Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

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Re: Yaya Toure

BillyShears said:
Marvin said:
that's all down to how the agent conducts himself which is not Yaya's responsibility.


Give over Marvin that's absolute shite.

Agreed Billy. If I wanted a move and more cash I would employ Seluk too, if I wanted to stay I would no longer employ him after his current outburst. If people think that Yaya is not complicit in his agent's behaviour they are seriously deluding themselves. Yaya has had moves all around Europe to clubs that paid him ever increasing salaries- do you not think that if Yaya wanted a more diplomatic agent and a longer spell at the club he would have dispatched with Seluk? Yaya is a no more than an economic migrant chasing the biggest supply of cash that is on offer and Seluk has always provided him with the methods to get that.
Re: Yaya Toure

he scored 20 goals but how many of them were pens/free kicks??????
yes he was are best player last season but it would be a bigger blow to the team if it was aguero. silva or kompany wanting to leave
Re: Yaya Toure

There are players in the squad that are City fans and players that aren't, this is the way I see it from body language etc;-
Hart = Fan
Zabba = Fan
Richards = Fan
Kompany = Fan
Demichelis = Not Fan
Clichcy = Not Fan
Kolarov = Not Fan
Silva = Not Fan
Milner = Not Fan
Fernandinho = Not Fan
Navas = Not Fan
Toure = Not Fan
Nasri = Fan
Aguero = Not Fan
Negredo = Not Fan (but may be with time)
Dzeko = Not Fan
Jovetic = Not Fan (but may be with time)

and I think the defining feature is that the players that are fans have made their name at City.
Don't get me wrong though, you don't have to be a fan to play for us.
Re: Yaya Toure

Didsbury Dave said:
We had all this 'he is irreplaceable" stuff about tevez, and I have the same belief about yaya as I did about tevez: we can potentially be a better team without him. Like tevez, he's too good to leave out (and he might even have a contractual starting deal), but we can become a more solid unit with a better tackler in a holding role. We became a better team without tevez because we were able to become a one/two touch passing tempo team. We have plenty of others who can pull the strings in an attacking capacity, so him leaving won't necessarily hurt us too much if we replace him well.

We also don't need egos.
Of course he is replaceable. Maybe not absolutely like for like but replaceable nonetheless. I agree with your earlier post that there are others who are more important to us too, definitely Silva and Aguero and arguably Kompany and Fernandinho but I don't believe any player is irreplaceable, you just sometimes have to make adjustments to the way you play when replacing a key player.
Re: Yaya Toure

GAZZA said:
There are players in the squad that are City fans and players that aren't, this is the way I see it from body language etc;-
Hart = Fan
Zabba = Fan
Richards = Fan
Kompany = Fan
Demichelis = Not Fan
Clichcy = Not Fan
Kolarov = Not Fan
Silva = Not Fan
Milner = Not Fan
Fernandinho = Not Fan
Navas = Not Fan
Toure = Not Fan
Nasri = Fan
Aguero = Not Fan
Negredo = Not Fan (but may be with time)
Dzeko = Not Fan
Jovetic = Not Fan (but may be with time)

and I think the defining feature is that the players that are fans have made their name at City.
Don't get me wrong though, you don't have to be a fan to play for us.

Have to disagree there, I think the majority of the squad do care for the club.

Only Toure that stands out for me with the 'Bigger than the club mentality.'
Re: Yaya Toure

CHAMPIONS 2014 said:
i8rags said:
I'm confused is this a request for cake, a pay rise a transfer, or just a cuddle.

He wants to be the centre of attention at the club. Just like Messi is the cente of attention at Barcelona.
If that were the case then someone needs to send him a video of what Messi brings to the party (aside from cake, of course).
Re: Yaya Toure

Player just had best season ever.
Player scores 20 + goals from midfield
Always said he wanted to go back to Barca and finish career there.
Barca haven't really by their standards pulled up any tress
Barca have obviously been in touch with agent
Yaya knows he can't put in transfer request etc etc because of layalty bonus
Agent makes up a half baked (sorry) story
Club decide to cash in
Player gets his return to the club he wanted but the club sold him.

IMO that is what this is about MONEY. Can I say he is a world class player, he has been instrumental in putting us on world map. However no player is bigger than the club (and the club is getting bigger by the year) and he can be replaced not by another Yaya, he is a one off. If that means we lose that bit of magic in midfield so what, the new players coming in will fill the void in other ways and we will go from strength to strength. The days where we had only one good player for the team to rely on are gone.
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