Your First Game

0-0 v Birmingham in 82/83. My dad tells me it was an awful match. Probably explains why my only memory is of a dog running onto the pitch.
My first time was home debut of mike channon.

First game of that season so it must have been august. I was about 10.

It was 0 - 0 if I recall..........

I was hooked
Bluemoon dan said:
0-0 v Birmingham in 82/83. My dad tells me it was an awful match. Probably explains why my only memory is of a dog running onto the pitch.

was park ji sung chasing the dog like in a Benny Hill sketch?
My niece is 4 years old, and I nagged my sister to let me take her to City -QPR for her first ever game. Sadly in the end my sister and brother in law had a wedding to go to and took her along. What a first match that would have been!

I do remember my own first match, or some details of it anyway. It was 94, we lost two nil at home to Arsenal. I was 8 by then, so I have clearer memories than someone who went when they were 4 or whatever, but still the most vivid bits are the crowd, the walk up yew tree road, etc, more than the match itself.
Why Always Ste said:
I will get shot down for this but how most (if not all) posters on here seem to remember the exact first game they went to is somewhat beyond belief.

I'm only 27, so not exactly Senile (border line) so wasn't long ago that I was being dragged all over the show watching local clubs play footy....

Yet can I remember the exact first game I was taken to?

Hell no, I was probably around 6mths old, even the games I went to at 5yrs old and shit even games I went to this season I don't have much remembrance of.... Yet people post football-erotic tales of exact descriptions of the Kippax when they were 8yrs old and so on.

Sure, it will give me some internet-cred if I say the exact game I attended, making sure it was a game in which we lost adds more cred, as does mentioning a few shit players and hey even some video footage on youtube and you're a certified blue that definitely went to York Away.

It seems since we became successful the new thing to say is how shit we were and how we was there.
Reminds me of when some Rock band becomes a huge success in the charts, everyone becomes a fan, buying the shirts and going to the gigs, yet the "cool kids" sat in the corner are saying: "yea we watched this band when they were shit, when nobody liked them, we still bought their records, damn we're so cool man, we was even at the Bootham Crescent gig man"

I don't remember every game I was taken to as a kid, I remember going to different stadiums, home ends, away ends - at that age you are told who to support and you do.... I loved watching City & Bolton as a kid.... win, lose or draw I didn't care, for me it was all about being apart of something.

Respect to the Born Again Citizens who want to follow this club.... But if you would drop this religion based on results then for me you are not a true believer.

I can't get my head round this either. My Dad used to take me when I was a baby so unless he remembers, I've got no chance.
I don't remember my first game I would have been around 5 or 6. It was with my nana and grandad and we sat in the north stand where they had season tickets. I remember the fencing and that the old kippax was still there. But this is probably from going to a few games.

I mainly remember going in the social club and playing cards before the match.

The first game I can actually remember is a match against Leeds and we were sat in the New Kippax and Tony Yeboah was playing for them. But I still couldn’t tell you the score and I was probably about 10.

I do admit though my memory is shit.

I made sure that I took a few pics and saved the programme from both my lads’ first games so they can pretend to remember it in the future both were 5.
Id been minding cars in Rusholme for a couple of years on matchdays and meithering my brother to take me. Finally got to go with my youth club - Newcastle at home in a replay - 60k apparently and didn't see a thing ! was in the old scoreboard (North stand). I think we won 2 nil.
First proper memory was SAT in the Kippax on line with the deadball line as a Alan Oakes 30 yard screamer hit the back of the net (Bilbao - won 3 nil) Awesome.
sheikh mansour's bank manager said:
Strange one but my first game was May 6 1998. 0-0 draw with Jamaica at Maine Road. It was a World Cup warm up for them pre France 98. 4 years old at the time. Nicky Weaver's debut as well

As you were so young, are you aware that this was actually given as an away game? Jamaica hired the stadium and then invited City to play them. I think they produced their own match programme. City had no proper involvement as such.
Leeds at home, late '77. Lost 3-2, Channon and Barnes scoring for us. IIRC Barnes missed a chance in the last minute to make it 3-3.

I was in the Platt Lane on one of those old park bench efforts, while Leeds scored in the goal directly in front of me. After Channon had put us 1-0 up as well.

The first game I took my eldest lad to was the Charlton home game a week after the last Maine Road derby. He'd be about the same age I was when I went to my first game. Sat in that awful scaffolding between the Kippax and the North stand. Lost that one as well :(

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