Worst pain you've experienced

Kidney stones for me too. But ironically the last one I had probably saved my life. The job I did had a medical fitness certificate required and the protocol after a stone was to have an ultrasound 2 years after a stone. I went for the scan, where they found a tumour in my kidney that showed absolutely no symptoms. 3 weeks later kidney was removed and surgeon described it as a "Vinny Jones". What do you mean I asked, nasty and aggressive was his reply. I took early retirement a few months later as it brought everything into perspective.
Glad things turned out okay for you Blue. My scan was clear thankfully. Generally, most people who experience kidney stones can expect an 80% chance of a recurrence. After two episodes some eight years ago, it appears I'm one of the lucky 20%.
Right, talk to me, how do you sort out Sciatica ? Pulled my back over Christmas whilst doing a bit of DIY, seemed to go right but now have sciatica in my hip thigh and knee.
Ibuprofen seems to alleviate it a bit and I keep doing the exercises the physio has sent me but it doesn't seem to be getting any better.
Thinking about seeing a Chiropractor but not sure if it's the best idea with it being nerve related.
Only had Sciatica once for 3 months start to recovery.
Doctor medicated to rest me for six weeks for the inflammation to subside - bed to bathroom basically, then able to slowly get fitness back by walking around the house then walking the dog.
Plenty advised stretching etc but couldn't stand up straight for no more than 30 seconds.
Doctor must have got my treatment right as not had any episode since.
Good luck with yours.
Without a shadow of a doubt, kidney stones. No analgesics touched it. I'm not normally one for hyperbole but, if someone had passed me a loaded gun, I'd have happily shot myself just to relieve the pain. Most women will tell you that the most excruciating pain they have ever experienced is childbirth. Not surprising when you consider it must be like shitting a football. When researching the condition I came across a number of comments from women who had experienced both. Tellingly, they all said they'd take childbirth over kidney stones.
Same here. I collapsed in the bank a few years ago. The pain was so intense I'd have shot myself there and then. When I eventually got to hospital they maxed me out on morphine and I could still feel the pain!
i have non stress induced atrial fibrillation (hereditary neurological condition).
the pain of AF isn't too bad but before I was diagnosed and treated it led to a hypoxic fit, which was basically a seizure while I was fully conscious. Lying on the floor and repeatedly headbutting the wooden deck at the back of my house was the scariest and most painful and terrifying thing I can remember.
I am not sure if it was all about the pain or whether it was seeing the deck keep coming and hitting me in the face or the the fact I couldnt control my body and really didnt think it was ever going to end
Torn between toothache and snapping my ankle. The ankle was about 20 minutes. The tooth was about a week.

mines toothache and breaking my ribs

after this thread I’m terrified of kidney stones
i have non stress induced atrial fibrillation (hereditary neurological condition).
the pain of AF isn't too bad but before I was diagnosed and treated it led to a hypoxic fit, which was basically a seizure while I was fully conscious. Lying on the floor and repeatedly headbutting the wooden deck at the back of my house was the scariest and most painful and terrifying thing I can remember.
I am not sure if it was all about the pain or whether it was seeing the deck keep coming and hitting me in the face or the the fact I couldnt control my body and really didnt think it was ever going to end
Christ, that must have been horrendous. Then again, it does sound remarkably like the experience of most City fans during the eighties and nineties!
mines toothache and breaking my ribs

after this thread I’m terrified of kidney stones
3 things mentioned being painful and I've had them all and most likely to happen to large amount of people are sciatica ( laid up), kidney stones ( operation to remove) but the bastard for me is gout ( plenty of times).
Gout free for a few years now due to Alpurinol.
In the old days I managed to get into trouble with a few fellas and got grabbed. This went downhill pretty quickly because I hurt one of them quite badly in the struggle. It involved systematic torture. Sawed through my knee and used a hammer on the other one, lump hammer to both hands systematically breaking every bone in each hand and turning them to mush, broken feet, broken jaw, slashed quite a few times and had petrol poured over me and was threatened with being burned alive. It was a long two days. Never underestimate the power of a gang egging each other on and losing their minds. I believe it’s how a lot of murders happen. The knees were like nothing I have felt before or since but after a period of time the human body does turn off and you drift to other places where you can’t quite feel pain.

As a result of some of the injuries, I had plastic surgery to repair some of the damage to my face and because I had self medicated because of some of the pain of the other injuries, the surgery took place without any anaesthesia. That was pretty rough as I was awake and having wounds and stitching to the inside and outside of my cheek and the muscles needed stitching too. That was a four hour operation whilst I was awake and with no pain relief at all.

worst pain ever, kidney stones. Fucking nightmare….

In the old days I managed to get into trouble with a few fellas and got grabbed. This went downhill pretty quickly because I hurt one of them quite badly in the struggle. It involved systematic torture. Sawed through my knee and used a hammer on the other one, lump hammer to both hands systematically breaking every bone in each hand and turning them to mush, broken feet, broken jaw, slashed quite a few times and had petrol poured over me and was threatened with being burned alive. It was a long two days. Never underestimate the power of a gang egging each other on and losing their minds. I believe it’s how a lot of murders happen. The knees were like nothing I have felt before or since but after a period of time the human body does turn off and you drift to other places where you can’t quite feel pain.

As a result of some of the injuries, I had plastic surgery to repair some of the damage to my face and because I had self medicated because of some of the pain of the other injuries, the surgery took place without any anaesthesia. That was pretty rough as I was awake and having wounds and stitching to the inside and outside of my cheek and the muscles needed stitching too. That was a four hour operation whilst I was awake and with no pain relief at all.

worst pain ever, kidney stones. Fucking nightmare….

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