbearable for me... I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

For the most painful, that's an easy one for me ..having an ingrowing nail removed but the doctor didn't put enough anaesthetic in the toe. I felt the knife go down the toenail to cut it in half, felt him cutting the skin off and putting the gauze on - the lot. I fainted and went into shock with pain. The 2nd closest was a couple of days later getting the gauze them put over it off!! Nothing else has come close to it.
Was once at the hospital for something that I can't remember now, and the sister asked how painful it was. On a scale of You've stubbed your big toe on the settee, to You've stood barefoot on a Lego brick.

Gout generally gets the pain factor. Praise be allopurinol and boxes of cherries.

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