Worst pain you've experienced

A Brain Haemorrhage six years ago it’s unbelievable pain, you must never neglect a headache after head injury, I’m lucky to be here and able to do most things except walk but it takes time but I’m doing really well
The other time was breaking a leg that was bad

Bloody hell pal, glad your still here and feeling positive
3 things mentioned being painful and I've had them all and most likely to happen to large amount of people are sciatica ( laid up), kidney stones ( operation to remove) but the bastard for me is gout ( plenty of times).
Gout free for a few years now due to Alpurinol.

remember my Grandad suffering with his gout, used to take him ages to get up the steps of the main stand
what's the worst pain you've experienced?

I once trapped my finger in a metal door pulled it out as I panicked and degloved the tip of my finger, so the bone was poking out.

That wasn't fun.

Medical pain answer's only please. No watching city under Pearce, ball etc.... :)
Same happened to my mate 25 years ago, we worked in a warehouse and he found a ring on his way to work, one of those sovereign ones that where all the rage In the 80’s….anyway he stuck it on his little finger and went about his work, he needed something off a pallet on level 1 and climbed up the racking, jumped down & caught his finger…stripped to the bone like yours, he’s now one digit down & called Kit Kat :)
Gout... then when it was at it's worst point my youngest who was a toddler then jumped on my foot as I lay in bed
Got glassed once, that didn’t hurt as alcohol and adrenaline kicked in. the wonderful Serbian doctors however put stitches in my face but without any anisthetic, the needle and thread weren’t exactly wee either. They had to pin me down. The uk hospital were they fixed the mess uses pictures of my stitches as training on how not to do stitches.

Broke my wrist 2 years ago, didn’t know it was broken till I went to non emergency A&E 24hr later, that pain was nothing compared to the stitches.
Having the 6"x4" area where my skin craft was taken from remove 48 hrs after have the opp.
Never felt pain like it.

The two nurses that did it got an all mighty bollocking of the surgeon the next day. It shouldnt have been changed unless it was turning gangrene which it wasnt. It was meant to come of naturally with the scab.

The pain of pulling of raw skin still brings me out in a cold sweat even now nearly 40 years on !
Having that camera up my bellend to see inside my stomach or somewhere. Absolute fuckin pain like no other :( Then the woman had the audacity to say, ooh be quiet you big girl. To which I replied FUCK OFF!! My eyes have never watered so much in my life. Upshot was, i didn't need it in the first place, but safety first and all that. :(
I’ve dislocated knuckles, cracked a carpal, broken a metatarsal when a ladder dropped on my foot when I had no shoes on, broken two fingers, nearly chopped my thumb off when cutting into a butternut squash, snapped ligaments in my ankle... but my top 3 are:

3. Tooth ache, back bottom molar, ended up having the tooth out. I kept going for a few months through the pain thinking it would go away but it just got worse. One night it was so bad I tied a belt around my face to put a bit of pressure on it and was swigging rum straight from the bottle and I cried!

2. Ear infection caught in Cyprus, so bad I had to go on a drip in hospital! They gave me morphine. I cried with the pain of that n’all haha

1. GOUT! The pain was so intense I was shouting and whaling while driving to the hospital... what a pain... WHAT A PAIN! Too painful to cry!
Amendment to my initial list^ earlier in this thread, I have a new entry at #1; blood clots in my lungs.

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