Worst pain you've experienced

I had malaria in 1993
sent me delirious at times
the pain was un imaginable
i didn't care for a few days if i lived or died
i just wanted to be unconscious one way or another

and for years Iv suffered from gout
going back to being 35,I'm now 55
I currently have a compression of the c5, 6 and 7 vertebrae. As a result I have had pins and needles in one arm for 7 months, non stop 24/7, the other arm is in constant pain. My neck, back and chest are usually hurting and the 3-5 day severe headaches are a bummer.
Today I received a letter from the spinal unit at Salford saying if I logged on I could book an appointment to be seen by a specialist. When I did the computer said there were no available appointments !
As someone else said, a headache can be the worst pain going, these were like a very severe migraine but strangely they have eased in intensity.
Remember the advert where the ladder slips and the guy kisses the floor at about 100mph.
Well,it happened to me......my own fault...was replacing a tile on the roof,and I put the ladders on the decking,so no grip whatsoever(I know,I know).
Gets about 10 foot short of the roof and they went.
Instinct told me to grab onto summat and I wrapped my arms round the aluminium ladders.
Was looking down and I actually said to myself..."this is gonna fuckin hurt"......anyway,hit the deck and fuck me.......snapped both my arms,dislocated my left leg,cracked a wrist,broke 4 ribs and a couple of toes......couldn't move obviously and it was about 10am so everyone was at work.
Had to lie there for about 4 hours till the window cleaner found me.
Won't do that again in a hurry.
Fucking hell, rather you than me mate. Known a couple of blokes who've fallen of ladders one ended up in a wheelchair and the other never came out of hospital, head injuries, in a coma and died a few years later.
Gallstones, blimey completely floored me for hours every time and had multiple ‘attacks’ over a few years, eventually had my gall bladder removed thank God!
Had an abscess the size of a plum right on the bum hole....have never experienced pain like it ...every time I farted it was like being stabbed up the arse with a broken bottle.....lasted about 4 days then exploded what a mess!!!! Had to wear a sanitary towel over my arse for a few days after as it drained
Dislocated shoulder after bomb blew a hole in the blade, have also walked around with broken hand/dragging a broken leg around for a couple of days, had 2 day headache after being sparked clean out in American football.
All painful but bearable unless you decided to wave them/move about too much.

By far worst pain I've ever experienced was sinusitis. Excruciating constant pain through whole head unless I stayed perfectly still. Even the slightest movement from breathing was agony.

Luckily found out how to avoid it ever coming on in future, but that was a painful lesson.
Have had a few mentioned, sciatica start of this year had me laid up for six weeks and off work three months, sixteen tablets a day eased the pain but only in third place, in second was kidney stone which was removed on the operating table but meds eased the pain between diagnosis and the op.
Worse for me by a country mile was gout, nothing eased the pain, just absolute agony.
Think some things mentioned sound horrific but been lucky in avoiding serious accidents so it's gout for me
Have had a few mentioned, sciatica start of this year had me laid up for six weeks and off work three months, sixteen tablets a day eased the pain but only in third place, in second was kidney stone which was removed on the operating table but meds eased the pain between diagnosis and the op.
Worse for me by a country mile was gout, nothing eased the pain, just absolute agony.
Think some things mentioned sound horrific but been lucky in avoiding serious accidents so it's gout for me
I have two entries in this year's "Suffering and looking for sympathy" contest.
1. I had a cancerous growth in my lip which needed surgery. Surgeon, a world famous guy, said:
"Your lips have more nerve endings than any other part of the body, but don't worry, we will give you plenty of anaesthetic."
He didnt mention that every one of about 20 injections would be excruciatingly painful. Head clamped and Nurse just about had to hold the rest of me down. At least I knew it would stop at some time.
Good result, just a small Cliff Richard lip curl !
2. I have rheumatoid arthritis. Just about every joint was swollen and painful for 9 months. Like gout 20 times over. Couldn't bear to be touched. Pain killers useless, so I drank myself into oblivion every night. Finally brought under control by massive steroid doses, oral chemo drugs (no booze allowed) and lots of other pills. Injections right into the shoulder joints deffo not recommended.
I got a piece of shrapnel in my eye, that was painful enough but it was sticking out of my eye so every time I blinked my eyelids scrapped over it..... it hurt

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