Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

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Re: Yaya Toure

de niro said:
SuperMario's Fireworks. said:
big phil said:
Getting back on topic....
I just missed out on Colin Bells heyday, and Yaya is the best footballer I've seen since, certainly in a blue shirt. Pretty much every significant moment since the takeover he's been a part of. So I can't call him a c***, no matter what he says or does. We all know whats happening here - pay rise or off to pastures new. But he's not a blue and he's not a manc; he's a footballer with maybe 2 or 3 years left.
So, is it our expectations of him that are wrong?
And is that his fault?

He's completely disrespected the club, using his agent to engineer away without having the bollocks to do it himself. Its an absolute shame because he's been sensational for us, but he's gone from a hero to zero ridiculously fast and if he stays I don't think we'd get anywhere near the level of commitment we'd expect

yep, just about spot on. as I say I think pellers will call it in the end.

I hope we fucking go for Pogba now.
Re: Yaya Toure

big phil said:
Getting back on topic....
I just missed out on Colin Bells heyday, and Yaya is the best footballer I've seen since, certainly in a blue shirt. Pretty much every significant moment since the takeover he's been a part of. So I can't call him a c***, no matter what he says or does. We all know whats happening here - pay rise or off to pastures new. But he's not a blue and he's not a manc; he's a footballer with maybe 2 or 3 years left.
So, is it our expectations of him that are wrong?
And is that his fault?

Exactly this.

Most of what we have heard has come from his agent and Yaya doesn't come across off the pitch as particularly bright or confident in his own opinions on TV.

Like he said himself judge him how he plays on the pitch.. the rest is all fluff.

Secondly Tevez treated us much much worse, but all was forgiven with a hat-trick at Norwich and a cheeky pretend golf swing.
Re: Yaya Toure

Googoo said:
TCIB said:
Googoo said:
Amongst what blues? Presumably you're talking to yourself?

You really told him didn't you.
For someone who likes to whine like a little girl i would have thought you above such petty and pointless comments.
You have proved me wrong.
I take consolation I could do it with just a few words rather than forcing others to wade through reams and reams of daft posts by people getting their collective knickers in a twist over some petty media silliness perhaps caused by YaYa but most likely not. Without his agent he would be probably another nobody so perhaps not a surprise he has not condemned Seluk. In the meantime TC1B just get a sense of perspective over matters unless you have an agenda to get one of the greatest ever City players out. Bring back Ged Brannan- he's not greedy and I'm sure would force his way into the top midfielders in the world. Ah but no doubt you will say but YaYa has dissed the club man.........so I assume then your outraged sense of morality would have gone off the scale when Wardle sold our club to the blood obey of Shinawatra. Tell the thousands of Thais he killed about dissing City. I saw you with your Shinawtra out placard

Executing drug dealers is legal in many countries of the world, be warned if you visit any of these countries.

I'm not supporting his actions as a once leader of a country but as far as football goes I did have the balls to confront him during the friendly City played in Bangkok with a banner which read:
City for life not short time.

I wasn't thrown out, simply asked to move away.
Re: Yaya Toure

mike100lewis said:
big phil said:
Getting back on topic....
I just missed out on Colin Bells heyday, and Yaya is the best footballer I've seen since, certainly in a blue shirt. Pretty much every significant moment since the takeover he's been a part of. So I can't call him a c***, no matter what he says or does. We all know whats happening here - pay rise or off to pastures new. But he's not a blue and he's not a manc; he's a footballer with maybe 2 or 3 years left.
So, is it our expectations of him that are wrong?
And is that his fault?

Exactly this.

Most of what we have heard has come from his agent and Yaya doesn't come across off the pitch as particularly bright or confident in his own opinions on TV.

Like he said himself judge him how he plays on the pitch.. the rest is all fluff.

Secondly Tevez treated us much much worse, but all was forgiven with a hat-trick at Norwich and a cheeky pretend golf swing.
We'll never really know what issues Tevez had, but it was often said that he was popular with the rest of the squad, and maybe his 'strike' had more to do with Mancini than himself. That is a pure guess though. Apart from Bayern, he was the kind of player that gave 100% on the pitch, and by returning in time to get the title run back on tracks, he was given the opportunity to redeem himself. Maybe if Yaya commits himself to the club for another season [until FFP restrictions are dropped, if they are], and if he gives his all for the club in that time, then there is every chance that he would be forgiven in the same way that Tevez was. Then he could be sold with honour.
Re: Yaya Toure

de niro said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
de niro said:
spot on.

if and its a big if, we want him to stay then he needs to be as active, through his agent if need be, about staying and his error of judgement as he has about all that cake and brother shit.
everybody, to a man, feel so sorry for him, kolo and the rest of the family, who wouldn't be. what you don't do is pile on to someone in order for self gain.

be glad when all this is sorted. one way or another.

Yep, amen to that. The sooner it's sorted the better. He needs to do some bridge building though

he can do what he likes, he wont spoil our euro trips mate.

your round I believe :)

It is indeed. A repeat of the Munich Oktoberfest day out would be good ;)
Re: Yaya Toure

Googoo said:
TCIB said:
Googoo said:
Amongst what blues? Presumably you're talking to yourself?

You really told him didn't you.
For someone who likes to whine like a little girl i would have thought you above such petty and pointless comments.
You have proved me wrong.
I take consolation I could do it with just a few words rather than forcing others to wade through reams and reams of daft posts by people getting their collective knickers in a twist over some petty media silliness perhaps caused by YaYa but most likely not. Without his agent he would be probably another nobody so perhaps not a surprise he has not condemned Seluk. In the meantime TC1B just get a sense of perspective over matters unless you have an agenda to get one of the greatest ever City players out. Bring back Ged Brannan- he's not greedy and I'm sure would force his way into the top midfielders in the world. Ah but no doubt you will say but YaYa has dissed the club man.........so I assume then your outraged sense of morality would have gone off the scale when Wardle sold our club to the blood obey of Shinawatra. Tell the thousands of Thais he killed about dissing City. I saw you with your Shinawtra out placard

"I confess that I am still very sad. I'm suffering because I feel I have done nothing useful for him the last few weeks. At the end of the season, I wanted to stay for four or five days with my brother before I flew to prepare for the World Cup with Ivory Coast, except that City did not want to give me a few days.”

Explain that away as media sillyness then please !

You call it petty media sillyness, i call it direct irrefutable quotes from Yaya lying about the club i support to paint us in a bad light in order to get himself xyz.
If you want to ignore that then fair enough but do not then spout a load of unsubstanciated rhetoric accusing those who are ill at ease with what he has said of being "morally outraged" and so on.
I find what he said poor form and rightfully so. I am not outraged, unlike you i don't deal in absolutes, i am miffed and feel i have lost respect for him.
A far cry from the phrases you are flinging about.

You constantly hush away the known facts because they do not fit with your ideals, that is your problem.

I have better things to do with my time nowadays than dwell on or devote any time to an agenda regarding footy players, not my thing.
You just refuse for whatever reason to see people have a reasonable right to be unhappy with what he has said.

I could not give a hoot if Seluk saves his life on a daily basis, that is Yaya's deal, not mine or City's. So if the fool is gonna spout off and people want to call him then he is fair game and your white knighting means nothing at all to me so save your fawning breath.
Your reasoning demands mental somersaults and comes across as irrational rubbish.

Seluk is a shitty cunty fuck face :-D
Re: Yaya Toure

What is it with Toure and winning the PL? In 2012 after the celebrations subsided it all came out that he may have done all he could at City, and could be looking for somewhere else to go. Again 2014, and all of this sh*te happens. I do believe however even though many on here are really f*cked off with him, myself included,

I think if he gets on the field for the first game of the season, puts in as it did towards the end of last year, and manages to grab a goal, much of what has happened will be forgotten. However as many have stated before, I am someone who also believes he "puts in" when he wants to, and can be absolutely brilliant in some games, and downright MIA in others. This is why I feel a lot on here want him out, because there is serious doubt on whether he will be up to make a serious contribution for us next season.

I also thein the Tevez situation was totally against Mancini, and not the club. Thoughts about Mancini's tenure have certainly been aired in various books and comments since he has left, it is so good to have confidence in our current coach that he can handle a situation, rather than inflame it.
Re: Yaya Toure

TCIB said:
Googoo said:
TCIB said:
You really told him didn't you.
For someone who likes to whine like a little girl i would have thought you above such petty and pointless comments.
You have proved me wrong.
I take consolation I could do it with just a few words rather than forcing others to wade through reams and reams of daft posts by people getting their collective knickers in a twist over some petty media silliness perhaps caused by YaYa but most likely not. Without his agent he would be probably another nobody so perhaps not a surprise he has not condemned Seluk. In the meantime TC1B just get a sense of perspective over matters unless you have an agenda to get one of the greatest ever City players out. Bring back Ged Brannan- he's not greedy and I'm sure would force his way into the top midfielders in the world. Ah but no doubt you will say but YaYa has dissed the club man.........so I assume then your outraged sense of morality would have gone off the scale when Wardle sold our club to the blood obey of Shinawatra. Tell the thousands of Thais he killed about dissing City. I saw you with your Shinawtra out placard

"I confess that I am still very sad. I'm suffering because I feel I have done nothing useful for him the last few weeks. At the end of the season, I wanted to stay for four or five days with my brother before I flew to prepare for the World Cup with Ivory Coast, except that City did not want to give me a few days.”

Explain that away as media sillyness then please !

You call it petty media sillyness, i call it direct irrefutable quotes from Yaya lying about the club i support to paint us in a bad light in order to get himself xyz.
If you want to ignore that then fair enough but do not then spout a load of unsubstanciated rhetoric accusing those who are ill at ease with what he has said of being "morally outraged" and so on.
I find what he said poor form and rightfully so. I am not outraged, unlike you i don't deal in absolutes, i am miffed and feel i have lost respect for him.
A far cry from the phrases you are flinging about.

You constantly hush away the known facts because they do not fit with your ideals, that is your problem.

I have better things to do with my time nowadays than dwell on or devote any time to an agenda regarding footy players, not my thing.
You just refuse for whatever reason to see people have a reasonable right to be unhappy with what he has said.

I could not give a hoot if Seluk saves his life on a daily basis, that is Yaya's deal, not mine or City's. So if the fool is gonna spout off and people want to call him then he is fair game and your white knighting means nothing at all to me so save your fawning breath.
Your reasoning demands mental somersaults and comes across as irrational rubbish.

Seluk is a shitty c**ty fuck face :-D

Yes, life is more about shades if grey than immovable absolutes but the problem with your views and others is that you have for whatever reason taken a) a position that he should go b) done it with so much vitriol towards him and other posters it just seems bizarre. You yourself say you are I'll at ease with what has gone on and I have tried before to explain that I too am ill at ease but probably to a lesser extent. Ordinarily, that's okay, 2 broadly similar views but at least a basis for rational discussion but you don't allow that because you have already found him guilty of what I am not quite sure and using such emotive language to condemn him, almost to summarily execute him actually makes it very difficult to reply without using extremes. The silliness of your argument has led to your camp comparing him to Suarez which I think speaks for itself. As I've said before, I will start to flap and be angry something really detrimental happens to the team as a result of all this but as yet nothing adverse at all has happened to the team! So why are you getting so her up?
Re: Yaya Toure

I try to stay away from cliques and camps bud tbh as i dislike to be associated with any form of imposition or bullying which it can easily lead to.

I would favour him leaving for multiple reasons, not knowing his mentality, won't get better, age, availability of alternatives etc.
I do not have an unshakable belief he should go but i feel it would be for the best and not just to satiate any distaste i have for him on a personal level.
I always look at the good of the club before my own ideals.

If he stays then fair do's but like a mother watching a toddler i would be waiting for him to fall constantly.
The metaphor of falling is obviously if he see's his arse again and if he does mid season then we really are in the shit. I don't want to risk that.
It has you on edge and nervous all the time.

A lot of good logic says to sell, ofc the variables to make it more appealing would need to be right, PSG stating they have 35mil cash for him right now for example.
The flip side is if he knuckles down we have a devastating marauding attacking midfielder who on his day is unstoppable.
Hence why i am a bit "meh" about him coming or going.

The main reason some are getting miffed now is the unreasonable defense of him to the point some ignore what he has said full stop.
I find that mentality hard to understand tbh but accept others pov either way.
Re: Yaya Toure

Googoo said:
TCIB said:
Googoo said:
Amongst what blues? Presumably you're talking to yourself?

You really told him didn't you.
For someone who likes to whine like a little girl i would have thought you above such petty and pointless comments.
You have proved me wrong.
I take consolation I could do it with just a few words rather than forcing others to wade through reams and reams of daft posts by people getting their collective knickers in a twist over some petty media silliness perhaps caused by YaYa but most likely not. Without his agent he would be probably another nobody so perhaps not a surprise he has not condemned Seluk. In the meantime TC1B just get a sense of perspective over matters unless you have an agenda to get one of the greatest ever City players out. Bring back Ged Brannan- he's not greedy and I'm sure would force his way into the top midfielders in the world. Ah but no doubt you will say but YaYa has dissed the club man.........so I assume then your outraged sense of morality would have gone off the scale when Wardle sold our club to the blood obey of Shinawatra. Tell the thousands of Thais he killed about dissing City. I saw you with your Shinawtra out placard
That would be Seluk and Yaya's agenda.

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