Would you send your kid to private school?

117 M34 said:
Chancy Termites said:
Both my kids have been through private school and have benefitted enormously from it. As someone mentioned earlier, you get more motivated parents who want to take an active part in their kids' education so fundraising activities are much better supported, but there are plenty more reasons:

  • You get a mix of races and cultures that mirrors the area where the school is located, something the state sector doesn't manage anywhere near as successfully.
    Not having to follow the National Curriculum means that private schools can concentrate on teaching kids the things that actually matter, rather than the cack that some committee in the House of Commons dreamt up.
    There is more of a culture among the teachers to actually teach: much less of the largely discredited 'child centred learning' that is still favoured in state schools who hang on to the outdated notion that kids will go and learn if you just allow them to.
    The teachers are much more likely to fully involve themselves in their schools so there are more extra curricular activities.
    The kids are expected to have manners and to behave well toward one another and this is taught and insisted upon.
    There is a culture of expectation. Kids are expected to behave and to succeed and they know that they are. Excuses for poor behaviour or performance are much less tolerated.
    Generally, although paid a lot worse than their state counterparts, private school teachers are better qualified in their subject area, with a higher proportion of teachers holding masters degrees and doctorates.


You could have put any sentence in that post in bold and called it bullshit.
Unless you are very affluent and can afford a really top private school for your children the only reason to go private is because you think your kid is too thick or too delicate to cope in the public sector.
I work in Bolton and I have to say that Bolton School is very impressive to look at as I drive past it! Fantastic building.

If you can afford it then be sure to factor in inflation rises of more than 5% a year as fees can go up a lot.

If I could afford it I would be tempted to do it as 11-18 level and just find a really good primary before then. I'm not sure I see a major benefit at the 4-11 stage.
Absolute bollocks. It depends on the area in which you live. The local state schools are gash and surrounded by council estates of unwashed morons pushing out offspring spawned to increase benefits payments. Maybe I want better for my child than hoping he'll catch a break in McDonalds.
Drewmanc said:
My 3 year old has gone to a private nursery that leads onto a private school next year since he was 18 months old. The missis and I are skint because of it, we also moved closer to the school, again doubling our rent. We haven't had a big holiday in 2 years and don't really spoil ourselves with many nights out etc but we think education is the most important thing we could offer our son. Of course it's pretentious and the other parents drive Bentleys etc but my missis and I both have normal working class upbringings. This I think leads him to be grounded somewhat by us. He at the moment is streets ahead of any 3/4 year old I know and is mistaken for a 5 year old due to his vocabulary and ability to write already! Money well spent in my opinion!

Good for you.

It's easy for somebody on £200,000pa to send their child to a private school.

But for Mr average on 25k, who is prepared to make personal sacrifices (no holidays etc).....they are to be applauded.

Having said that, there are plenty of excellent state schools around, and if your child is bright and willing to learn they will do well.

Personally, I would not bother if my sons were dustbinmen as long as they were happy and contented.
I guess a lot depends on where you live and what is available locally.

My eldest 2 children have always attended private schools as I felt it was the best option for them.

However, this year our youngest switched to a local primary school and she has been very happy there and thrived but I'd probably look at private education again when she gets to secondary school age.
Yes. As long as I genuinely believed that it was the best option for my child. Seriously considering it for secondary school for the eldest junior blue.
There's a lot of hypocrisy in this thread.

A lot of people make the usual Ad Homs towards private education without really thinking about it...

Some parents spend their their money on holidays with their kids to Barbados, others spend money on flash cars, others spend money on season tickets for their kids to go to city. That's the world we live in and you can spend your hard earned money on what you want.

Some parents want to invest in their kid's future through private education. Does it guarantee their kids a good future? No it doesn't. If you join a flash gym, does it guarantee you to be in good shape? No it doesn't. When it comes to applying for a job, does it matter what school you went to? No it doesn't. Investing in private education may help kids to improve their grades, it may not.

I've seen parents who spends shit loads on their kids fancy designer clothes, holidays to Florida, computer consoles and games etc, shall we have a thread on that?
Lets face it, if anyone on here won the Euromillions would they be sending the kids to the brick and mortar shitholes like we all went to, no way.

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