Would anyone be willing to boycott a game?

My Seasoncard divided by 19 means I'm paying roughly £33.50 per match. I think that's too high.
Mine works out at £32.37 per match for next season after binning platinum, I think that's reasonable, not fantastically cheap but decent value compared to the ludicrous match day prices. It's always going to be a personal opinion though as people have different financial circumstances and priorities.
(Switches 'Patronising' setting to Maximum and starts typing) This is called a "forum" and it allows people to express their opinions and discuss and even criticise the opinions of others who've expressed theirs. And if I think people are talking bollocks I'll say they're talking bollocks but I'll tell them why I think they're talking bollocks. That's me. Perhaps I do sometimes come over a bit patronising when it's something I feel very strongly about and people are poo-pooing me but it's nothing personal. Whereas you've been a bit personal about me but I might well agree with you 100% on the next subject you express an opinion on and none of this will carry over.

I've taken the time to try to explain to people why I think the increase in uncalled for and self-defeating but none of the people who say it's necessary can explain why this £500k maximum revenue (and it's not going to be anything like that at the end of the day) is the difference between us signing Messi and not signing Messi. Because it isn't.

If you don't feel there's anything the club do or have done that merits criticism then that's your prerogative. But please don't tell me why I shouldn't have the opinion I do.
Your options shit
Move to a cheaper seat then.
People keep saying move to a cheaper seat but it's clearly not feasible for everyone to move as the number of cheaper seats are extremely limited ... that's why people will ultimately perhaps after binning platinum and cup schemes sacking season ticket
First point the op states "As one of the poorest fanbases in the country" not sure where you get that from far from the truth.

As for the argument over boycotting a match it does seem as the old adage "cutting off your nose to spite your face" seems viable. Nothing will be achieved in boycotting a game you have already paid for. Now my Season Ticket has risen £15 which the "I'm alright Jack" approach is viable for me I can see where it does affect many others. Oddly have some old emails saved and found last few seasons ticket prices

12/13 - 585
13/14 - 630
14/15 - 675
15/16 - 750
16/17 - 750
17/18 - 765

Cant find what it was when we moved into the new stadium but £350 rings a bell.

So yes £15 is what it is. Totally bizarre to say the least as it seems it was a token increase compared to what we have had previously. City didn't need to do it but if there plan is to make mine 800 next season they probably thought drip feeding that increase would be less of a hit. To be honest if it hits 800 and otamendi & bravo are still there they can have my seat.
what if you don't want to sit in the Gods miles away?
You don't have to there are cheaper options than the £600 tickets without going to the £299 -£360 range anyway I've sat all over the stadium there isn't really a bad view in the stadium except the new pitch side seats maybe.

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