would you sack the medical staff now ?

Don't worry, the medical staff at City won't have much longer to wait for the injury burden to be taken away from them. ;-)

3 day's to go. http://www.mihp.co.uk
I'm sure the club have the best medical staff available. We're playing a lot of games. Players have been hacked down on international break, and it's stopped us from being able to rotate.
I'm sure the club have the best medical staff available. We're playing a lot of games. Players have been hacked down on international break, and it's stopped us from being able to rotate.
I'm sure they've not got the best medical staff available.
I'm sure they've not got the best medical staff available.
I'm sure the whole debate distracts from the real problem, that city have allowed themselves to be dependent on 2 or 3 players. Players that happen to have very below par fitness records. Who is to blame? The other players, the manager, the recruitment. Whoever is to blame it doesn't really matter but blaming our fitness team for trying to deal with injuries to key players that we should have replacements for anyway, seems a bit of an upside down way of approaching the problem.
I'm sure the club have the best medical staff available. We're playing a lot of games. Players have been hacked down on international break, and it's stopped us from being able to rotate.
Maybe we do, maybe we don't - but they certainly aren't doing a good job at the moment. The most injury prone team in the league, with yet another muscle injury yesterday. Unless our players simply don't warm up and stretch as they should do.
I presume it's been proven that all the injuries are down to the medical teams incompetence and not training routines or other variables beyond their control?
We do love a good sacking on this board.
I presume it's been proven that all the injuries are down to the medical teams incompetence and not training routines or other variables beyond their control?
We do love a good sacking on this board.
Muscle injuries sustained in training and in warm-ups strongly suggest that they aren't doing their job properly (and I've asked an experienced physio this question). Also compare our injury record with many of the same players in the 2011/12 season (when we had a different head of sports medicine) to the record since. Third, look at the record of clubs like Chelsea under Eva Carneiro. Some clubs have consistently good records and ome have consistently bad ones. That's not a coincidence.

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