Considering becoming a vegetarian

Plenty of meat eaters are healthy too.

I rarely eat chunks of meat now like beef but I do live a roast lamb dinner occasionally. I’m of farming stock myself and our sheep were reared well and treated impeccably. I also disagree with not stunning the animal before it’s slaughtered. The is custom with kosher and types of halal.
Going veggie is probably going to be harder than you might think at first. Foods that you think are veggie, often turn out not to be because of the additives (food colouring, rennet, bovine collagen, beef/pork gelatin, etc.). You can even get caught out with some beer's and wine's.

Don't skip on pulses and nuts. These are full of vital nutrients for a non-meat eater, and while your body might not get on with them at first, you'll soon adapt. Consider vitamin supplements if you feel you need to, but always make sure they are vegetarian as some aren't.

Once you get a handle on it, it's not too bad. I was full veggie for about 15 years. My missus and youngest daughter still are. I eat a veggie diet when I'm at home, and only eat meat when I'm away from home now.

Vitamin supplements and all the rest are useless. The science us in, absorption rate is practically fuck all. All you need to do is Google how to replace certain nutrients with actual food. Nuts and pulses a must, I've always loved fruit and veg, hence the complexion of a 20 year old angel.

I did source an ethical dairy that doesn't seperate calf's from their mothers, the cheese is fantastic, but because I haven't eaten dairy for nearly a year, it was not pleasant. So, no cheese. Don't ever try vegan cheese. It's beyond harsh criticism.
Anyone with a sports-lean should check out this doco:

Then come back and say "hurr durr you need meat to get muscles"
Militant vegans can go fuck themselves. Storming a steakhouse to protest whilst people eat or forming human chains around the turkeys in Asda to stop people buying them. I believe in making your choice but leave others to make theirs too.
I must say that i'm by no means militant about my meat consumption. I like it but my enjoyment is waning. I've gone off chicken altogether and only really eat beef now, and occasionally pork.
As I said, I can say fuck all to anybody. My favourite was lamb. However, one day in a walk I passed by a transport truck full of sheep. I went over to look in and it was one if the saddest thing I ever seen, they all just looked at me as if they knew it was curtains for them. A couple came to the gap and I stroked their heads. Felt like shit and stopped eating lamb about three months before I chuckled it all.

I have never regretted it, even though I do still miss stuff from.time to time. I don't miss how I felt. That was much worse.
Militant vegans can go fuck themselves. Storming a steakhouse to protest whilst people eat or forming human chains around the turkeys in Asda to stop people buying them. I believe in making your choice but leave others to make theirs too.
Where do you draw the line on personal choice?

I ultimately agree though that such vegans probably don’t help the cause though. No matter how right they are.
I had a pet lamb called Herbie yet think nothing of eating meat.

The bird catches the worm and the cat catches the bird. I used to spot Sophie wandering around with a live or dead animal in her mouth. Why would an animal who is frightened of death inflict it on others? You don’t get a vegan cat either. She’d go fishing in next door’s pond.

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