Worst pain you've experienced

Had replacement nearly 4 years ago. First 2 days after op was drugged up to fuck and thought it was piece of piss. How wrong was I. Next month was horrendous. Bending and straightening the knee!!! Fuck me that hurt.
Good luck with rehab.
Mine was done just before Easter weekend so I got home on the Thursday night not realising I only had 24 hrs of the strong pain killer.
I was in agony for 4 days until my GP prescribed another weeks worth. Been signed off from physio and have a 3 Month appointment with the surgeon.
Last year suffered from an intradural spinal tumour. It was causing a near stenosis of the spinal cord. Some days the pain it caused was epic. Did not know you could even have such pain.
Had an orchidectomy years back, nice word for a bollock removal. Kind of thought small cut in the scrote, pop it out and Bob is your mother’s brother.

Woke after to find a slit in my groin the size of a surgeon’s hand in agony, to be told I’d had as much morphine as they could give so put up with the pain- took hours, but luckily was very sleepy!

Oddly for a week after whenever I strained (like walking to the loo) had a blood rush so had a massive semi, as Billy Connolly would say “take away the pain and leave the swelling”

Also had the camera up the japs eye, wouldn’t do it for fun, but wasn’t bad. Pulling out was the worst part - pretty nurse wasn’t a help!
Had a few painful moments over the years.
Broke my arm as a kid slipping on an icy pavement. Turned out to be a compound fracture & it had to be manipulated to re-align the fracture, broke my knee playing sport as a 15 years old, which hurt like hell at the time & still gives me daily grief now 41 years later, broke my hand drunk fighting, which was surprisingly painful, managed to completely crush my right foot in an DIY accident which was actually pretty bad with multiple compound fractures. I was alone at the time too & had to carry out my own first aid to stop the bleeding before I could get to hospital.
But I think the very worst was the pain caused by a testicular torsion when I was in my mid 20’s. Pain was basically like being kicked in bollocks, but the pain was more or less constant for about 4 weeks until I managed to get surgery to fix it. Could barely sleep, couldn’t work, The consultant told me it was not too severe but needed sorting urgently as there was a risk of the blood supply becoming cut off to one of my testicles.
I vividly remember that the pain was truly awful.
No if I'd meant a thong I'd have typed thong. I didn't I meant thongs so I typed thongs.
Thongs are like sliders but they have a middle bit.

Bloody hamericuns coming over here bastardising out Australian language. I don't know.
You're such a ( thong wearing ) woman

Please send pics
Chopped off the end of my thumb, that wasn’t that painful because I didn’t know at the time, went to hospital and they stitched it back together. Months later when it came to taking the stitches out - well that was the most excruciating pain iv ever felt in my life.
Tempting fate here but never remember going through pain like in the thread. Took the ends of 2 fingers off in a wood chipper, flesh and nails but taped them back on, didn't remember any pain as such, took 2 years to get any sensation back. Also went to the doctors with a rather troublesome chalfont and the nurse said I should be up on the ceiling in pain but it didn't really bother me apart from the inconvenience. Broke a toe catching it on a table leg and remember looking down on thinking..that doesn't look right as it was at 90 degrees from the others, stuck it to the one next to it with a plaster and wore a tight sock for a couple of weeks and that hurt.
Broke 2 ribs, hit a mooring bouy on a jet ski, couldn't fart, cough, laugh, sneeze, bend down, ached more than hurt.
Abdominal pain after being unable to poo for a few days.

That’s your body telling you there’s something very, very wrong. Trust me.

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