Young Lads In Long Term Relationships

Been married for 13 year(i think) and together for 16(i think again) and she has never stopped me doing anything.I go out if i want to,go to football and even go on holiday without her sometimes.

Everyone needs their own space from time to time.Does she annoy me?Hell yes.Do i annoy her?Stupid question as i'm perfect.

LADS !!....There is plenty of this stuff out there, that needs servicing on a regular basis, its dirty work, but someone's gotta do it....
BimboBob said:
Been married for 13 year(i think) and together for 16(i think again) and she has never stopped me doing anything.I go out if i want to,go to football and even go on holiday without her sometimes.

Everyone needs their own space from time to time.Does she annoy me?Hell yes.Do i annoy her?Stupid question as i'm perfect.
Are we twins
TheMightyQuinn said:
Admittedly it isnt a scenario I've had much experience with as I rarely find myself in situations where I'm onto a sure thing yet have a girlfriend, it's usually one or the other isnt it?
Not in my experience!! When I've been single it's been murder to get a woman to the 'sure thing' stage, however when I'm in a relationship they seem to come flooding out of the woodwork, as if God's mocking me!!! Personally I reckon it's a confidence/relaxation thing. When I'm in a relationship I'm not actually trying to pick someone up, a chat to someone in a bar/club when I'm out is just that, a chat. The slight whiff of desperation that comes from a single guy on the pull must be instantly detectable to women!

However, having said that, it always seems to be my girlfriends that have pointed out later that "some girl at the bar was eyeing you up" etc whereas I've been totally oblivious to it! Maybe, when I was single, girls were eyeing me up more than I realised, I just need a girlfriend to spot it for me. The irony!
Matty said:
When I've been single it's been murder to get a woman to the 'sure thing' stage, however when I'm in a relationship they seem to come flooding out of the woodwork, as if God's mocking me!!! Personally I reckon it's a confidence/relaxation thing.

It's much simpler than that Matty. Woman want what they can't have.
Matty said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Admittedly it isnt a scenario I've had much experience with as I rarely find myself in situations where I'm onto a sure thing yet have a girlfriend, it's usually one or the other isnt it?
Not in my experience!! When I've been single it's been murder to get a woman to the 'sure thing' stage, however when I'm in a relationship they seem to come flooding out of the woodwork, as if God's mocking me!!! Personally I reckon it's a confidence/relaxation thing. When I'm in a relationship I'm not actually trying to pick someone up, a chat to someone in a bar/club when I'm out is just that, a chat. The slight whiff of desperation that comes from a single guy on the pull must be instantly detectable to women!

However, having said that, it always seems to be my girlfriends that have pointed out later that "some girl at the bar was eyeing you up" etc whereas I've been totally oblivious to it! Maybe, when I was single, girls were eyeing me up more than I realised, I just need a girlfriend to spot it for me. The irony!

Yeah I know what you're saying as I find it much easier to accidentally kind of chat up girls when I've got a girl friend as you're talking to the girl without trying to pull her or impress her so you probably come across a lot better. Plus I think the fact is that when you've got a girlfriend you tend to feel a little more confident anyway as you know that theres at least one girl who likes you so it gives you that extra bit of swagger.

Probably some truth in what Stony says too, I've known girls who have known lads for ages and not been interested then the lad gets himself a gf and the girl in question decides she does fancy him after all.

I generally find that mentally ill girls are attracted to me, 'go figure' as they say!
I met my gf at 18, I'm nearly 23 now. I went to Uni and lost touch with my mates as they just wanted to pretend they were still 17. So I've just gone and got new mates. I can't understand why you'd stay in a relationship with someone you'd be happy to cheat on, they obviously couldn't mean much to you.
dannybcity said:
I met my gf at 18, I'm nearly 23 now. I went to Uni and lost touch with my mates as they just wanted to pretend they were still 17. So I've just gone and got new mates. I can't understand why you'd stay in a relationship with someone you'd be happy to cheat on, they obviously couldn't mean much to you.

You sound like one of my ex mates. Went to Uni and bottled us big time because he found some girl. We're not immature though, he just took the opportunity of Uni to start again. He can get to fuck when it ends between him and her and he comes crawling back - at least you've got new friends.
liamctid said:
dannybcity said:
I met my gf at 18, I'm nearly 23 now. I went to Uni and lost touch with my mates as they just wanted to pretend they were still 17. So I've just gone and got new mates. I can't understand why you'd stay in a relationship with someone you'd be happy to cheat on, they obviously couldn't mean much to you.

You sound like one of my ex mates. Went to Uni and bottled us big time because he found some girl. We're not immature though, he just took the opportunity of Uni to start again. He can get to fuck when it ends between him and her and he comes crawling back - at least you've got new friends.

Nah they dropped me in fairness, stopped calling me up to go for a pint and weird things like that, even arranged footy on a day when they knew I wouldn't be able to make it (I put it down to jealousy). Still I'm glad they did TBH.

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