Yaya wants out allegedly

Yet players complain of not playing enough etc.. he does realise going back to Barca would mean back to the bench warming for you and back to playing 2nd fiddle to ol cookie monster Biscuits... now why on earth would he want to go back to that when that is the exact reason he left Barca in the fricking first place??
I think the quotes are probably made up considering the direct quotes from Sunday, but if they are true he's won us 2 trophies in 2 seasons and delivered big time. Best of luck Yaya but please stay.
Goal.com are well known for inventing agents and quotes from agents. The fact that the headline has a ? At the end tells you they aren't telling you a fact.

Is this the same Chelsea who have finished 6th yes SIXTH in the League? A load of crap surely?

BUT IF YaYa does go, it's leaves us in a awkward situation because our other defensive MF De Jong will most likely also be leaving having been sidelined by Mancini, no? Who on earth will play the defensive role in Midfield? Not Barry on his own FFS!!
If this had any credibility to it, it would be all over the media by now. The fact is only goal.com are running it. I'd rather take what Yaya has said himself, which is he's looking forward to next season with our club.
Has to be a load of crap! God i hope it is he is a massive player for us! Is there any player on the planet that could replace him (simlar style and mould) worried about injuries and the ACONs?
If Yaya wants to leave then I wish him all the best, obviously woulden´t want him to go to a premiership team. He won us the cup and helped us win the title. It does seem like bollox but hey, you never know.

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