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  1. B

    US Politics Thread

    so does that mean im not alowed on this site if i have a interst inufos and this an trick or ritual fr new people cos its a strange way to say hi.
  2. B

    UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

    not very good at typing i knowlove my lsd tho and it helps my thought proces. im better if i slow down but i lose my train of rather b me actualy so let it go
  3. B

    UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

    ha.i had to think about that one at the end :)
  4. B

    UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

    have we stoped being ineterested.idoes make me wonder if all the lieing the us gov does has blunted peoples interest.
  5. B

    UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

    its likely theres a solar system never mind planet for every single person on the planet.what dofus would believe were alone? we live with mans limited knowledge of its own understanding of space and always makes me laugh to hear the explaination of the birth of space when the new...
  6. B

    TV Series

    have you guys got the freevee channel here.there's a show called jury duty with a ordinary guy and a hollywood actor ina jury but he don't know its not a real jury just all actors.kinds like that real life jim carey film trueman show.its funny and weird.
  7. B

    Last Film You Saw

    I watched a film called inside. william dafos in it.kinda weird.not sure what to make of it but it was interseting even tho i wanted to hate onit.
  8. B

    Oral hygiene

    She must a been hellagood at head then.maybe that was the mouthwash?
  9. B

    US Politics Thread

    Are you a us lincoln or brit lincoln? our names fr cities and states cn crossover? now im not lookin for fightin or nthing im just interested. is better to be openly racist if thats what you claim republicans are or undercover racist making promises two blacks that never see the light? think...
  10. B

    US Politics Thread

    are you a liberal?jus curiuos
  11. B

    Oral hygiene

    She must take her oral very seriously?
  12. B

    Trailer Time...

    gonna hit the hay but this looks good
  13. B

    UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

    This stuf sounds cray when you watch or listen to it. are pilots that see this stuff on the grind or what?
  14. B

    UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

    had to lookit up agin, but the show is called moment of contact and the trailer is on youtube here i don't know if you can see that but it was interesting i thought.
  15. B

    UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

    But what if this visiting process has been happening for centuries or millions of years and were only just catching it? what if were the seeds of plantation and there just coming to see what there expreiments are? some visits maybe manned and some actualy come to see firsthand? theres a doc made...
  16. B

    TV Series

    Macfadyens the english actor, right? hes accent has come on during this show. way better than series 1 when it jumped all over the place. still couldn't pinpoint where hes supposed to be from tho haha!
  17. B

    US Politics Thread

    Ive been reading up on some of this and bidens team are not alowing him to debate anyone. that says a lot to me.
  18. B

    US Politics Thread

    Is it not okay to vote republican if you are black? i haven't seen to much or anything from biden for black voters. i could be wrong ofc, but i haven't seen anything.
  19. B

    TV Series

    Okay thanks.
  20. B

    TV Series

    Hi friend (1st post). I was just about to ask a question on "The Diplomat" when I read this. I'm confused as theres 2 shows US and UK with the same title. I keep seeing how well rated the show is on US review networks, but which one is the rated one as I think I might want to watch? Thanks in...

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