Your own personal favourite memory of this wonderful season.

Yayas goal at the final combined with the immediate time right up till the final whistle blew, then for about half an hour after that till I finally calmed down a little. For all the corkers we've had this season, the semi final, De Jongs goal, some high scoring matches, nothing, and I mean even '99, came close to how I felt in that time. When Yaya nearly tore the net off and we all went completely mental, utter anarchy, then I was stood with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath, then the horrible realisation that we still had time in the match left, then feeling rather sick, then just sheer unrivalled celebration when we all knew it was over. I couldn't scream any more no matter how hard I tried, I picked up someone and started jumping up and down, everyone was hugging everyone else, some were crying, some were still cheering like the goal had just gone in.

If Gillingham in '99 galvanised you as a City fan, knowing that no matter how shit City could make you feel they would come through in the end and make you feel on top of the world, then the FA Cup was that and more. Sure it wasn't preceded by a relegation, but 35 years is a long time relegation or not, and to see us lift that trophy will remain with me forever.
chaddblue said:
We'll see plenty of seasons as or more exciting as this one. This was just a taster!
I hope so but this was one hell of a campaign!

Ive got a question: even if the scum win the champions league, who has had the better season, us or them?

I honestly have to say us, cos we dont give a shit what they win, yet our trophy drought was so so precious to them, so our 1 trophy has (IMO) done more damage to them than their potentially 2 trophies have brought them in terms of satisfaction if you know what i mean!
Being in Albert square at the home comming, I was at the home comming in 76 with my dad, he died 16 years ago but it felt like he was at my side on Monday.
Yayas goal in the semi final - an amazing game and the feeling after it overrides any i've had (city related) up to date. Fantastic
Cant decide between Yaya's goal in the final or his goal against the other lot!
Being at the final with both my lads and also with my brother who had came from Los Angeles and knowing City were back where they belong at the top.
Obviously yaya's goals, the final whistles etc but they were everyone.

But for me personally.....

The moment when a very very kind bluemooner messaged me to say he could get me an FA cup ticket.

The moment my brother phoned me the day before the final to say he had managed to get a ticket from a blue police woman in Leeds and was coming down.

Meeting Uwe at breakfast

The guy on top of the beer tent at the greenman........

But above all the contented feeling as I sat on the plane as I took off back to Sydney, the trip was mad (and expensive)- flying to the other end of the world for 4 days organised at the last minute to watch us win our first trophy in my 30 odd years following city. As we took off I knew every minute and every dollar was worth it and I had amazing memories and that I had been at what apart from wembley 99 would be the biggest city moment of my life!
The whole cup semi weekend,51 years old and still got great enjoyment from standing outside the Greyhound pub drinking Red Stripe and giving the two fingered salute to the rags in the buses going past.
Sunday papers next day was brilliant as well.
Being on the same row at both semi and the final with friends and family was very special for me.

Being about 18 rows back on level 1 in line with the penalty spot when Yaya scored was pretty damn good. As others have already said when he smashed it in we knew we had won a trophy for the first time in 35 years was pure relief and ecstasy in equal measure.
My proudest moment and why I'm a blue was the survival Sunday. I was in a bar in Seville with 11 other mates. 4 of us were city fans and 4 were Birmingham City fans watching the spurs v Bham game.
Us city fans were following our game v Bolton on our phones via text/twitter etc whilst the others were witnessing their beloved team get relegated.
Us city fans were obviously inwardly ecstastic about securing 3rd place but didn't let it show we showed humility towards our mates plight and shared a drink with them.
Sitting there I thought about how a typical Utd fan would have behaved in that situation - I think we all know the answer!
We are good losers and let's hopefully continue to be good winners too!
A very proud blue.

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