Worst pain you've experienced

Falling off a ladder last tuesday. Had the CAT scan which shows no broken ribs or fluid on the lungs but been in fucking agony since. Can't sleep. Can't do anything!! hopefully it'll get easier in the next few days.

Prior to that. Breaking a leg playing 5-a-side. I also did my cruciate and had 2ops on my cartilage from the same incident. Not helped by some rag tw@t bouncing the ball on my knee when i first went down saying I was play-acting. If i could have got hold of him, I'd have made mincemeat of him!
Chest/sturnum sawn open for mechanical valve inserted into heart.
Morphine in ICU, but then paracetamol, steel stitches in chest, extremely painful when moving or trying to lie on my side for 5 weeks.
I was involved in a very serious car accident by hitting an abandoned car on the M61 at just less than 70mph and managed to close the motorway for four hours
My injuries were, a fractured Sternum and collar bone, big time whiplash, plus loads of bruising around my waist

That night in Bolton general, I woke up in absolute agony as my pain relief had worn off. It took me about ten minutes to move just those few inches to ring for help and when the nurse arrived she looked at my notes and told me I'd had pain relief only a few hours earlier so gave me two paracetamol!

When the ward lights were switched on at 7am and the day staff inspected us the nurse looked at me and asked if I was alright. My body had totally stiffened up and I was almost crying. I answered "No, not really" she checked my notes and within five minutes I was being pumped with pain killers
Chest/sturnum sawn open for mechanical valve inserted into heart.
Morphine in ICU, but then paracetamol, steel stitches in chest, extremely painful when moving or trying to lie on my side for 5 weeks.

I have been carrying on like a fanny for 6 months with a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder, puts my pain into perspective that bud. Hope everything is tickety boo now for you?
I have been carrying on like a fanny for 6 months with a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder, puts my pain into perspective that bud. Hope everything is tickety boo now for you?
Yeah that was 7 years ago, I can hear it ticking away, it opens and closes 100, 000 times a day.
Incredible really.
Kidney stones
This, i actually blacked out due to the pain on the way to hospital, i have read that soldiers how have had kidney stones and have also been shot say the stones were more painful.
Not sure how true this is.
Its a toss up between tooth ache and kidney stones. Probably tooth ache.

I had referred pain in a molar from a tiny hole in one of my front teeth which was F*CKING AGONY. So much so that I almost passed out. I had to see an emergency dentist who thought it may have been an abscess. She sliced into my gum to try and relieve the pain which didn't work, then she noticed the hole in my front tooth and drilled and filled it without anaesthetic.
Gout - simply astonishing how much pain you can get in a big toe. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone

Breaking my foot was absolute agony as well. So was breaking 3 ribs
Had an operation on my piles (not the banding) which was all well and good until a few days later when I needed a big shit. It was the first and only time I've thrown up through pain. Excruciating.

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