Young Lads In Long Term Relationships

blue minx said:
Godfather said:
define 'young'? im 24 and engaged. i cant stand the thought of the lifestyle you're implying young lads could have. i dont want to play the field, i dont want to get bladdered every weekend, i want someone to share my life with and have a settled lifestyle. 'Happiness is only real when shared'.

i think i just threw up;)

Im 19 and will of been with my gf 2 years in may lol. Got everything i need been through too much shit with her to ever let her go.
Each to their own.

I've had mates who have been in long term relationships and it doesn't stop them coming out and doing daft things. Other mates in the same situation withdraw from their mates and become boring bastards. One of my mates from first year at uni found a bird and over 6 months withdrew from the group and eventually moved out of our house and fell out with us all. Him and his bird are together 24/7 and from what I hear from the people they live with now she has done the same to her mates. Essentially they have no friends but each other which I think is very sad but if that is what they want then that's up to them.

People handle relationships differently. Some people seem to forget their mates at times and that is something you should never do.
scottyboi said:
Im 19 and will of been with my gf 2 years in may lol. Got everything i need been through too much shit with her to ever let her go.

2 years is nothing. You shouldn't really say that.
allan harper said:
Swales lives said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Not at all- I totally agree with her. Hence why (out of choice I have not had a girlfriend for coming up to three years and will never EVER marry. Don't want some obese clown taking me for half of my hard earned.

Glad to hear it, hope this means you won't be having kids either. There's enough twats out here as it is.

Dunno mate, its a good thing seeing your girl smile when you have bought her something nice..

Not my case though, anything i buy is usually, wrong size, wrong colour, not her style and usually followed by the sentance

" Have you kept the receipt "

LOL. We do apprecite the effort you've made, really.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
No, I'd just rather do my own thing. I answer to no one and do what the hell I like. Obviously not all married women are fat, but women are getting chubbier and there is no denying that. I do not need anyone else to make my life complete, I have a great time. A lot of 'men' I know end up in go awful sham relationships because they're scared shitless o being on their own.

I've been with my missus for 12 years and never once has she stopped me doing anything on my own. In that time we've stayed in about 3 times on a Saturday night, and we never watched 'I wanna be on telly'.
My wife is 5'7" and 9 stone of blonde, tanned loveliness.
What I find interesting about this thread, is how defensive people are about their life styles!

Some decide to to free, some love not being. Neither wrong with each other in that stage of life, as it's seen as bliss, either way.

What I will say, though, is the reality of teenage relationships lasting 30+ bottle necks heavily the further the relationship goes. That should be an obvious fact.

For example, having a relationship for 4 years shouldn't be deemed 'successful' as obviously things changed for one person or the other. Nothing successful about it other than keeping restrained from straying.

I don't see why it's NOT nature to stray/ sleep with many partners! That could be part of that person's learning curve about themselves or just an inherent trait, so no criticism is necessary, at all.
Bigga said:
dozmin said:
thanks for that lol

Not meant to be a sleight, but it's true! In the young, it's fine at first, BUT when you grow into maturity, it's very VERY rare for the relationship to survive. Not impossible, mind.

I think there tends to be resentment from one to the other in the evolving of their partner or that their partner won't evolve, as well. This usually leads to cheating at some point. And it's not always the case that the truth will come out.

It's just life.

And it may not happen! But it's likely it will!

PMSL!! Life is difficult!

i wasnt taking affence, as people see life how they wont and its not for me to judge... but end of day i still follow city i have freedom i still go out, but also i have a son and a man who is there for me he was there when i was pregnant and when i gave birth hes my sons daddy and nothing will change that no matter what the future brings he is still my sons daddy and nothing can take that away- (unlike his biological father who has disappeared off the face of the earth) so in the future together or not i will still let him be a daddy, we cant see whats going to happen in the future but we can give our trust to the person we are with at this moment you never know it may or may not work out but whats good is that you are happy even if its only for a breth period.

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