Russian invasion of Ukraine

Something becoming clear out of all of this (as I explore Russia and Putins activity since 2005) is how much democracy has been fucked up by these guys. He has a clear aim of splitting western alliances, of creating chaos, using fake news for his own ends. Brexit and Trump MUST have been caused in large part by his war against western society and values? And some of the groups of people that it turns out are strongly linkled to russian propaganda money wtf.

Oh and Arnie is a real gem, really like him
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Very much this, these guys wouldn’t even be carrying a gun half the time in a normal operation. They would be in a command unit with company radio ops, mfcs (mortar/artillery fire controller) asc’s (air support controllers).
They wouldn’t normally be ambling to the front line to tell igor to stick it reverse and rock the apc when it’s stuck in melted snow fields etc.
There was a report that one of the generals was killed by his own cock up. He apparently mad a telephone call on an insecure line that was eavesdropped by the Ukrainians which gave them a precise location, the rest as they say is history. Fuckin amateurs.
I don’t agree they don’t want it to succeed - they are just a bit useless at anything that can’t be solved by throwing weapons, drugs or money at it. It doesn’t strike me as that difficult to create something as basic as a messaging board where we can offer rooms and Ukrainian refugees say they would like to take us up on it. It doesn’t need to be fancy people just want to help not worry about a fancy app
I think they are (wrongly) worried that in 6 months time the daily mail will run a story about 14 families in one house being made to wash cars.
The govt. have been criticised re the covid loans and the amount of fraud. They tried to be decent but as you say, they are useless at organising anything.
Something becoming clear out of all of this (as I explore Russia and Putins activity since 2005) is how much democracy has been fucked up by these guys. He has a clear aim of splitting western alliances, of creating chaos, using fake news for his own ends. Brexit and Trump MUST have been caused in large part by his war against western society and values? And some of the groups of people that it turns out are strongly linkled to russian propaganda money wtf.

Oh and Arnie is a real gem, really like him
yes, I remember it well, walking down the street and a big russian guy tells me, " oy! you, englishman capitalist pig, you vote for brexit, or else" otherwise the thought of voting for brexit would never have entered my head, I can tell yer.
yes, I remember it well, walking down the street and a big russian guy tells me, " oy! you, englishman capitalist pig, you vote for brexit, or else" otherwise the thought of voting for brexit would never have entered my head, I can tell yer.

chunks of the brexit advertising on social media came from Russia. as well as the twitter bot army ( over 10 million pro brexit tweets got linked back to them )

But its a conversation for another time.

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