Half a dollar, threepenny bits were not slang for tits, end of rationing, "MA WANTS A FLATLEY" banner towed by plane over M.R., Virol, approved schools, The easter walks, through town, red white and blue painted kerb-stones celebrating the coronation. rag-bone men swapping donkey-stones for clothing, police on bikes, what's my line, politicians held to account ( no really), having a choice of job as a school-leaver, buying a house was not the "impossible dream" for most of the population. A 12" Murphy was a T.V., not a wife's fantasy, a gadget that was needed to get I.T.V., RADIO LUXEMBURG, 4 gallons of petrol for less than a quid, no MRSA in hospitals pre 1979. holidays abroad being rare. Affordable and convenient bus and train travel. Stuff being made in England, If you lived through that lot then planning for anything in the future is a bit optimistic......