Ya Ya

Trouble is he's one of our greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses. Storming forward runs ,pressing ,keeping possession are great ,defensively for me he is a liability as its so easy to get past him with pace or a one two pass . Once your past him that's him out of the game. Defensively the two Fernds have to do his job when paired with him.
Pogba for Yaya and a left sided box to box midfielder for Nasri would make us so much stronger.
nellyonthewing said:
Trouble is he's one of our greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses. Storming forward runs ,pressing ,keeping possession are great ,defensively for me he is a liability as its so easy to get past him with pace or a one two pass . Once your past him that's him out of the game. Defensively the two Fernds have to do his job when paired with him.
Pogba for Yaya and a left sided box to box midfielder for Nasri would make us so much stronger.

I've been saying the same as you for a long time but been hammered for it- in a two man midfield he just doesn't tick the boxes for me - in a three man midfield with two holders behind him he can make the difference in the attacking third against any team .... I just can't decide whether he is clueless defensively or thinks he's above it!! Probably the latter the prima donna that he is!!'
nellyonthewing said:
Trouble is he's one of our greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses. Storming forward runs ,pressing ,keeping possession are great ,defensively for me he is a liability as its so easy to get past him with pace or a one two pass . Once your past him that's him out of the game. Defensively the two Fernds have to do his job when paired with him.
Pogba for Yaya and a left sided box to box midfielder for Nasri would make us so much stronger.

Milner can do left-sided box to box, he can also do centre-mid unfortunately I dont think he'll sign a new contract .....

Yaya and Nasri are the type of characters to have in your team when things are going well - I wouldn't want them in the trenches with me pair of sulky prima donnas both of them ..... When you look at the rest of our players they're all made of the right stuff ... Vinnie, Zab, DM, Hart, the Ferns, Silva, Navas, Kun etc ...all solid pros
I don't know what will happen this
season after shortage of squad size
(ffp punishment) but it's obvious
next season we have to find out
Yaya's replacement & it could be
pogba, miralem pjanic, barkley or
anyone. even we need to buy good
forward with cheap price tag and
attacking mid like isco or rues.
When we sold Negredo without replacing him I thought we would see more 4-2-3-1 with Yaya in the middle of the three. Maybe we will when Fernando's back. Until then, we're stuck with the midfield 2 that won the premier league last season.
Sojib_citizen said:
I don't know what will happen this
season after shortage of squad size
(ffp punishment) but it's obvious
next season we have to find out
Yaya's replacement & it could be
pogba, miralem pjanic, barkley or
anyone. even we need to buy good
forward with cheap price tag and
attacking mid like isco or rues.

That's the worst poem I've ever read.
Clubs fault for not getting rid in the summer when it was the perfect time in terms of age, re-sale value, his actions, ACON again this season, FFP etc.

He's basically a write off this season. He couldn't play at Arsenal because he was late back from an ACON qualifier and too tired in Pellegrini's words. It'll be the same after the October and November international breaks. Then next thing it's January and he pisses off for a month and then when he comes back he'll need a bit of time to get back in the swing of it and then it's another international break in March. Plus the fact he's never cut it in Europe with City and a big factor in City not competing at that level yet.

We just have to take what we can next summer now, if we can even move him on at all, and then have to spend the budget on a Pogba if we can sign someone of that quality with the rags no doubt throwing all kinds of money around again looking to outbid everyone.
ElanJo said:
Yaya should be kept and moved into AM with Pogba coming in to partner the Ferns in CM.

In a couple of seasons we can bring in someone like Barkley to properly replace Yaya.

oe we could get Pogba, move Silva to AM, and buy Reus and/or Sterling. Goals, dribbles, pace, power, creativity, youth, experience, complete blend in Midfield

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