Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

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Re: Yaya Toure

halfgoathalfotter said:
mancity1 said:
Paulpowersleftfoot said:
If it is all just spin and sound bites as the Lol jockey would have us believe,just one question.
Why has yaya not distanced himself from the comments and apologised to the club for his agents nonsense?
Perhaps it's because he is in fact a c**t?

Why should he ?

Do you apologise to your boss when your mate calls him a drottel and blames you for it.

How do you know he hasn't?

On yea that's right you are in fact yaya aren't you.

Well apologise to all of us right here right now , right here right now fat boy slim.

Jesus does weep.[/quote)

whats a drottel ???is this the same as aussie c**t ,trying to hold on to some of the magic of the motherland ,whilst living with the biggest bunch of knobheads the planet has produced (except danny tiatto).Or does it mean we export neighbours ,sons and daughters ,home and away and other such wank ,whilst laughably trying retain some semblance of self proclaimed manliness .
back on thread yaya will probably stay, and if he sulks as he is prone to ,and doesn't fancy biffing in a few or putting in a shift at sunderland away etc ,then possibly the title will be gone next year.I can't believe any city fan is totally happy with that ,in that respect yaya is truly a c**t even worse than harold bishop the flaming golah

if you have to ask it means you are one.

its german slang for half goat half otter.

Shifts at Sunderland (LOL).

Provided we only gain a maximum of three points off them this season we are a shoe in for the title.

If we win home and away I would be concerned that the title might be beyond us.

You won't be totally happy that but that's ok because you are not a true city fan anyway.

For the rest of us if yaya can even get close to his performance level of 38 games this season we will be more than happy.
Re: Yaya Toure

wagonman said:
I don't even think De Niro is as good an actor as people keep saying he is.


He was ok in Taxi Driver and Raging Bull and perhaps Analyse This and Heat.

As for ours he is too busy waiting and talking Italian.
Re: Yaya Toure

vintiz said:
The world cup is over. Has he released a statement yet ?

No he's still tracking back like Yaya's style on the pitch. Yaya's a great player but I've seen Alan Kernaghan get back faster to help the defence.
Re: Yaya Toure

When all said and done,the biggest problem for me is the damage he's causing to the brand, and this is how it will be measured,by our owners.

The way our owners have tried tapping into markets, from Africa to Asia,and the USA,and at home in Europe,places we have never imagined our club having any significance,merchandising and product awareness,brings about SPONSORSHIPS,naming rights etc, yaya and his agent have damaged our club/brand,all the efforts made by our clubs executives, I'm sure they will be disappointed.

I have such a dislike forhim now,he's hurt our club,one that I have followed for well over 40 years, where do we go now,watch this space. Ctid.
Re: Yaya Toure

TCIB said:
Any news of him hopefully departing post-haste, been away this weekend.

I Dont think we should get rid Guy, he is the best there is in that role and I wouldn't like to have to face him in a big game along the line.
What should happen is he or if not the club should make him apologise and be told to shut the fuck up and get on with his season. Better still lose the agent.I for have had enough of these snakes trying to unsettle the harmony we have. Kia tried it with tevez. It seems crazy but when we go for a player we should his agent out too,if he's a greedy twat or has a definate hold over a player we Dont bother,we move on.
I'm pretty confident city will still come out on top in this squabble, yaya may have underestimated our chairman in all this.
Re: Yaya Toure

Googoo said:
halfgoathalfotter said:

Why should he ?

Do you apologise to your boss when your mate calls him a drottel and blames you for it.

How do you know he hasn't?

On yea that's right you are in fact yaya aren't you.

Well apologise to all of us right here right now , right here right now fat boy slim.

Jesus does weep.[/quote)

whats a drottel ???is this the same as aussie c**t ,trying to hold on to some of the magic of the motherland ,whilst living with the biggest bunch of knobheads the planet has produced (except danny tiatto).Or does it mean we export neighbours ,sons and daughters ,home and away and other such wank ,whilst laughably trying retain some semblance of self proclaimed manliness .
back on thread yaya will probably stay, and if he sulks as he is prone to ,and doesn't fancy biffing in a few or putting in a shift at sunderland away etc ,then possibly the title will be gone next year.I can't believe any city fan is totally happy with that ,in that respect yaya is truly a c**t even worse than harold bishop the flaming golah
Looking forward with some relish to the coming season as the Etihad decides not to watch the bewildering skills of the mighty blues giving a good beating to whoever turns up whilst we stand in awe and reverence to De Niro and his lapdogs with their Toure Out banner or Toure's a c**nt tee shirts. If only we could all spread such charm and happiness after we've won 2 trophies. All sarcasm aside, I suspect we would have been much better off not bothering with greedy Africans like Toure as one of your lap dogs mentioned before and just told Mancini to consult you. That way we would never ever have been in the mess we are in now with this rubbish team of mercenaries, All sarcasm aside, I re read some of your posts and the others who hang on your every word and to be honest it sounds like rag shite. You're not are you?

Morning vicar.

Just because I admire everything united have done whilst winning 20 titles or indeed what they brought to the premier league, in the right way, doesn't mean I'm a rag. Ok if there was no city I would follow them but only now and again, that's if I could get tickets.
Re: Yaya Toure

mannycity said:
When all said and done,the biggest problem for me is the damage he's causing to the brand, and this is how it will be measured,by our owners.

The way our owners have tried tapping into markets, from Africa to Asia,and the USA,and at home in Europe,places we have never imagined our club having any significance,merchandising and product awareness,brings about SPONSORSHIPS,naming rights etc, yaya and his agent have damaged our club/brand,all the efforts made by our clubs executives, I'm sure they will be disappointed.

I have such a dislike forhim now,he's hurt our club,one that I have followed for well over 40 years, where do we go now,watch this space. Ctid.

Its called free speech and agents often run to the press or are quoted sometimes if not misquoted sometimes for a soundbite that the press thinks will set tongues wagging.

Ditto bluemoon , 4.5k posts suggests they have us over a barrel in this soundbite.

If we were a fish for the press's line in the sea we wouldn't stand a chance on mass.

Me I keep swimming with the smart school looking for food that I know won't kill me.

They fact that the club have not and do not see the need to respond which is the smart thing to do because it would only inflame a situation that doesn't need dousing should say it all to those calling for agents head , yaya's legs etc.

Just accept the fact he isn't the brightest light in the angels den and move lads and lasses.

Enjoy his football for us again this season.

You can sure tell its off season by tuning into this forum between season.

32 days to go (LOL).

I should be like the smart ones and hit the cellar for a while or turn off the pc.
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