Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

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Re: Yaya Toure

Dirty Harry said:
Davs 19 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Shake, shake, shake the room?

I've often thought of you as an English 'Fresh Prince'. A more cerebral and well mannered version obviously, yet maintaining that certain 'street cool', that you retain with your occasional visits to the 'block'. For research purposes only, obviously.

PS: The minion thing is excellent btw. Thanks for the gig ;.)

He's more like an English Carlton in real life.
This is a cultural reference that I am way too out of touch to begin to understand.
Re: Yaya Toure

Can anyone point me in the direction of an old thread - I have searched but I can't find it, it was something about certain posters who were losing their mojo and their enthusiasm for watching City - might have been about 2 years ago - would love to dig it out if anyone can remember it?

edit - found it after all, interesting thread
Re: Yaya Toure

BringBackSwales said:
Can anyone point me in the direction of an old thread - I have searched but I can't find it, it was something about certain posters who were losing their mojo and their enthusiasm for watching City - might have been about 2 years ago - would love to dig it out if anyone can remember it?

edit - found it after all, interesting thread

I remember that thread quite well even though I didn't post in those days. A lot of people, myself included, felt a sense of anti-climax
after winning the league. The whole of the following season was a bit of a hangover for everybody connected with the club including
the players. I think we all learnt why retaining the league is harder than winning it in the first place.

If Yaya had just simply lost his mojo then people would have understood and wouldn't have been overly critical of him.

I think if Yaya had asked for a transfer saying that he wanted one last challenge in a new league with a greater possibility of winning the CL
again then everybody would have been disappointed but the vast majority would have wished him well. The problem is he hasn't done
that has he? His actions have probably lowered his transfer value and damaged the image of the club: "the brand" being all
important these days.
Re: Yaya Toure

Googoo said:
sir baconface said:
Googoo said:
Interesting to see the better the team gets the worse some "fans" get. Language is appalling which is presumably to mask lack of rational argument. Whole thread is quite ridiculous and think there must be some all minded brainless agenda against YaYa by some who don't seem to have anything else to do

A bit condescending, if I might say so, and not the first time you've complained about language and opinions on Bluemoon. Yes, it's a bit dysfunctional at times but that's part of the attraction.

Your user name suggests you like more cerebral stuff. If this is not the environment for you, there is an easy solution.

It's not bad language I object to but the context. If it was bad language I would never go to a match or the pub etc . I agree with many that the whole issue has been too drawn out and certainly YaYa and his camp should have behaved better but by calling him obscene names over and over again(obviously some trying to be funny but not really doing it for me) or not even having the grace to call him by his name instead referring to him as "the c&nt" I really can't understand.
As for "disrespecting the club" no one as far as I can see although I haven't read all the posts has explained what this actually means! Please tell me what it does mean. Presumably to keep on referring to one of our most iconic players in this manner must imply that he has done the club serious harm but I can't see any evidence for that - in fact all the evidence points to the stock of the club increasing on all fronts. So at this moment what real harm had been done other than some silly headlines which City have had to put up with for ages for all sorts of reasons. Secondly, what is the club? It' s a collection of stakeholders with varying degrees of interest - owners, fans, players, managers, staff employees but it is not an entity with one train of thought or consciousness nor is it a human being with things that are very personal or deeply held beliefs. That's only my view but who/what exactly is he disrespecting - I don 't feel disrespected as s fan of 42 year and I honestly can't say what Sheikh Mansour, Khaldoon, MP etc feel and I don't know how others can deduce they have felt disrespected.
So, yes it's a real shame that all this has happened and if he really is angling for a transfer in a sneaky and underhand way and events end up having a detrimental effect on the team then he, his agent ( who basically is to blame in my view) will obviously face a lot of anger over actions and I would also feel angry. Also, I would then be upset with the club hierarchy if this does drag on but as yet none of this has happened so I think there just is a huge over reaction and done in such a nasty way.

For context I have confined my own comments on Yaya to piss-taking rather than abuse. While I understand what you are saying, it's largely just people letting off steam. Some of it's unfunny; some is quite witty. It's a forum and that's what happens on a forum.

A lot of people feel let down by: (a) the timing, just after a title triumph, (b) the ungraciousness, having just been on a jolly at the owners' expense and been presented with a cake, (c) the pettiness of the claims, (d) the behaviour of his lizard of an agent, (e) Yaya's dismissive comment that he'd explain all after the World Cup , (f) his greed/lack of perspective if he's angling for more money. I could go on.

Damage? Little in PR terms as Yaya and Borat have come out worst so far. Potential damage? Serious, given our limited room for transfer manoeuvre. If it drags out and then we want to sell, the price will be depressed and our target replacements may not be available. There is also potential harm if he stays and doesn't put his heart into it. Both are real possibilities.

All these points have been made many times on the thread. I am just pulling a few together. I should also preface much of it with "apparent" or "alleged" as we don't know the full picture. But we do know Yaya has spurned the chance to clear things up publicly for several weeks.

"The club" is the MCFC legal entity plus a collection of stakeholders: primarily the owners, the management, employees and supporters. Of course it's not a homogenous mass but why is that relevant?

Returning to my second para, I imagine three parties feel disrespected: the owners, the executives and the supporters. The cake comment and the one about bereavement leave could be taken as digs at the first two. The "wait and see" comment disrespects everyone.

Supporters are the ones who show loyalty. Most realise they can't expect the same from players . However they don't take kindly to anything perceived as a blatant show of mercenary behaviour. When someone transgresses, they hit back.

There are undoubtedly some aggressive and/or invasive posters on BM but it goes with the patch. The great majority are OK. If this threads upsets you, stay out of the Cellar! (Actually I think that was where I first noticed you.)
Re: Yaya Toure

sir baconface said:
For context I have confined my own comments on Yaya to piss-taking rather than abuse. While I understand what you are saying, it's largely just people letting off steam. Some of it's unfunny; some is quite witty. It's a forum and that's what happens on a forum.

A lot of people feel let down by: (a) the timing, just after a title triumph, (b) the ungraciousness, having just been on a jolly at the owners' expense and been presented with a cake, (c) the pettiness of the claims, (d) the behaviour of his lizard of an agent, (e) Yaya's dismissive comment that he'd explain all after the World Cup , (f) his greed/lack of perspective if he's angling for more money. I could go on.

Damage? Little in PR terms as Yaya and Borat have come out worst so far. Potential damage? Serious, given our limited room for transfer manoeuvre. If it drags out and then we want to sell, the price will be depressed and our target replacements may not be available. There is also potential harm if he stays and doesn't put his heart into it. Both are real possibilities.

All these points have been made many times on the thread. I am just pulling a few together. I should also preface much of it with "apparent" or "alleged" as we don't know the full picture. But we do know Yaya has spurned the chance to clear things up publicly for several weeks.

"The club" is the MCFC legal entity plus a collection of stakeholders: primarily the owners, the management, employees and supporters. Of course it's not a homogenous mass but why is that relevant?

Returning to my second para, I imagine three parties feel disrespected: the owners, the executives and the supporters. The cake comment and the one about bereavement leave could be taken as digs at the first two. The "wait and see" comment disrespects everyone.

Supporters are the ones who show loyalty. Most realise they can't expect the same from players . However they don't take kindly to anything perceived as a blatant show of mercenary behaviour. When someone transgresses, they hit back.

There are undoubtedly some aggressive and/or invasive posters on BM but it goes with the patch. The great majority are OK. If this threads upsets you, stay out of the Cellar! (Actually I think that was where I first noticed you.)

Good post,however,i'm sure it can be summarised to three words;-)

He's a.......
Re: Yaya Toure

FantasyIreland said:
sir baconface said:
For context I have confined my own comments on Yaya to piss-taking rather than abuse. While I understand what you are saying, it's largely just people letting off steam. Some of it's unfunny; some is quite witty. It's a forum and that's what happens on a forum.

A lot of people feel let down by: (a) the timing, just after a title triumph, (b) the ungraciousness, having just been on a jolly at the owners' expense and been presented with a cake, (c) the pettiness of the claims, (d) the behaviour of his lizard of an agent, (e) Yaya's dismissive comment that he'd explain all after the World Cup , (f) his greed/lack of perspective if he's angling for more money. I could go on.

Damage? Little in PR terms as Yaya and Borat have come out worst so far. Potential damage? Serious, given our limited room for transfer manoeuvre. If it drags out and then we want to sell, the price will be depressed and our target replacements may not be available. There is also potential harm if he stays and doesn't put his heart into it. Both are real possibilities.

All these points have been made many times on the thread. I am just pulling a few together. I should also preface much of it with "apparent" or "alleged" as we don't know the full picture. But we do know Yaya has spurned the chance to clear things up publicly for several weeks.

"The club" is the MCFC legal entity plus a collection of stakeholders: primarily the owners, the management, employees and supporters. Of course it's not a homogenous mass but why is that relevant?

Returning to my second para, I imagine three parties feel disrespected: the owners, the executives and the supporters. The cake comment and the one about bereavement leave could be taken as digs at the first two. The "wait and see" comment disrespects everyone.

Supporters are the ones who show loyalty. Most realise they can't expect the same from players . However they don't take kindly to anything perceived as a blatant show of mercenary behaviour. When someone transgresses, they hit back.

There are undoubtedly some aggressive and/or invasive posters on BM but it goes with the patch. The great majority are OK. If this threads upsets you, stay out of the Cellar! (Actually I think that was where I first noticed you.)

Good post,however,i'm sure it can be summarised to three words;-)

He's a.......

Re: Yaya Toure

FantasyIreland said:
sir baconface said:
For context I have confined my own comments on Yaya to piss-taking rather than abuse. While I understand what you are saying, it's largely just people letting off steam. Some of it's unfunny; some is quite witty. It's a forum and that's what happens on a forum.

A lot of people feel let down by: (a) the timing, just after a title triumph, (b) the ungraciousness, having just been on a jolly at the owners' expense and been presented with a cake, (c) the pettiness of the claims, (d) the behaviour of his lizard of an agent, (e) Yaya's dismissive comment that he'd explain all after the World Cup , (f) his greed/lack of perspective if he's angling for more money. I could go on.

Damage? Little in PR terms as Yaya and Borat have come out worst so far. Potential damage? Serious, given our limited room for transfer manoeuvre. If it drags out and then we want to sell, the price will be depressed and our target replacements may not be available. There is also potential harm if he stays and doesn't put his heart into it. Both are real possibilities.

All these points have been made many times on the thread. I am just pulling a few together. I should also preface much of it with "apparent" or "alleged" as we don't know the full picture. But we do know Yaya has spurned the chance to clear things up publicly for several weeks.

"The club" is the MCFC legal entity plus a collection of stakeholders: primarily the owners, the management, employees and supporters. Of course it's not a homogenous mass but why is that relevant?

Returning to my second para, I imagine three parties feel disrespected: the owners, the executives and the supporters. The cake comment and the one about bereavement leave could be taken as digs at the first two. The "wait and see" comment disrespects everyone.

Supporters are the ones who show loyalty. Most realise they can't expect the same from players . However they don't take kindly to anything perceived as a blatant show of mercenary behaviour. When someone transgresses, they hit back.

There are undoubtedly some aggressive and/or invasive posters on BM but it goes with the patch. The great majority are OK. If this threads upsets you, stay out of the Cellar! (Actually I think that was where I first noticed you.)

Good post,however,i'm sure it can be summarised to three words;-)

He's a.......

Re: Yaya Toure

I find it very disappointing, the number of Blues who are coming on here and calling Yaya a c***. Whilst I can fully understand the serious disappointment many people now have in him, I think that continually calling him a c*** is really overstepping the mark.

However what I find particularly offensive is the fact that a moderator can not only keep calling Yaya a c***, but can also regularly use the same term to several posters who have a different view to him about Yaya. Maybe Ric could explain how this fits into the Bluemoon code of conduct which insists on "showing respect to fellow posters", "not being aggressive", and (this bit really makes me laugh) "showing moderators the respect they deserve" - how does that work when a moderator calls fellow Blues c**** for not having the same opinion as him about Yaya Toure? Indeed how could a moderator ever ban a poster again for abusing another poster when a moderator is allowed to regularly call people c****?

I also think it somewhat smacks of pots and black kettles when the same person just over a year ago was saying about following City "I just can't be arsed" and "I just don't care anymore" and "I'm considering missing the remaining home games" - imagine if Yaya had come out with comments like that? Mind you we were about 15 points off the top of the league at the time.
Re: Yaya Toure

Googoo said:
sir baconface said:
Googoo said:
Interesting to see the better the team gets the worse some "fans" get. Language is appalling which is presumably to mask lack of rational argument. Whole thread is quite ridiculous and think there must be some all minded brainless agenda against YaYa by some who don't seem to have anything else to do

A bit condescending, if I might say so, and not the first time you've complained about language and opinions on Bluemoon. Yes, it's a bit dysfunctional at times but that's part of the attraction.

Your user name suggests you like more cerebral stuff. If this is not the environment for you, there is an easy solution.

It's not bad language I object to but the context. If it was bad language I would never go to a match or the pub etc . I agree with many that the whole issue has been too drawn out and certainly YaYa and his camp should have behaved better but by calling him obscene names over and over again(obviously some trying to be funny but not really doing it for me) or not even having the grace to call him by his name instead referring to him as "the c&nt" I really can't understand.
As for "disrespecting the club" no one as far as I can see although I haven't read all the posts has explained what this actually means! Please tell me what it does mean. Presumably to keep on referring to one of our most iconic players in this manner must imply that he has done the club serious harm but I can't see any evidence for that - in fact all the evidence points to the stock of the club increasing on all fronts. So at this moment what real harm had been done other than some silly headlines which City have had to put up with for ages for all sorts of reasons. Secondly, what is the club? It' s a collection of stakeholders with varying degrees of interest - owners, fans, players, managers, staff employees but it is not an entity with one train of thought or consciousness nor is it a human being with things that are very personal or deeply held beliefs. That's only my view but who/what exactly is he disrespecting - I don 't feel disrespected as s fan of 42 year and I honestly can't say what Sheikh Mansour, Khaldoon, MP etc feel and I don't know how others can deduce they have felt disrespected.
So, yes it's a real shame that all this has happened and if he really is angling for a transfer in a sneaky and underhand way and events end up having a detrimental effect on the team then he, his agent ( who basically is to blame in my view) will obviously face a lot of anger over actions and I would also feel angry. Also, I would then be upset with the club hierarchy if this does drag on but as yet none of this has happened so I think there just is a huge over reaction and done in such a nasty way.

Going gaga for your post Googoo. ;-) you speak a lot of sense.
Re: Yaya Toure

BringBackSwales said:
I find it very disappointing, the number of Blues who are coming on here and calling Yaya a c***. Whilst I can fully understand the serious disappointment many people now have in him, I think that continually calling him a c*** is really overstepping the mark.

However what I find particularly offensive is the fact that a moderator can not only keep calling Yaya a c***, but can also regularly use the same term to several posters who have a different view to him about Yaya. Maybe Ric could explain how this fits into the Bluemoon code of conduct which insists on "showing respect to fellow posters", "not being aggressive", and (this bit really makes me laugh) "showing moderators the respect they deserve" - how does that work when a moderator calls fellow Blues c**** for not having the same opinion as him about Yaya Toure? Indeed how could a moderator ever ban a poster again for abusing another poster when a moderator is allowed to regularly call people c****?

I also think it somewhat smacks of pots and black kettles when the same person just over a year ago was saying about following City "I just can't be arsed" and "I just don't care anymore" and "I'm considering missing the remaining home games" - imagine if Yaya had come out with comments like that? Mind you we were about 15 points off the top of the league at the time.
I think you need to get out more.
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