PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

One thing is abundantly clear, the burden of proof is so high for the Premier League, I fail to see how the panel reaches it.

They would need to physically have former players waiting outside in the corridor to give evidence against us.

And if they had that, we would have known it in the four years we have dragged it out and it would never have gone this far.

It's a final Hail Mary, yet still predicated on non-compliance and when we are comfortable showing the supporting documents.

BDO will stand with us, as will all our sponsors and investors.

And that's before we discuss in essence, the temerity to put Khaldoon in the dock and him supposedly complicit in mass financial fraud.

The damage to his reputation alone and the boards he sits on would necessitate him to personally seek legal recourse.

It's a can of worms.

Whilst it is the PL who have to prove their case and not City who have to prove tries, the burden of proof is not actually *that* high, being ‘Only’ a balance of probabilities…

At the end of the day, the PL’s only interest is in further expanding the value of the league and having the best product possible - their actions in making such extraordinary accusations against the club make clear that the idea this is just some internal politics and City are being thrown under the bus is laughable. The PL would not publicly going for one of their own members, dragging the reputation of the ‘product’ and its past 15 years through the mid without the belief that they have a rock solid case, just as City are undoubtedly confident they have a rock solid defence.

The key point to note is that the idea this is done by the end of the season is bollocks. This will run for years, and a part of me wonders if the Qataris joining the league will work in City’s favour here…..

They’re going to want to bring Mbappe over from Paris, and build a galactico’s team wearing ‘Visit Qatar’ shirts at the ‘Visit Qatar’ stadium and won’t want any definitive ruling against City standing in their way.
The only clubs outside of the traditional top 4 to win the Premier League since it began over 30 years ago is us and Leicester. Blackburn only won it back in the day because they spent a ton under Jack Walker.

I haven't studied the subject in depth but my impression is that, on the odd occasion you get a surprise winner, their carcase is immediately picked at by the richest predators so that success can't be sustained without continuous investment for a number of years to fend them off. Made impossible, of course, by FFP.
Thats bile, you d get better information from an open conversation down the local. Snivelling bias gobshites who are getting giddy because they dream of getting something out of this. It is pathetic, none of them should even have a platform to voice their sad inflated opinions.

**** in relation to the nev/carra talkshow ****
It’s us a can of worms but these history clubs don’t give a shit! They’ve paid the media last 10 years to write lies continually!

So all this now all this shit coming our way and how long it takes they don’t care they’ll be loving it..

It’s the American way take out the threat the competition!

I hate to break it to you and others mate, but these history clubs don't pay the media.

They don't need any help or motivation to write shit about City.

We are simply gatecrashers to a closed shop and that familiarity with them means clicks mean pounds for them.

A generation of brain washed gimps, trying to smear City's achievements and ensure the current and next generations aren't Blues.

Clear and obvious...
I’m not one to usually post on forums, in fact this is actually the first time, but with everything that has transpired over the past few days coupled with the flagrant arrogance of football ‘fans’ i’ve felt compelled to respond.

I won’t go down the road of emphasising the misery it brought me at school, although relevant it’s hardly exclusive, but what I will focus on are the sheer levels of hypocrisy that are emerging, hypocrisy that we all knew existed but couldn’t truly demonstrate because one club was state owned (originally) and another was bankrolled by a horrendous group of incestuous yank capitalists.

During the past decade Manchester City have produced the best football ever witnessed, scored the most goals and essentially made a mockery of an English pyramid headed by two teams in Red, both dominant in respective decades due to the majority of investment and all the perks that it brings - better players, trophies, more fans - similar to ourselves although we still can’t sell out our stadium allegedly (heard some ball bag on the radio the other night claim we only get 30,000) but we’ve never been truly allowed to appreciate it.

Certainly amongst ourselves we have rejoiced: QPR, Villa, Leicester, Liverpool, United etc but there’s never been a moment where we’ve not had to suffer the ignominy of a loutish fat tosser down the boozer who so flippantly decries our achievements as being tinged with falsities, arab money, financial tampering, inflated sponsors (words he can’t even spell let alone understand) or; when faced with some facts that he struggles to dispute, barks treble or twenty times in our face like a petulant child, remnants of last night’s dinner still smeared around their mouth, before slinking off with their fellow minions, fortified by the fact that we’re yet to win the champions league.

Dealing with people like this is allegedly part and parcel of the sport, working class ribbing and ‘friendly banter’ to be expected amongst rival fans… except that it’s not, it’s tiresome, absorbing and ultimately annoying to the extent that it has literally sucks the fun out of it all, a bitterness echoing loudly in the streets, on social media, on whatsapp, in the boozers and at work, fully grown men and women focusing their jealously through petty barbs, goading people into responding to try and deflect their own pettiness and insecurities.

I’ve maintained for a long time that there are no truly decent rags and I’d like to think that over the past few days that any lingering doubts people have had to the contrary have been extinguished. Having to listen to people try to explain something to me that they know even less about than I do is tiring enough but when you’re also faced with a bombardment of populist media shills and ex-players, let alone the very organisation that your football has done so much enhance the brand of, then I could be forgiven for giving up and just accepting the inevitable.

But then the final piece of the jigsaw fell into place and all the ‘coincidences’, the collusion and corruption finally jumped right out and smacked me in the face… Qatari investment. All the false sentiments and morality, the things we’d known for so long that were simple mechanisms to try to mask their spite finally shone through. I mean, we should have known it was coming when the media tried to condition the public into believing that it was because of City and Newcastle that clubs like Liverpool and United had no choice but to seek state investment, as though they were forced into it.

Make no mistake the timing of Monday’s announcement, the delay to the Independent Regulator, the two week window it potentially gives the Qatari’s to meet the Glazer’s deadline, displace the Governments dependence on one State’s finances by shifting it another - may sound a tad too conspiratorial but can anyone truly pretend they don’t agree?

If the above goes through, which it most probably will, all the murmurs of human rights violations will disappear, vanish as though they never existed and the truth will present itself because all this has ever been about is no longer being the best… like the most popular child at school suddenly losing his grip on his peers, the only way to try to regain that is through manipulation and lies.

Personally I believe we’ll prove our innocence but on the back of this it’ll instil a whole new level of tribalism and toxicity and so we must never forget the way we’ve been treated. Never pretend that this was okay and never lose sight of the fact that we were there when we were shit! MCFC. x
Great post
I’m not one to usually post on forums, in fact this is actually the first time, but with everything that has transpired over the past few days coupled with the flagrant arrogance of football ‘fans’ i’ve felt compelled to respond.

I won’t go down the road of emphasising the misery it brought me at school, although relevant it’s hardly exclusive, but what I will focus on are the sheer levels of hypocrisy that are emerging, hypocrisy that we all knew existed but couldn’t truly demonstrate because one club was state owned (originally) and another was bankrolled by a horrendous group of incestuous yank capitalists.

During the past decade Manchester City have produced the best football ever witnessed, scored the most goals and essentially made a mockery of an English pyramid headed by two teams in Red, both dominant in respective decades due to the majority of investment and all the perks that it brings - better players, trophies, more fans - similar to ourselves although we still can’t sell out our stadium allegedly (heard some ball bag on the radio the other night claim we only get 30,000) but we’ve never been truly allowed to appreciate it.

Certainly amongst ourselves we have rejoiced: QPR, Villa, Leicester, Liverpool, United etc but there’s never been a moment where we’ve not had to suffer the ignominy of a loutish fat tosser down the boozer who so flippantly decries our achievements as being tinged with falsities, arab money, financial tampering, inflated sponsors (words he can’t even spell let alone understand) or; when faced with some facts that he struggles to dispute, barks treble or twenty times in our face like a petulant child, remnants of last night’s dinner still smeared around their mouth, before slinking off with their fellow minions, fortified by the fact that we’re yet to win the champions league.

Dealing with people like this is allegedly part and parcel of the sport, working class ribbing and ‘friendly banter’ to be expected amongst rival fans… except that it’s not, it’s tiresome, absorbing and ultimately annoying to the extent that it has literally sucks the fun out of it all, a bitterness echoing loudly in the streets, on social media, on whatsapp, in the boozers and at work, fully grown men and women focusing their jealously through petty barbs, goading people into responding to try and deflect their own pettiness and insecurities.

I’ve maintained for a long time that there are no truly decent rags and I’d like to think that over the past few days that any lingering doubts people have had to the contrary have been extinguished. Having to listen to people try to explain something to me that they know even less about than I do is tiring enough but when you’re also faced with a bombardment of populist media shills and ex-players, let alone the very organisation that your football has done so much enhance the brand of, then I could be forgiven for giving up and just accepting the inevitable.

But then the final piece of the jigsaw fell into place and all the ‘coincidences’, the collusion and corruption finally jumped right out and smacked me in the face… Qatari investment. All the false sentiments and morality, the things we’d known for so long that were simple mechanisms to try to mask their spite finally shone through. I mean, we should have known it was coming when the media tried to condition the public into believing that it was because of City and Newcastle that clubs like Liverpool and United had no choice but to seek state investment, as though they were forced into it.

Make no mistake the timing of Monday’s announcement, the delay to the Independent Regulator, the two week window it potentially gives the Qatari’s to meet the Glazer’s deadline, displace the Governments dependence on one State’s finances by shifting it another - may sound a tad too conspiratorial but can anyone truly pretend they don’t agree?

If the above goes through, which it most probably will, all the murmurs of human rights violations will disappear, vanish as though they never existed and the truth will present itself because all this has ever been about is no longer being the best… like the most popular child at school suddenly losing his grip on his peers, the only way to try to regain that is through manipulation and lies.

Personally I believe we’ll prove our innocence but on the back of this it’ll instil a whole new level of tribalism and toxicity and so we must never forget the way we’ve been treated. Never pretend that this was okay and never lose sight of the fact that we were there when we were shit! MCFC. x
Thats not a bad first post pal.
I’m not one to usually post on forums, in fact this is actually the first time, but with everything that has transpired over the past few days coupled with the flagrant arrogance of football ‘fans’ i’ve felt compelled to respond.

I won’t go down the road of emphasising the misery it brought me at school, although relevant it’s hardly exclusive, but what I will focus on are the sheer levels of hypocrisy that are emerging, hypocrisy that we all knew existed but couldn’t truly demonstrate because one club was state owned (originally) and another was bankrolled by a horrendous group of incestuous yank capitalists.

During the past decade Manchester City have produced the best football ever witnessed, scored the most goals and essentially made a mockery of an English pyramid headed by two teams in Red, both dominant in respective decades due to the majority of investment and all the perks that it brings - better players, trophies, more fans - similar to ourselves although we still can’t sell out our stadium allegedly (heard some ball bag on the radio the other night claim we only get 30,000) but we’ve never been truly allowed to appreciate it.

Certainly amongst ourselves we have rejoiced: QPR, Villa, Leicester, Liverpool, United etc but there’s never been a moment where we’ve not had to suffer the ignominy of a loutish fat tosser down the boozer who so flippantly decries our achievements as being tinged with falsities, arab money, financial tampering, inflated sponsors (words he can’t even spell let alone understand) or; when faced with some facts that he struggles to dispute, barks treble or twenty times in our face like a petulant child, remnants of last night’s dinner still smeared around their mouth, before slinking off with their fellow minions, fortified by the fact that we’re yet to win the champions league.

Dealing with people like this is allegedly part and parcel of the sport, working class ribbing and ‘friendly banter’ to be expected amongst rival fans… except that it’s not, it’s tiresome, absorbing and ultimately annoying to the extent that it has literally sucks the fun out of it all, a bitterness echoing loudly in the streets, on social media, on whatsapp, in the boozers and at work, fully grown men and women focusing their jealously through petty barbs, goading people into responding to try and deflect their own pettiness and insecurities.

I’ve maintained for a long time that there are no truly decent rags and I’d like to think that over the past few days that any lingering doubts people have had to the contrary have been extinguished. Having to listen to people try to explain something to me that they know even less about than I do is tiring enough but when you’re also faced with a bombardment of populist media shills and ex-players, let alone the very organisation that your football has done so much enhance the brand of, then I could be forgiven for giving up and just accepting the inevitable.

But then the final piece of the jigsaw fell into place and all the ‘coincidences’, the collusion and corruption finally jumped right out and smacked me in the face… Qatari investment. All the false sentiments and morality, the things we’d known for so long that were simple mechanisms to try to mask their spite finally shone through. I mean, we should have known it was coming when the media tried to condition the public into believing that it was because of City and Newcastle that clubs like Liverpool and United had no choice but to seek state investment, as though they were forced into it.

Make no mistake the timing of Monday’s announcement, the delay to the Independent Regulator, the two week window it potentially gives the Qatari’s to meet the Glazer’s deadline, displace the Governments dependence on one State’s finances by shifting it another - may sound a tad too conspiratorial but can anyone truly pretend they don’t agree?

If the above goes through, which it most probably will, all the murmurs of human rights violations will disappear, vanish as though they never existed and the truth will present itself because all this has ever been about is no longer being the best… like the most popular child at school suddenly losing his grip on his peers, the only way to try to regain that is through manipulation and lies.

Personally I believe we’ll prove our innocence but on the back of this it’ll instil a whole new level of tribalism and toxicity and so we must never forget the way we’ve been treated. Never pretend that this was okay and never lose sight of the fact that we were there when we were shit! MCFC. x
Very articulate for a schoolboy:-)

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