You can't hit people anymore

So this neighbour has taken all the grit that is meant for four houses, find out what time he leaves for work, speak to the other neighbours, you all leave before him and then leave one car stranded sideways accross the road so he can get out and just say that if we had had some grit on the road then it wouldnt have happened (best if your wife or one of the neighbours can take the morning off for this). If he cant get to work because he has nicked all the grit and sees that all 3 neighbours are 100% against him he will take the hint and either fcuk off or tone it down.

(failing that then just place a pound of semtex and a mercury tilt switch under his car)
If the ''altercation'' happens without witnesses then your word is as good as his as to who hit who first. So long as you are comfortable with your response to the authority's and don't go over the top happydays. :) Nail the prick.
law74 said:
So this neighbour has taken all the grit that is meant for four houses, find out what time he leaves for work, speak to the other neighbours, you all leave before him and then leave one car stranded sideways accross the road so he can get out and just say that if we had had some grit on the road then it wouldnt have happened (best if your wife or one of the neighbours can take the morning off for this). If he cant get to work because he has nicked all the grit and sees that all 3 neighbours are 100% against him he will take the hint and either fcuk off or tone it down.

(failing that then just place a pound of semtex and a mercury tilt switch under his car)

Good suggestion.

And it could work if he sees a bit of solidarity from the other neighbours.
How much do you want to p1ss him off mate ?

Go round, ask for some grit ( get a witness, maybe one of the other neighbours) if he tells you no then technically he has committed an act of theft and can be arrested for it:-

"Dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention permamently depriving the other".

You need to ask him for some first though as no doubt he`ll try and use the defence "I was keeping it safe for us all".

Might not go too far but it`ll p1ss him off.
DirtyHarry said:
How much do you want to p1ss him off mate ?

Go round, ask for some grit ( get a witness, maybe one of the other neighbours) if he tells you no then technically he has committed an act of theft and can be arrested for it:-

"Dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention permamently depriving the other".

You need to ask him for some first though as no doubt he`ll try and use the defence "I was keeping it safe for us all".

Might not go too far but it`ll p1ss him off.

Things have gone too far really. I can't go round to his house without buzzing his intercom on the stupid gates his had installed. He wouldn't let me in and I wouldn't want to give him the satisfaction.

In general though, it does seem to me that the law protects people who behave like twats if they have money. This bloke would not think twice about involving lawyers, police etc. and causing no end of hassle regardless of what it cost him. He's done it with the farmer at the back of his property, so much so that his wife wants to move away.
I grew up on a council estate in a less than desirable area just outside of town ,through a mixture of hard graft and good fortune I have moved in the housing market onwards and upwards and well away from my humble beginings, I can honestly say that with each move the quality of my neighbours as lowered.
The problem was me , I felt intimated by these silver spoon in mouth individuals some how these people always seemed to be of superior intelect and able to baffle me in a battle of wits.
A year ago I decided to do something about it , I went to seminars , night school and read more books than you could care to mention in an attempt to increase my self confidence and education.
Recently when my new neighbour started a dispute over parking I knew that things were much more evenly balanced , he started spouting about the law on parking on a private shared driveway.
So I tw*ted him.
See you can take the man out of manchester but you can't take manchester out of the man.

For the record I denied everything to the dibble and suggested he slipped , not even a fine.
ADE said:
I grew up on a council estate in a less than desirable area just outside of town ,through a mixture of hard graft and good fortune I have moved in the housing market onwards and upwards and well away from my humble beginings, I can honestly say that with each move the quality of my neighbours as lowered.
The problem was me , I felt intimated by these silver spoon in mouth individuals some how these people always seemed to be of superior intelect and able to baffle me in a battle of wits.
A year ago I decided to do something about it , I went to seminars , night school and read more books than you could care to mention in an attempt to increase my self confidence and education.
Recently when my new neighbour started a dispute over parking I knew that things were much more evenly balanced , he started spouting about the law on parking on a private shared driveway.
So I tw*ted him.
See you can take the man out of manchester but you can't take manchester out of the man.

For the record I denied everything to the dibble and suggested he slipped , not even a fine.

Lmao classic.
I have been reading this thread most of the day now and one things becoming clear. This looks like the type of area where " A Key down the side of the car" type of thing or Violence of any sort will not work.

For instance; Only 4 Houses in the cul de sac, Gates and Intercomms, A Farm at the bottom of the Garden and Company Directors and no fear of using Solicitors letters.

I think then that as previously stated the " Dirty Tricks" campaign - Flowers to his Wife, Lots of Phone Calls late at Night, junk mail etc may be justifiable; and at least you are doing something and will feel better.

Glad you have had lots of responses too. As one of the better posters on the Forum you deserve it mammulty.
ADE said:
I grew up on a council estate in a less than desirable area just outside of town ,through a mixture of hard graft and good fortune I have moved in the housing market onwards and upwards and well away from my humble beginings, I can honestly say that with each move the quality of my neighbours as lowered.
The problem was me , I felt intimated by these silver spoon in mouth individuals some how these people always seemed to be of superior intelect and able to baffle me in a battle of wits.
A year ago I decided to do something about it , I went to seminars , night school and read more books than you could care to mention in an attempt to increase my self confidence and education.
Recently when my new neighbour started a dispute over parking I knew that things were much more evenly balanced , he started spouting about the law on parking on a private shared driveway.
So I tw*ted him.
See you can take the man out of manchester but you can't take manchester out of the man.

For the record I denied everything to the dibble and suggested he slipped , not even a fine.

gem of a post.

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