Young Lads In Long Term Relationships

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Sounds like BB has been cheated on a few times and is using the old 'everyone does it' argument to disguise his feelings.

I dont think not cheating is too much to ask for in a girl friend and I'd hope that she felt the same regarding me.

It's a ludicrous argument to bring 'nature' into the equation in many respects as 'nature' to some degree is governed and controlled by humans due to civilization. It could well be argued that murder, brutality, rape and theft are 'natural' given that there are numerous precedents in the animal kingdom yet I'm not expecting to be reading a thread on here anytime soon forgiving a rapist as 'it's only natural'.

A man, or women, should know when to curb their desires and passions in view of the bigger picture. Would a night with Jessica Alba be good? Yep i'd love it but given the pain it would cause my partner coupled with the loss of said relationship is it really worth it?

A once said to friend of mine, female, that my epitaph should read 'a wank will suffice' and I stand by that.

Not at all TMQ. I have only ever had one long term relationship (i am counting 1 year + as long term not 6 months) and in that time I cheated all the time, as do all my mates. I have lots of female friends and they're all at it too. I'm just a realist. I like having sex and I am always safe with it, I just don't need a girl to complete me-sorry.

Says a lot for the company you keep as opposed to humanity in general though surely? Personally I'd say most of the people I hang around with wouldnt cheat on their partners though I'd assume the truth is inbetween the people you know and the people I know.

I don't need a girl to complete me either but if I meet someone who I enjoy being with both mentally and physically I'm not going to dismiss the notion of a relationship in the hope that come Friday night I can still get my end away with some random girl in a club.

If we're gauging 'long term' as 1 year+ then I too have only had the one long term relationship, 4 years, during which neither of us cheated. Was I tempted? Yes. But ultimately I respected my girlfriend too much to consider sleeping with anyone else and like to think she felt the same.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Not at all TMQ. I have only ever had one long term relationship (i am counting 1 year + as long term not 6 months) and in that time I cheated all the time, as do all my mates. I have lots of female friends and they're all at it too. I'm just a realist. I like having sex and I am always safe with it, I just don't need a girl to complete me-sorry.

If you don't need a girl to complete you, then why bother with a relationship in the first place? Surely it's much simpler to stay single. That way, you can sleep with who you like without risk of hurting a partner's feelings, no?
amehh said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Not at all TMQ. I have only ever had one long term relationship (i am counting 1 year + as long term not 6 months) and in that time I cheated all the time, as do all my mates. I have lots of female friends and they're all at it too. I'm just a realist. I like having sex and I am always safe with it, I just don't need a girl to complete me-sorry.

If you don't need a girl to complete you, then why bother with a relationship in the first place? Surely it's much simpler to stay single. That way, you can sleep with who you like without risk of hurting a partner's feelings, no?

Shes got you there
RobinJo said:
amehh said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Not at all TMQ. I have only ever had one long term relationship (i am counting 1 year + as long term not 6 months) and in that time I cheated all the time, as do all my mates. I have lots of female friends and they're all at it too. I'm just a realist. I like having sex and I am always safe with it, I just don't need a girl to complete me-sorry.

If you don't need a girl to complete you, then why bother with a relationship in the first place? Surely it's much simpler to stay single. That way, you can sleep with who you like without risk of hurting a partner's feelings, no?

Shes got you there

greenie said:
i'm 21, been with my bird 2 years, i still go out with the mates, go city every week and in europe, so not everyone in relationships are saps.

each to their own, but i like being with a girl steadily

This. Lots of arguments on this thread seem to be that lads are boring and tied down as soon as they get in a relationship. I'm 20 and in a serious relationship, but we've got our own mates too and aren't together 24/7. It is possible to get a balance between mates and girlfriends. Furthermore, all my mates get on really well with my girlfriend anyway and vice versa.
Sleeping around never really appealed to me personally. I cringe when I hear people tallying up how many lasses they've shagged and all that shite.
Oh, and I'm well on my way to converting my girlfriend into a blue. Happy days.
gazhinio said:
RobinJo said:
amehh said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Not at all TMQ. I have only ever had one long term relationship (i am counting 1 year + as long term not 6 months) and in that time I cheated all the time, as do all my mates. I have lots of female friends and they're all at it too. I'm just a realist. I like having sex and I am always safe with it, I just don't need a girl to complete me-sorry.

If you don't need a girl to complete you, then why bother with a relationship in the first place? Surely it's much simpler to stay single. That way, you can sleep with who you like without risk of hurting a partner's feelings, no?

Shes got you there


Not at all- I totally agree with her. Hence why (out of choice I have not had a girlfriend for coming up to three years and will never EVER marry. Don't want some obese clown taking me for half of my hard earned.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Not at all- I totally agree with her. Hence why (out of choice I have not had a girlfriend for coming up to three years and will never EVER marry. Don't want some obese clown taking me for half of my hard earned.

Glad to hear it, hope this means you won't be having kids either. There's enough twats out here as it is.
Swales lives said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Not at all- I totally agree with her. Hence why (out of choice I have not had a girlfriend for coming up to three years and will never EVER marry. Don't want some obese clown taking me for half of my hard earned.

Glad to hear it, hope this means you won't be having kids either. There's enough twats out here as it is.

Hope he doesnt have any daughters, be horrible for a dad to watch his little girl grow into an 'obese clown' intent on taking some blokes wages. This is 1921 isnt it or have I missed something here?
Swales lives said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Not at all- I totally agree with her. Hence why (out of choice I have not had a girlfriend for coming up to three years and will never EVER marry. Don't want some obese clown taking me for half of my hard earned.

Glad to hear it, hope this means you won't be having kids either. There's enough twats out here as it is.

Dunno mate, its a good thing seeing your girl smile when you have bought her something nice..

Not my case though, anything i buy is usually, wrong size, wrong colour, not her style and usually followed by the sentance

" Have you kept the receipt "

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