WTF was all that about with Balo.

redmizzle said:
Mad Mario said:
aaahh so are all of the balo haters racist now?

If the cap fits, wear it matey, if not, what's your problem?

not got a problem, just wondering what the lads colour has got to do with anything? city fans didnt lynch goater did we, infact quite the opposite.

strange thing to say, just saying.
blueinsa said:
Spiros said:
Some people on here are so fucking thick it makes my eyes water.

All these fucking hardmen calling him soft having absolutely no fucking idea about what actually went on or why he was suffering.

The only thing he's done wrong here is insisting he can play when he clearly can't. If you want to blame anyone (because you're fucking arseholes who have to have your pound of flesh) blame the backroom staff who are injecting him with allsorts because the guy is desperate to play.

Did none of you deluded fuckwits see his eyes absolutely streaming on one of the close-ups of him?

No it's just convenient to come on here and shoot your stupid fucking mouths off as you're sat on fat fucking arses with 6 cans of Stella.


Fuck off and support someone else.

You have an anger problem as well as being unaware of the C of C.

No need for the abuse!


Just gets my goat and it's so blatantly uncalled for and counter-productive and most of all it just makes the people concerned and us as fans look like halfwits.

And I didn't single anyone out for abuse so you have a choice whether to take personal offence!
redmizzle said:
Uncle Wally One Ball said:
What has him being black got to do with anything. Go steady with your accusations or insinuations mate. I doubt very much at all that the colour of his skin has entered into the mind of anybody who has engaged in this discussion. Dont know if you are just making mischief or its a phrase you have heard, but I dont see the need to bring that into it at all.

If the cap fits, wear it!

Fucking yawn!

Only you going on about it ffs.

Grow up!
nashark said:
redmizzle said:
this talented young black millionaire who won't stick to the script.

Lol. I had a feeling you were black.

If it's a role model you're after, perhaps Micah Richards would be better.

You might need to edit your location mate, we're not sure yet if it's the grass he was reacting to.<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:50 am --<br /><br />
blueinsa said:
redmizzle said:
If the cap fits, wear it!

Fucking yawn!

Only you going on about it ffs.

Grow up!

OK Mod.
Fucking bollocks. Balotelli is gone in my eyes, scores against shit teams in nothing games.
When has he done the business in a hard game when the chips are down?
He is treating City as a very lucrative Gap Year before he fucks off to AC Milan, because Inter couldn't be seen to sell him directly to their rivals
Anyone who thinks he sees our club as anything more than a stepping stone to his boyhood heroes is fucking deluded.
He has no feeling or respect for us. I just hope we get our money back on the fucking gobshite. Pure disrespect to the lads who travelled over tonight.
LongsightM13 said:
Fucking bollocks. Balotelli is gone in my eyes, scores against shit teams in nothing games.
When has he done the business in a hard game when the chips are down?

He is treating City as a very lucrative Gap Year before he fucks off to AC Milan, because Inter couldn't be seen to sell him directly to their rivals
Anyone who thinks he sees our club as anything more than a stepping stone to his boyhood heroes is fucking deluded.
He has no feeling or respect for us. I just hope we get our money back on the fucking gobshite. Pure disrespect to the lads who travelled over tonight.

West Brom away. I don't think we'd won there in like a billion years and that was after 3 straight defeats i think.
At some point there might have been a point to this thread but as usual some idiots turn on each other for not sharing the same opinion and suddenly it's racism?!

Ok, so he may have had a reaction to something tonight, fair dos.

In fairness, he was ok at times anyway, some good touches, etc.

What I think the reaction by some fans is down to though is both frustration about the game tonight, plus some of Mario's performances in the past.

My opinion is that Mario has already shown he is talented, but has also shown he often can't be arsed.

I hold that opinion because I've watched (and played) a lot of football and have seen plenty of players like him in the past. Lots of ability, but not the equivalent amount of passion for the game.

I'd also like to point out that until recently (and yes, i do realise he's still not played that many games), I have thought "yeh, it's ok, he's young, foreign country, scores a lot for the time he's on the pitch etc etc"..

.. to be honest now though, I'm starting to worry if he's ever going to take his career at City seriously.

I hope he does, he could be great, fingers crossed!
redmizzle said:
LongsightM13 said:
Fucking bollocks. Balotelli is gone in my eyes, scores against shit teams in nothing games.
When has he done the business in a hard game when the chips are down?

He is treating City as a very lucrative Gap Year before he fucks off to AC Milan, because Inter couldn't be seen to sell him directly to their rivals
Anyone who thinks he sees our club as anything more than a stepping stone to his boyhood heroes is fucking deluded.
He has no feeling or respect for us. I just hope we get our money back on the fucking gobshite. Pure disrespect to the lads who travelled over tonight.

West Brom away. I don't think we'd won there in like a billion years and that was after 3 straight defeats i think.
Is that really the best you can do?
A team which will be relegated?
Oh, and he got himself sent off. Point proven. A flat track bully and will never be a blue hero. He only plays when he feels like it. The Goat played like his life depended on it.
No comparison on ability, but no comparison on heart or guts either.
LongsightM13 said:
redmizzle said:
West Brom away. I don't think we'd won there in like a billion years and that was after 3 straight defeats i think.
Is that really the best you can do?
A team which will be relegated?
Oh, and he got himself sent off. Point proven. A flat track bully and will never be a blue hero. He only plays when he feels like it. The Goat played like his life depended on it.
No comparison on ability, but no comparison on heart or guts either.

When was the last time we won there? He was harshly sent off as well. His debut goal got us a vital away win in Europe, his goal earned us a pont against Fulham and a hattrick that earned us 3 points against Villa.

Not all players will run around like Shaun Goater and he wasn't even the worst player on the pitch tonight, just went off due to an allergy but there's still a witch hunt from ''City fans''.

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