Worst pain you've experienced

This sounds daft but for me it was after I’d had my big toe nail removed, the pain was unbelievable. However, my mate and my Dad have both had knee replacements and the pain they experienced is not something I’d like to go through, both had morphine to held them through, horrendous.
Had an issue with acid reflux / excess stomach acid when I was a teen, and that was agony. When it flared up it felt like being burned from the inside, because that's what was happening. Even shifting your body a millimeter after you'd been lay down in bed for hours waiting for it to subside would set it off again, and it was pain in terms of gluping for breath and talking was near impossible. Been to hospital a few times with it and I think basically they just hydrate and monitor, give pain relief, but no idea what causes it etc. They didn't indicate if it was diet, genetic or whatever.

Tried diet changes, less alcohol, it still crops up now and then but nowhere near as bad as when I was a teen. More like indigestion now that forces you to stop and slow down.

That said, I don't much fancy gall stones. I know someone who had that and it's something that I would and do proactively take steps to avoid having.
I take stuff for it and haven’t had a problem since.
Cracked tooth causing an absess underneath. Ended up begging the dentist to take it out.

Or Gout.
Burst ulcer..like having a javelin through ya.

Fell off a block of flats once , broken ankle, wrist, arms, legs and swede...the ulcer was more painfull
Cracked tooth causing an absess underneath. Ended up begging the dentist to take it out.

Or Gout.
I hear that!...had a huge abscess on the gum some years ago.. terrible pain....couldn't sleep...finally got into an emergency dentist ...wee small hours...he gave me a shot straight into the fker...to be fair he didn't say you may feel a slight scratch....just ''this is going to hurt''.
1. Renal Colic--first time would have shot myself the pain was so bad
2. 5 fractured ribs in an RTA,seat belts restraing me from a side impact,pneumothorax..helicopter job
3. Injection into the eye for recent surgery
4. Cut the top of my finger off with a hedge trimmer..through the bone.

Had other fractures, sinusitis, dental issues, but believe me a Kidney Stone is the worst ever pain.
Had some skin cancer cut out from the back of my knee, the whole width of the back of my knee, they sown me up and a few days later whilst waiting for the results sent me home without ant pain kills. It was like a red hot poker stuck to the back of my knee. But that wasnt the worst lol.
3 days later I was back in to cut away more skin and a 6"×4' skin craft at the back of the same knee.
It all went well until two days after the graft the two nurses decided to take the bandage of the donnar leg.

If you can imagine skin growing through a gauge and than someone pulling that of. Like when you fall over a graze your hand but this time it's a 6"×4" graze.

I screamed and begged them to stop, my bed was soaking with them squinting water to loosen up the dressing. I swore , I cried, i bent the bar above the bed as i was pulling so hard on it because of the pain.

The next day the surgeon did his rounds and when he saw my new dressing he asked who had done that ?
He went over the the two nurses and ripped them apart he was an army surgeon and didnt hold back. The dressing was not meant to be changed unless gangrene, it was meant to fall of naturally with the scab.

I have never felt pain like that again. Towards the end of the scab coming off the surgeon said he was just going to touch the skin graft. I nearly fainted but he caught me and put on a bed. He said that told him how much pain I must have been in when the nurses changed the dressing because just the thought of someone touching it your brain said 'shut down' lol
I currently have a compression of the c5, 6 and 7 vertebrae. As a result I have had pins and needles in one arm for 7 months, non stop 24/7, the other arm is in constant pain. My neck, back and chest are usually hurting and the 3-5 day severe headaches are a bummer.
Today I received a letter from the spinal unit at Salford saying if I logged on I could book an appointment to be seen by a specialist. When I did the computer said there were no available appointments !
As someone else said, a headache can be the worst pain going, these were like a very severe migraine but strangely they have eased in intensity.

I had that, eventually had to have two discs out in my neck at c4 and 5. Unfortunately the damage was already done to the nerves and they've not improved, still have excruciating pain, spasms and numbness.

Compounded by 8 years later having two discs herniate in my lower back. So painful it leads me to be physically sick.

On the plus side i get to take strong doses of tramadol and pregablin so feels like I'm high most of the time.
A Brain Haemorrhage six years ago it’s unbelievable pain, you must never neglect a headache after head injury, I’m lucky to be here and able to do most things except walk but it takes time but I’m doing really well
The other time was breaking a leg that was bad

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