Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

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Re: Yaya Toure

Once again in a situation like this the agent gets half of the anger and disgust which is exactly the aim. Part of the reason they get x% of a player's fortune is to deflect the flak for a player's astonishing greed and we as fans fall for it every time.

Forget Seluk. He is irrelevent. It is no surprise at all that a representative of a professional footballer is a morally-bankrupt snake who would sacrifice whatever it takes for an extra bag of cash.

Lets not paint this as Yaya being weak and manipulated by whispers in the ear. He is his own man and imagine for a moment yourself in this position should he be even slightly 'innocent' here. You would sack the agent with immediate affect, make it clear it was not your own doing, and put out a statement that you are committed to the club who pays your wages and that you're embarrassed by the past 24 hours.

I am so pissed off with this but despite me viewing agents as a cancer on our game Seluk gets precisely none of my ire here. Yaya however has shown himself to be the very opposite of who he is on the pitch.
Re: Yaya Toure

Marvin said:
that's all down to how the agent conducts himself which is not Yaya's responsibility.


Give over Marvin that's absolute shite.
Re: Yaya Toure

Lucky Toma said:
Yaya however has shown himself to be the very opposite of who he is on the pitch.

Been my feeling since I first read the full interview Borat gave yesterday.
Re: Yaya Toure

JoeMercer'sWay said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
andhercl said:
Hi everyone. First of all, I must say I'm from Chile, and I've been following the forum as a visitor all this year.

Regarding to the "Yayagate", I think that if he stays, he probably will end up just as Riquelme once did in Villarreal under Pellegrini. One thing that the manager doesn't tolerate is the "prima donna" attitude in any player (and that has happen previously in other clubs).

My best to all of you.

Thanks AH. What does that mean Pellegrini is likely to do? Demand he is sold, drop him, strip him of vice captaincy? What happened to Riquelme in the end?

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.goal.com/en/news/12/spain/2009/03/14/1154679/i-was-right-to-kick-riquelme-out-of-villarreal-manuel" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.goal.com/en/news/12/spain/20 ... eal-manuel</a>

I Was Right To Kick Riquelme Out Of Villarreal – Manuel Pellegrini

The Yellow Submarine coach has recalled his decision to banish the Argentine playmaker from the team back in 2007.

As the storm surrounding Juan Roman Riquelme's shock resignation from the Argentine national team continues to brew, one of the temperamental playmaker’s former coaches, Villarreal's Manuel Pellegrini, has spoken about the confrontation they had back in 2006.

Riquelme had a disagreement with the Villarreal general director and Pellegrini, leading to his exile from the team at the start of 2007. Ultimately, this forced him to head back to Boca Juniors the following February. El Submarino’s Chilean trainer has maintained that he made the right call.

“I made the correct decision at the time and it was irreversible,” he told radio station La Red. “I do not know if it was a good or bad decision but I had to look out for the interest of the club. For me, the issue between Riquelme and Villarreal is now over because he is no longer a player at this club.”

Pellegrini, however, did not want to get involved with the midfield genius’ latest run-in.

“I’m sure that Maradona took the decision for the well-being of the team,” the Chilean explained. “But I do not want to take sides with anybody as it is not my place to do so. I have nothing to comment on what Maradona said about Riquelme.”

Hi guys. Back then at Villarreal, Riquelme was by far the biggest star ever playing for the club. You can watch videos about him, a very talented player aswell a very "special one" Llourinho style ("I am the god" style). Pellegrini didn't say why he banned him from the first team, but he was inflexible about it, despite a big journalism and forum campaign. I think that the guy simply thought he was bigger than the club, and in the end he spent almost a dry year until he got back to Boca Juniors. As I say, if Pellegrini thinks that this is the same attitude, you will be seeing Yaya a lot in the seats of the stadium, and not in the pitch or the bench.
Re: Yaya Toure

BillyShears said:
Marvin said:
that's all down to how the agent conducts himself which is not Yaya's responsibility.


Give over Marvin that's absolute shite.

I don't see Yaya donating the £50 grand to charity he has earned from City since creating this Twitter storm. That will pay for a lot of birthday cakes.
Re: Yaya Toure

nikoman said:
andhercl said:
Hi everyone. First of all, I must say I'm from Chile, and I've been following the forum as a visitor all this year.

Regarding to the "Yayagate", I think that if he stays, he probably will end up just as Riquelme once did in Villarreal under Pellegrini. One thing that the manager doesn't tolerate is the "prima donna" attitude in any player (and that has happen previously in other clubs).

My best to all of you.
Bueno tener más compatriotas acá.
Saludos !

Muy bien! Saludos!
Re: Yaya Toure

Lucky Toma said:
Once again in a situation like this the agent gets half of the anger and disgust which is exactly the aim. Part of the reason they get x% of a player's fortune is to deflect the flak for a player's astonishing greed and we as fans fall for it every time.

Forget Seluk. He is irrelevent. It is no surprise at all that a representative of a professional footballer is a morally-bankrupt snake who would sacrifice whatever it takes for an extra bag of cash.

Lets not paint this as Yaya being weak and manipulated by whispers in the ear. He is his own man and imagine for a moment yourself in this position should he be even slightly 'innocent' here. You would sack the agent with immediate affect, make it clear it was not your own doing, and put out a statement that you are committed to the club who pays your wages and that you're embarrassed by the past 24 hours.

I am so pissed off with this but despite me viewing agents as a cancer on our game Seluk gets precisely none of my ire here. Yaya however has shown himself to be the very opposite of who he is on the pitch.

Great post! Exactly how I feel about this, I will never understand how Yaya thought this course of action was better than being a man and stating his case face to face with Khaldoon etc.
Re: Yaya Toure

His performances have been a rollercoaster. Some outstanding, others well below par. His temporary injuries are a bit suspect too. Until he scored the goal at Wembley in the cup this year, he had done nothing of merit.

I agree with the other posters, his Sontaran agent is not doing this media gob-shiteing without Yaya's permission. If Y wasn't happy he'd have reined him in. Not sure what the agenda is, other than to weasle his way back to Barca. Treat him like Tevez, bench him unless he retracts the birthday bullshit. Loan him to Burnley and see if they put on a better party.

Apologise or fuck off is my opinion - finished with him tbh.
Re: Yaya Toure

We had all this 'he is irreplaceable" stuff about tevez, and I have the same belief about yaya as I did about tevez: we can potentially be a better team without him. Like tevez, he's too good to leave out (and he might even have a contractual starting deal), but we can become a more solid unit with a better tackler in a holding role. We became a better team without tevez because we were able to become a one/two touch passing tempo team. We have plenty of others who can pull the strings in an attacking capacity, so him leaving won't necessarily hurt us too much if we replace him well.

We also don't need egos.
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