Worst thing you've ever said to a girl.

A girl I managed said she was off for the night but she was waiting for Callum to finish who worked in another part of the office. I asked if it were her son and she said no, my boyfriend, I am only 20.

She didn't look it!
One sometimes has to remember that when being cosmopolitan, that is being with a foreign girl, there are sometimes differences in terminology.

For example, Americans call their arse their fanny. And if they don't actually like arse based action, then this can lead to misunderstandings.

I'm sure I don't need to elaborate...
"its no use screaming, they cannot hear you....if you be a good girl i will untie you"

but seriously.....I am usually really careful what I say, but remember one girl I went out with got really chessed off when I kept calling her by her mates name during sex. (I just got mixed up).

The final blow came when I dropped her back home at the shared house and got the name wrong again...."you must really fancy my mate" she says with a sarcastic evil sounding tone...."what makes you think that" I say in total innocence (CAR DOOR NEARLY TOOK MY HEAD OFF!)
Young_TomO said:
Thatchersforearm said:
When I was 18 I got a job in a restaurant in town. It was run by a husband and wife team and their fit daughter was a waitress. After a few weeks of sweet, sweet sexy time she asked if I was interested in a threesome. Like a dog on heat I said yes, but when she asked who I had in mind I replied - and to this day have no idea why - 'you're mum is hot'.

I lost my girlfriend and my job a few weeks after. Her mum was fit though.

You ever get to hit the mum?

I wish!
At a funeral me and the wife started discussing wills, I told her that I was leaving 25 percent of everything to my son and everything else to her.
I explained that should she get married again if I died my son could end up with nothing.
She , I guess fishing for a compliment, suggested that since she was fast approaching 40 no one would want her.
My reply of "don't forget you will be well minted if I die" was not the reply she wanted and resulted in her not speaking to me for two days.
ADE said:
At a funeral me and the wife started discussing wills, I told her that I was leaving 25 percent of everything to my son and everything else to her.
I explained that should she get married again if I died my son could end up with nothing.
She , I guess fishing for a compliment, suggested that since she was fast approaching 40 no one would want her.
My reply of "don't forget you will be well minted if I die" was not the reply she wanted and resulted in her not speaking to me for two days.
You sure she wasn't silent due to plotting a cynical plan for your demise?

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