Worst pain you've experienced

Probably getting a hairline fracture in my left wrist in 2008 after being pushed over at school. Was totally innocuous. Kids just messing around. Took a tumble and put my arm out to break my fall. When I sat up again I realised there was a pain in my wrist that reminded me of when you accidentally walk into a door or bang it on a table or something. You get the split second where there's no pain, and then the adrenaline wears off. Then after 5-10 seconds it subsides and you prepare yourself for a bruise to form overnight. But the pain didn't stop. It just kept going. It got worse and worse until I was basically sweating while sat on the floor. One of my teachers said my face had gone green because of the pain. Couldn't even cry, just gritted my teeth and yelled. Was in a cast for 2 weeks. Then literally the day after I got it taken off, some other lad came up behind me and pushed me over. Landed on the same wrist. Thankfully nothing happened that time. Just pot luck.

Also, as others have said, gout. Just unbelievable how much pain can be stored inside a toe.
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Are you doing better though and no more surgery required? My dad is having prostate trouble and we are awaiting further results following biopsies. It's a real sickener but life can be cruel. I bet your scare has given you a bit of a nudge to live life to the fullest.
Very much. I got the all clear in October last year and also in a check up in May. Sorted in one operation.
Conjunctivitis. Needles stabbing your eyes every time you blink. The only time I've considered suicide to stop the pain.

Not wishing to do “one upmanship”, but reminded me I had a sudden bout of eye pain pre-lockdown, got so I couldn’t open my eyes, went to a&e and was told it was “PUK” peripheral ulcerative keratosis- lovingly referred to as “corneal melt” affected both eyes. So they whacked me on high dose steroids and said I’d lost 10% of my corneas, and if it perforates they’d have to remove my eyes! Not my best day TBF, but the best long term treatment was a biological infusion infliximab and as I have rheumatoid arthritis it’s improved that no end, so swings and roundabouts
Abdominal pain after being unable to poo for a few days.

That’s your body telling you there’s something very, very wrong. Trust me.
Had a blockage in my bowel and had to have 32 cms removed. Pain prior was unbearable. They joined the large to the small intestine and luckily I avoided the need for a colostomy bag. Not a nice experience but thankful for the NHS.
This hurt a tad. using the handle end of a pickaxe as a battering ram to squash down my black bin whilst holding the blade end like a set of handle bars I hit a a void and trapped the top of my thumb between the steel blad of the pick and the little raised lip on top of the bin where the lid sitsthumb xray.jpg
Other people. Ongoing.

Everything says I should adapt. I've got as far as entertaining the thought. It's interesting tho. All you're doing by refusing, is preserving yourself from a bit of pain. All you achieve by adapting, is to inevitably walk into a different kind of pain.

I think the idea might be to mix up the kinds of pain and disappointment, to avoid constantly rubbing the same wound in perpetuity.

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