would you sack the medical staff now ?

Muscle injuries sustained in training and in warm-ups strongly suggest that they aren't doing their job properly (and I've asked an experienced physio this question). Also compare our injury record with many of the same players in the 2011/12 season (when we had a different head of sports medicine) to the record since. Third, look at the record of clubs like Chelsea under Eva Carneiro. Some clubs have consistently good records and ome have consistently bad ones. That's not a coincidence.
Then they want sacking then. The fact that a club with our resources and supposed expertise throughout has allowed this to happen is very concerning. I guess me having blind faith that those in charge know what they're doing needs to be addressed.
I can't help think that we've wasted our chance of being a dominant force these last couple of years. I'm all for the future vision being an exciting prospect but the here and now seems to be a bit of a damp squib.
Then they want sacking then. The fact that a club with our resources and supposed expertise throughout has allowed this to happen is very concerning. I guess me having blind faith that those in charge know what they're doing needs to be addressed.
I can't help think that we've wasted our chance of being a dominant force these last couple of years. I'm all for the future vision being an exciting prospect but the here and now seems to be a bit of a damp squib.
It's odd that the club where money is no object and supposedly no detail is overlooked, has just left Mancini's man in place, who really has no track record and hasn't gone out and got the best.
Our muscle injury record is ridiculous.

People have laughed about Eva Carneiro coming here, but Chelsea's players consistently being injury free was a big part of them winning the league last season. Their injury record was very good and, if we had a similar one, I reckon we'd run away with the league.
Now please don't berate me for this but............. I was talking to some scousers this afternoon, nice guys, and we were discussing injuries across the Premier League and one of the things we discussed was the fact that in the past if a player was out injured for any length of time they were eased back in by a couple of games in the 'reserves' whereas today there doesn't seem to be that facility and therefore when people like Silva and Aguero (& Kompany if he ever returns!) come back they are immediately in the thick of it, granted not always for the full 90 minutes but they have are not getting the match practice that is possibly needed?
The Doc we have now was brought by Bobby Manc after he fell out with the other one..

It seems strange that constant injuries to key players have been happening ever since..
Yes! Yes! Yes! I have been moaning about this for the past two to three years! They are nothing short of useless and have been for ages. It will cost us without doubt. We would be streets ahead if we had competent staff.
Yes let's have a clear out. Our injury record proves just how inept they are. The whole set up at City needs to be under scrutiny. The sheik as spent a fortune and we are still inconsistent. It's a poor show. Lots of freeloaders on the City books. Time for a serious rethink.
Stevan Jovetic. 11 appearances in 13-14, 17 in 14-15. He has played in 11 already at Inter!!! I think that says it all. Get rid now!

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